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Everything posted by Bananas

  1. Marth I think they'll probably keep him in all future SSB games because he's one of those NES era dudes, so he's classic, and, he was the first FE lord EVEEEER. Yeah, they'll be keeping him. As for Ike, well, I'd like to see his RD-self as a playable character.
  2. Does anyone have the convo between Stefan and Micaiah when you recruit him with her? I've never done it, (I always use Mordecai or Lethe for it) but I'm guessing the only reason he appeared to her was because she's branded and he wanted to help out one of his kind. Maybe their branded scent wears off the older they get. Like with Soren, in his info convo with Ike in endgame he talks about how he passed by many laguz on his way to Crimea and how they sensed him and hated him for what he was, but all the laguz he's been hanging around recently haven't said anything about it (Ranulf, Skrimir, Tibarn, Reyson, etc.)
  3. Joshua, hands down. I always end up killing Marisa on Eirika's route when I try to recruit her >.>
  4. Wolf will probably get replaced for another Star Fox character and Lucario, for a newer Pokemon. Maybe even Ike for a newer FE character (hell, it happened to Roy!)
  5. I thought Muarium only knew Micaiah was branded because he saw it while she was washing her hands. I'm probably forgetting something...
  6. You'd think Ranulf would be able to tell, having fought him twice. Maybe even Tibarn... Maybe some of the laguz's senses aren't as strong as others?
  7. There should be a "never used her" poll option. I've never bothered with her because I use Lugh. Judging by what everyone else has said... I don't think I should try her any time soon.
  8. My last playthrough: 1: Edward (shit, I don't know how the hell he ALWAYS ends up being number 1, and I mean ALWAYS) 2: Boyd 3: Haar 4: Mist 5: Sothe I was so shocked when I saw that Ike wasn't even in my top 5, considering he's usually number 2. I was even more shocked to see Sothe up there, I swear I hardly ever used him.
  9. Haha, can you tell I've never used Astrid before? thanks!
  10. Simple question, Can you activate it with a bow? I wanted to use an Occult scroll on Astrid but I just wanted to make sure. Sorry if this has been asked before, but I'm too lazy to go searching >.>
  11. Oh wow, I feel like a real douchebag while I'm reading other people's posts. I've called many teachers "Mum" including male teachers. The most recent time was last year (IN 10th GRADE FFFFFFF) I put my hand up and went to say "MIIIIIISSSSSS!" but it came out as "MUUUUUUUM!" instead. My bad? I guess I whine too much to my mother
  12. Mostly at school, the rest I sorta guessed for myself.
  13. People who turn every conversation you have with them into something that is either about or to do with themselves. -.-"
  14. The costumes are nice but the bad wigs just ruin it ;_;
  15. but Sonic's his name and speeds his game ;_; whatever, I still voted Mario :P
  16. Heck no! I can't stand Nolan! Sorry, but Boyd is the only Reaver for me :P
  17. It sucks there aren't any magic swords, but Florete is pretty damn good. I think Mist got a lot better because you don't have to waste a load of BEXP/staff abuse to level her.
  18. Gatrie because HOLY CRAP HE IS SO AWESOME FFFFFFFFFFFFFF (God, he was so crap in PoR) Edward because he ends up being better than the rest for me, even if he takes huge amounts of babying Aran because he (along with Ed) is what saves my DB's ass in Part 3 and 4
  19. Ike because he's badass and is hax all around Shinon because he's badass and beats the hell out of Rolf and Leo Soren because he's also badass and is the only Arch Sage who ends up being able to double for me (without adept) ...did I mention how badass they all are? it seems those 3 are pretty damn popular!
  20. Ocarina of Time, hands down. Damn, I wish they'd do a remake or something.
  21. Clear the 10th floor of the ruins 3 times if I remember correctly :\
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