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Everything posted by Luchi

  1. @Vaxmillian: At least you got Kagerou. ;_; She's been evading me like the typical ninja she is.
  2. Wow... Karel is averaging 43 ATK according to the Wiki at Lvl 40. Add in his +10 Attack + his special and you've got a real sword demon. And he's got Defiant Attack and Desperation... I guess this is IS' apology for making him a rather mediocre unit in Blazing Blade. xD
  3. No wonder Karel looks so good. He was drawn by Senri Kita... Now I want to pull for him. xD And Rebecca looks super weird.
  4. Did a pull now. No Blazing Shadow units but I got: 4* Klein, finally I have a decent bow user. ^^ 3* Est, now I have all three Whitewings. 3* Sazio wanted Kagerou, but he's decent enough ( and new ) and the other two were dupes ( Stahl and Arthur, sent them home for feathers, now sitting on 28K )
  5. Wow, Ninian looks good. She really is a dancing dragon. xD And Karel has the Wo Dao, which looks... nasty. Sadly, Lucius is indeed a staff-bot. ;_;
  6. @TheSilentChloey: Hmm, I'd appreciate some reference art. ^^ I mean, I could use Heroes Lucina and Kozaki Chrom ( since his in-game artwork is a sad disappointment ) so I'd only really need Morgan. Aaand Lyn and Erk are here!
  7. Only BastianxLucia ( and all of Lucia's supports; her one with Ilyana makes me think she's Bi xD ) really stuck out for me in FE9. Hell, anything that comes out of Bastian's mouth is gold. You have to admire whoever wrote his lines since virtually every single on of his lines is spoken in iambic pentameter. Which is, needless to say, pretty difficult to pull off.
  8. Lucina makes me want to buy FE13... I'm also doubly fond of her because she was my first 5* unit. Wasn't too fond of Raven in FE7, but he is my best green atm. Murders M!Robin/Linde (my Red!Sword Lords biggest threats). I overlooked Roy in FE6 ( like most of us ) but he is the best Hector counter in the game. Just the fact that he no longer sucks as a unit ( I was lucky enough to pull him as a 5* ) makes him all right in my book now. Never played FE14, but I love Effie, Oboro and Setsuna ( whose voice is amazing. Even if you don't use her, keep her for that xD )
  9. I definitely want to see the wonder siblings of sex appeal, Lucia and Geoffrey for the next sibling bonds. And Miccy too, so she can join Sanaki. And the Sword twins from FE4. And Brigid/Adean. And Arvis and Asvel. And Ninian/Nils. ... .... Okay, I'll stop now. But I want Lucia the most. <3
  10. The Tellius recollection Vol. 1 has a height comparison chart if you guys want to work of that. Even if no heights are stated, we can still more or less gauge how tall they are. And the Oosawa-FE4 manga gives rough unofficial heights as well for the Gen 1 units.
  11. Are you one of those fans who has all the chibi files but lacked a template to put them together? Luckily I did one just now. ^^ See the attached .PSD file. You may need to use the free rotate tool in Photoshop for the arms and legs ( 15 degrees should about do it ). This is what I did with Lucina's bits 'n pieces. I tried to make it as accurate as possible. Still working on your wallpapers, don't worry. ^^ chibi template.psd
  12. I am not shoving scores into people's faces. Just stating a fact. Gee...
  13. Current score is 2.3 billion versus 687 million. Man, even Sharena and Eirika fared better.
  14. Tbh, the only person who can even challenge Lucina is Lyn. Even Ike will get roflstomped by Lucina ( or even Lyn, for that matter ). But I wouldn't mind if Lyn or Lucina won. =)
  15. Team Lucina: 1 Billion points in two hours... Holy crap. Team Eph: 344 million. LOL
  16. Yes, there are only two Reavers in the entire game ( methinks Tellius has too many Swordmasters and Paladins ). >< And Great Shield is indeed a different skill. If I actually coded Pavise it would be extremely broken since skills don't proc off a %.
  17. Metis: Yes, I can do a Lyn and a Serra for you ( practically any unit in Heroes atm, really. =) Blitzrick: All the Heroes artwork can be found on the wiki. ;) immatx: Hmm...I need to use the rather low-res version of the FE7 character art for Erk, but I'll see what I can do. =) And yeah, Sigurd is awesome. Read the Oosawa manga over in the FE4 sub-forum for even more Sigurd. <3
  18. Eph is getting his teeth kicked in. Good to see. XD
  19. I want to use the Heroes chibis for battle sprites, but since we have a grand total of exactly one character for Tellius, I have a long, long wait ahead before I can even do sideview battles. I suppose when Micaiah comes out ( I reckon she'll be released before Ike, since there are too many RedSword Lords in Heroes atm and we need more BlueTome users ), I'll do a mock-up battle scene of her and Sanaki. Though I do have a hunch more Tellius peeps will come out this month because of Cipher Series 9... Anyway, Reavers!
  20. I do want to expand on the backstories of some of the popular fan favourites like Mia and Nephenee ( while I'm not a fan of them myself, I could probably do a better job of fleshing them out in this game ) so they feel like real people, not stock tropes or blatant cliches. Half of FE9's cast falls into this sadly: You've got the brash food-loving mercenary who swings around a huge sword, the sullen goth who hates everyone, the womaniser, the red-head who hates the hero ( Shinon is almost exactly the same as Salamander from FF9 ), the Disney-princess, etc. They wouldn't feel out of place at all in a generic anime or an uninspired jRPG. Granted, FE in general is very anime-esque, but FE9 really turns it up to 11. Mia is a pretty shallow character if you really look at it. She's basically Fir 2 with a point to prove ( that women can make good fighters and I get where she is coming from, hailing from Begnoin and all ) but aside from that, her motivation to pursue the mastery of the sword is entirely selfish. So her arc would basically go from being an eager sword student to someone who realises that the weapon in her hand isn't just for show, but that it was crafted to defend, to protect. Giving her a possible romantic interest would definitely reinforce it, Or even someone with whom she develops a strong bond, it doesn't necessarily have to be romantic ( Mia doesn't strike me as the type to settle down, much like Ike ). She would make a rather excellent foil to Lucia here since the two are as different as chalk and cheese. So it paves the way for an interesting character dynamic. And then there's the whole 'white-robed rival' thing that was never, ever expanded on. The interactions between the two girls would probably result in mass hilarity ( like a gender-flipped version of Kieran and Oscar ) if done right. In the original games, Mia received zero character development. But yes, that's the general gist of how I'd detail one character's arc. =)
  21. Did another one for my favourite FE character, Lucia.
  22. Funniest thing ever when using a Lvl 1 as my leader ( it was Gordin )
  23. If I could choose one character from each Era... NES/SNES: Sigurd <3 GBA: Lyon maybe? Best villian after Arvis. GC/Wii: Lucia. Favourite FE character of all time. Already have Lucina for the 3DS era so--
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