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Everything posted by InvdrZim13

  1. Okay I'm pretty sure we've fixed all the issues we were made aware of/found, so let's try this again. Download 1.7.2 here!
  2. There won't be any new chapters in 1.7.1 but you will need to restart, old saves will not work with this version. We've pulled the download link until we fix all the text errors/bugs we came across. It'll be back when 1.7.1 is done. Also, check out this Nero commission that cryopon did!
  3. I'm gonna pull the link to DL this version because it looks like we missed a lot of text formatting errors when we did our edits, sorry for the inconvenience, expect 1.7.1 shortly.
  4. Yup, sorry about that, we're working on fixing those asap, feel free to join the discord server if you're not in it already and post screenshots of where they are so we know what to fix.
  5. Hoo boy do I have a thing for you: Pick up the patch as soon as 1.7.1 is done "Hello, everyone! This is Galastan, editor for Staff of Ages! We’re very excited to bring you a lot of great content for Fire Emblem E3 this fall. First, however, we’ve prepared a primer for you all to whet your appetites before taking on the first half of Owen and Sawyer’s separate adventures in the second arc of the game. Below is a brief outline of what you can expect from this round of changes. Skills The flagship feature in the Pre-FEE3 Staff of Ages update is one that I’m sure all of you have heard about at this point in time: the skills system! Much like modern Fire Emblem games, we’ve adopted a skill system to add a dynamic layer to combat in Staff of Ages. However, we are very aware of how bloated the skills systems are in some of the more recent games, including Fire Emblem: Awakening and Fire Emblem: Fates. We’ve taken steps to reduce the impact of combat bloat, while also making every round of combat interesting. Each character is capable of having three skills at maximum, not including class skills like Canto, Steal, Silencer, Locktouch, Dance, Crit +15, and Summon. Every character has a personal skill that interacts with their personality, class identity, or a combination of both. Additionally, every class unlocks a skill at level 10. In short, a character will have a personal skill, base class skill, promoted class skill, and any baseline class skills that I’ve mentioned above. I won’t elaborate on what classes get which skills, but you’ll certainly notice them as you play through a fresh Staff of Ages run. And be sure to watch out for powerful skills on certain boss units, and even regular skills on generic enemies! You’ll certainly have to be careful and see what the enemies you’re up against are capable of. Buildfile Staff of Ages has completely moved over to the buildfile system of compiling data. As a writer, I don’t know too much about this, but I do know that your old saves will not interact with the new buildfile version of the game. You’ll unfortunately have to start over, but it puts you in a prime position to experience Fire Emblem E3 content, which will interact with your buildfile saves. Balance Changes Alongside a round of character balancing—of which I don’t have the specifics—many maps have been altered to better mesh with the new skills system. Some enemies have been moved around, others added, and some removed entirely. You’ll have to see for yourself on your next playthrough of the game. Some maps that have had very significant changes are 1-8, 1-9, and 1-F. These maps have undergone development before the skills system, so they may not play out exactly the way you remember. Story Changes As a writer, this is the section of the patch notes that I can inform you the best about. I won’t reveal anything wholesale here, but I will provide you an outline of what’s different from before. The biggest, most important change was that of Federica’s (NOT Frederica) character. We as a team weren’t satisfied with how she was portrayed in the 1.6.1 1-F postchapter, so she’s undergone some restructuring to better fit with our idea of her character. The early stages of the first arc of the game have also been edited to better include Sawyer and Owen in the premise of the story. Additionally, we’ve expanded the characters of several units you’re familiar with, including Seneca and his cronies Dahl and Matteo. Kalvesta, and even the likes of Aurora, are two other characters who received several changes to make their characters more dynamic. Overall, the story still plays out the same. Seneca kills Kalvesta, Belle flees her homeland, and forms a motley crew to retake it from the clutches of its usurper. The changes we’ve made, in our opinion, make the story a more fun and interesting thing to see play out. And we have much more to share with you in the coming months... Art A few portraits have been edited. Keep an eye out for them! Music Songs have been tweaked/improved, instruments have been changed so songs from the vanilla game and our custom songs will sound different. The Future What can you expect in the near future? Our FEE3 lineup includes the beginning of Owen and Sawyer’s respective solo adventures in our second arc route split. Team up with Owen as he travels to the icy reaches of Toska in the north, in a risky gambit to cut off a major supply line to Arynden, or follow Sawyer as he ekes out his own path in defiance of the woman who seized control of Fortuita following Belle’s near-mortal injuries. However, while these stories play out, who’s to say that Fortuita, and her new queen, won’t be revisited? Power up your units with the introduction of promotion items! Every class (excluding thief and lords) has three classes to choose from upon promotion. Some will be new, others old favorites from the GBA line of Fire Emblem titles. Meet new units! Some exclusive to the route you choose, others shared between the two! Travel with both Owen and Sawyer on separate save files to meet every possible Staff of Ages character! Take care in building your army, trusting nobody, as we gear up for the third and final arc in the future. Thank you for supporting Staff of Ages! This project is a labor of love from many talented Fire Emblem fans, artists, writers, and game developers. We hope you’re enjoying the game, and we can’t wait to deliver more exciting content in the future!
  6. I guess I should actually get work done now. Project: Staff of Ages Platform: FE8 Showing: Patch and/or interview if you feel like it.
  7. Usurpers Bellows and Snake upon the Throne are original songs, Counterattack is from Shadow of the Colossus
  8. Somewhere in the resource section should have a map making guide
  9. You haven't provided anyone with any details to grab their attention and get them on board. Right now it looks like you want someone to do the heavy lifting for you while you contribute here and there. Make a demo chapter or two, provide screenshots, read some tutorials and try to figure things out on your own because right now I can almost guarantee that nobody is going to be willing to help you work on this based on what you've given us in the OP.
  10. In theory yes, unless we do any massive changes, saves with the new version should work with future ones.
  11. Are you referring to the routes in act 2? Because neither of them are even close to almost done. And even when they are done, they're both coming out at the same time, one route won't be release before the other. Right now we're planning on fixing some dialogue stuff to make it better, rebalancing the early game around skills, and putting a new release out soonish. Note that this release will only be Act 1 still, but it will have skills and you will have to restart your saves. Old saves will not work with the next release.
  12. Personal skills for all the Act 1 playable units are done, still need to finish up a couple boss personals. Then maybe work on act 2 can progress more.
  13. I wouldn't even worry about art until you actually have something concrete to show people. Ideas are a dime a dozen and people want to see something before they commit to working on it.
  14. Eventing is easier than art. You're better off learning how to do it, because most of the people who can event already have their own project.
  15. There will be all kinds of skills for classes as well as personal skills.
  16. ^That None of your old saves are going to work with the next version, you're going to have to start over anyway.
  17. in 1-1 if both the green knights at the bottom live you get a dark tome for owen and an anima tome for Sawyer, I'm pretty sure they don't go down easily so in theory it should be easy to get that.
  18. There's no ballista in 1-11 in the next version, so problem solved there. I think those two are the only ones that change if Marcius is still alive.
  19. Act 1 writing is already undergoing revision, but I don't promise anything. Yeah the RNG will do whatever it wants, Sometimes you get good units and other times the same units end up trash. Gyazo or ShareX You're probably not going to be able to solo later chapters with her. And Seneca's sword is just the sword of Fortuitan rulers so...
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