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Everything posted by Luchi

  1. FE's main problem with its writing is that is just has too many darned characters. I'd be fine with a strat-game that gave me 20 ( or even 15 ) well-written characters who don't necessarily need to have complicated backstories to be compelling ( all of whom are reliable in battle, no more joke characters or units with lolBases ). The writers at IS could really take a leaf out of Yatsumi Matsuno's book...
  2. Since there is a topic covering how many 5 stars we have, I thought it would be interesting to see how many total units everyone has by rarity. =) Out of a roster of 110 units, I have: 11 5* units 50 4* units 43 3* units 6 2* units So, what are your breakdowns ( Ice Dragon will beat us all, watch me xD )
  3. I think I shall, but slaying them gets boring after a while when you start ORKOing things. xD Also, don't get the idea that Lucina is my favourite FE character, that would be Lucia lol.
  4. I tried a synergy setup for my Fire Emblem OTP, so here goes. May tweak it in time ( its kind of a blessing in disguise they haven't been released yet. More time to cultivate skill fodder! )
  5. For those of you who are wondering where your Ninos and M!Robins are ( at least I don't pull Wendys )... >:D I pulled a ton of good skill fodder while easter hunting yesterday.
  6. @SoulWeaver I would have done Cipher art wallpapers as well, but it is really hard to source all of the art without all the card detail. >< So I'm only doing Heroes-related art atm. However, I can try to do SR Roy for you as a phone wallpaper. =) And because I didn't pull her today, here is Bunny Lucina! <3
  7. 5* tally is 11 now, what with pulling Easter Xander x2 and Easter Camilla. Still haven't promoted any 4* yet.
  8. Hmm... Effie impaling people with my spare Xander's Carrot Lance+... Could give me massive shits and giggles if Ike ever shows up. XD
  9. Both my Xanders ( one is +DEF, the other is +RES ) and my Camilla are -ATK lol. I suppose I can work around it.
  10. I was a mini-whale today. Out of 79 orbs, I managed to nab..
  11. I'm siding with the wyverns to suppport Cherche. ^^
  12. Summer FE4 BBQ for the win.
  13. Adorable with the bunny ears, but not sexy. However Kozaki Heroes!Banner Chrom is. Even if he does appear to be missing an arm. xD
  14. Even if I don't manage to pull either of those adorable bunnies, I'm definitely making wallpapers for all of them. ^^ I love the art.
  15. Ike looks older than 20 though, lol. Looks closer to 24-25 to me. Guess he'll age horribly like his old man then lose his fangirls. xD
  16. I literally burst out laughing when I saw the trailer. Hammy voices, over-the-top outfits? Bunny-eared Heroes? This is absolutely rididiculous and hilarious at the same time. Even funnier when you think Carrot!Xander can counter regular Xander and Bunny!Lucina can counter regular Lucina. Imagine seeing all four of them in the Arena. I'd be laughing too hard to actually battle them. xD
  17. I know.. I really need more 5* Blues/Greens... ><
  18. Getting to Lvl 40 really isn't hard. At. All. And Rehabitate is dead useful for restoring near-dead units to full HP. For a 'mere' 2000 feathers? Totally worth it.
  19. How can you kill such an adorable thing? xD
  20. Chibi Heroes Lucina + bunny outfit/ears = cuteness overkill. That is, if it is Lucina. It could be Ninian for all we know...
  21. I'll just put this out here: If Elincia was willing to sacrifice her beloved milk sibling for the good of her country, what makes a person think she will leave her country/abandon/elope after being confronted with such a difficult decision? She clearly did not want to sacrifice Lucia ( as see by the post-Execution scene where she literally collapses to her knees) but did because it was her duty. The Crimean Civil War didn't just strengthen Elincia's bonds with her retainers, but forced her to grow unto the character most of us know and love.
  22. Imagine if Ninian turned into a gigantic rabbit and pounced on people...
  23. People thinking Ellie will abandon Crimea really don't get her character... (sigh)
  24. I think they're saving Tellius for season 2 ( or beyond ) with Burger King and Ashnard being major antagonists. I like to headcanon that Japan is getting their revenge on Ike ( by not releasing him ) because he defeated Roy in CYL as payback. xD
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