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Everything posted by Luchi

  1. That's the one where I encountered Horse Emblem + Azura. ;_;
  2. My win streak was just ruined by another Horse Emblem team with a 57 ATK Ceclia and a 53 ATK Rein...
  3. Finally broke 4500+ to break into 4600+ territory. Already have a defence win. Against Ike, no less. >:)
  4. Did some more Heroes chibis. xD And I did this one for shiggles. Did some stats for them as well for laughs.
  5. Easily Lucia. When I played FE9 a few years ago I normally kept a few stat-boosters on hand to help out those gawd-awful bases of hers (why IS... ). Due to her obscene growths, she ended up capping her STR/SKL and SPD for me. >:) And then I data-transferred her over to RD. Good times.
  6. I was slaugtered. xD Horse Emblem + two Reins? Yeah no. I probably needed to field a double Hector to counter that lol.
  7. I ran into a Horse Emblem team. And they had two Reins...
  8. I'm wondering what to do with my spare Hector... Sacrifice him to Effie for Distant Carrot+, or merge him...?
  9. lol set-up makes no sense at all. I once saw a Hector with Wary Fighter too. xD
  10. @Harvey Here you go. https://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?/topic/70189-what-is-the-character-you-are-waiting-for/&page=1
  11. There was already a thread for this, but I'll probably just repeat some of my most wanted units: Jugdral: Sigurd + entire 1st generation. Sword-twins for 2nd gen as well as Ares, Leaf and Altenna. Elibe: Pent, Louise, Percival, Isadora, Harken, Echidna Magvel: Gerik, Tethys, Marisa, Selena, Cormag Tellius: Lucia (I'd glady become a sea mammal for her <3), Elincia, Micaiah, Geoffrey
  12. Hype moments, you say: - Beating pretty much any Lunatic GHB. - Finally breaking through the 4500+ mark for Arena. And anytime I get a defence win. - Having Lucina as my first 5* pull, then getting Hector (x2) and Ryoma from those Hero Fest banners. - Upgrading +ATK/-SPD Rein to a 5* to turn him into my ultimate ORKO Pony of Death. >:) - Hearing Dusk Falls for the first time.
  13. Rein-man, Haxtor, Lobster Lord + bonus hero for Arena. Probably my best all-round team atm. I felt bad about ditching Lucy (since she was my first 5* and all) but Ryo is such a great hard-counter to all those annoying Green mages. Double Blue set-ups for defensive wins. Those poor Mar-Mars and Lucinas. I'd kill to kill a few more Ikes though.
  14. I think I will join Team Julia, even if I don't have her. Need to suppport a unit from my favourite continent, after all. ^^
  15. So no trained bonus units for this arena season, but I am getting defence wins again. I got a score of 288 using a double blue set-up of Catria and Reinhardt, as well as the two usual frontliners of Ryoma and Hector. Might train up Zephy and run him alongside Hector for Goad Armour.
  16. lol, I think he's neutral. Your curse has not spread to me. >:)
  17. Current 5* roster. So gooood to get a 2nd Hector.
  18. So I decided to sit down and look at all the skill fodder I have for future units I want but are not yet in the game.
  19. Decided to do another spur of the moment pull. I was sitting on 17 orbs ( mainly from the May quests and leftovers ), then decided to just buy the last three orbs. Lo and behold:
  20. I really like Roy's Binding Blade ( and still annoyed it didn't get DC in Heroes :/ ) but I'd throw out an HM to Tyrfing, Valentian Falchion and Lolseti.
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