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Everything posted by Bananas

  2. I've tried, but whichever Trueblade I'm using Adepts+Criticals whatever they're attacking instead of activating Astra -.-" is the closest I've seen. I didn't count, but I think it's only around 15 hits.
  3. FE9 hates me for levelling. The rest are okay
  4. Which one? there's like, 4. I always thought DS's were pretty sturdy :\
  5. Well, that's crap then. I was hoping for some super secret awesome hidden art gallery :\
  6. So, I have an import of FE6. If I connect it to PoR will the character art show up or did they take it out completely in releases outside of Japan? I would have tried this already but I don't actually have a GBA link thingy D:
  7. Axes And staves, because it's so awesome to critical someone with a stick.
  8. Well, I voted yes. It could serve to be interesting or it could be a complete failure. Either way, I'd still play it.
  9. I guess you could say that. It's mostly aimed at teenagers but I've heard of a few adults liking it as well. I don't see why, though. I'm a teenage girl and I can't fucking stand it. It's just so poorly written, the messages that come across are stupid and the entire storyline just sounds like bits of other stories mashed into one book. It doesn't help that the main character is a whiney Mary Sue, either. I wouldn't reccomend reading it anytime toon.
  10. Bananas


    Yeah, pretty much. On Fridays you can't eat any red meat but white meat is fine. I'm supposed to celebrate lent because I'm catholic, but uh, I never give up anything and always forget about the NO RED MEAT ON FRIDAYS rule. I feel bad now ;_;
  11. How about a Sidekick/Hiptop? I don't have one but I assume they'd be alright for browsing SF
  12. I don't think it matters, unless you want the bond supports where they have to be standing right next to each other.
  13. I think Innes, with L'Arachel as a close second.
  14. I don't know about anybody else, but if Daisy got into a SSB game I'd main her. or at least try to...
  15. Finished another PT last night and tried out a half-new endgame team. It went something like this: Soren (A support with Ike) Edward (A support with Nolan) Nolan Leonardo (A support with Aran) Aran Kyza (No support) Mist (A support with Boyd who got left behind ;_;) Elincia (No support) Ilyana (No support) Tibarn (I couldn't help it, I fucking love Tibarn. Also, no support) Reyson (No support. I forgot about it with half these units) Up until now, Edward was the only DB member I'd ever brought to endgame (apart from Micaiah + Sothe) but I was pretty impressed with the other 3 I took (Nolan and Leo both capped everything, Aran capped spd, str and skl) Kyza was fucking awesome with a Laguz Gem. No further comment. Ilyana was decent, raped the dragon chapter. I still prefer Soren. Mist has been taken before, but this time she capped everything, so I let her go crazy alongside Ilyana with dragonfoe. The others I'd taken before, so, yeah. Oh, and I'd like to thank Celerity + Boots for giving Reyson some nice hax movement. NOW, IT'S YOUR TURN! :D
  16. In my last couple of PT's I used Leonardo over Shinon and he turned out great, always capped everything. Anyway, I call them "Sothe's friends" or just "The Dawn Brigade"
  17. The entire Twilight series. fuck. I don't think I'd hate it quite as much if everyone didn't keep going on about HOW GOOD it is and HOW HOT Edward Cullen sounds. It makes me RAAAAAAAAAGE
  18. That's fucking disgusting the poor dog...
  19. I only ever use Leanne and Reyson because of canto. And Lalum once, to recruit Percival.
  20. Fusion: Combine attacks with an adjacent magic-user at half accuracy Sages/Archsages only Activation: Command
  21. I bought Dark Conflict (PAL name for Days of Ruin) a few weeks ago Haven't finished it yet but it's fun so far. It's like FE with tanks and shit :P
  22. Teach Leafeon last resort instead of return
  23. I don't either, except for when I answer it: "Hello? Yes, I'll go get them" or sometimes "Sorry, they're not here at the moment" Yes, surprisingly, not all girls love to rack up huge phone bills!
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