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Everything posted by Foxxie

  1. People, give me an idea to fanfic about. Then I'll upload it and perhaps you'll enjoy it. It's a win-win unless, of course, my story sucks.
  2. Still changes his avatar more frequently than I do.
  3. I used to share an account with my best friend when we were in fifth or sixth grade, I think it was and we kept it together through middle school. Needless to say that that stuff's a bunch of junk. xD My current account is completely empty.
  4. Yes. Eventually. I might unearth my fanfiction account to show you guys or I could just link you to any of my roleplays.
  5. Walking fast. Faces pass and I'm home bound.
  6. Urk, I guess I could write some new ones and show them to you. Mostly, the stuff I write just falls to the bottom of a large pile and I never see it again. Speaking of writing, I probably should respond to my RP. Hey Boney, we should collaborate on a fic!
  7. Ficcing (is that a verb?) is fine. Being a fic writer and a roleplayer, I can relate.
  8. *returns the glomp assuming I'm not on the floor or falling down a flight of stairs or anything*
  9. I try to do both. I've run into a lot of subpar supports so far that have resulted in great kids which I actually end up benching because I prefer using their parents more. It's nice to have a balance of excellent support/pairing options and a few kids with superior skillsets. Crizix is right that you can have it both ways if you want.
  10. I'd usually say no but it's virtual. What's the harm? Glomp away.
  11. I have to go with Sage on that one. I have bad luck with Valkyries. What's your favorite martial art, then?
  12. It has. But it was interesting to know how many people find Kjelle ugly. Is it just the armor? Because she's not terrible looking. Like I said before, all of the second generation characters are pretty well put-together.
  13. Admittedly, the eyes are probably the most difficult part to pull off because they are so relatively small, dark, and intense that very few people could fit that description. At least she's got the figure and the costume for it.
  14. Glomps are running-tackle hugs. Any aggressive squeeze-hug could also qualify.
  15. And now for something completely different. Hi Boney!
  16. A lot of my favorite books are very old and I don't want to sound like a fuddy-duddy so I'll have to say it's probably between Nabokov's Lolita I swear I'm not a pedophile but that book is great or Proust's In Search of Lost Time.
  17. Glomps can be downright terrifying. I understand the smack-impulse.
  18. I can't narrow it down to one game, what's wrong with you? I won't waste my breath on ones I could conceivably get or have already preordered (Kingdom Hearts 3 and Pokemon Y for example) but I'll say FFXIII-3 Lightning Returns. I sold my PS3 so I missed out on that. And Tales of Xillia but that only came to my attention very recently. Is there a book, videogame, comic, or television series you would love to see adapted into another medium that no one seems willing to take the risk on?
  19. Sure thing. I was just about to go and PM them, actually.
  20. I'll pick up Ninfia's dropped claims of: フォッコ / Fennekin (Pokémon) ポチャマ / Piplup (Pokémon) ポッタイシ / Prinplup (Pokémon) エンペルト / Empoleon (Pokémon) Azure/Inigo (sharing with Ciarre) Chrom!Morgan (sharing with Ace Tactician) Ranulf (from Fire Emblem 9/10) I'll add on Tethys and Rennac from FE8. Now just to update my list and move it to my profile.
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