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Everything posted by InvdrZim13

  1. Just as a general note, if you go poking around in SoA to find hidden things or cheat or whatever. Don't bring it up here, if you break something it's your own fault, and while the odds of finding something hidden isn't likely as each release only has the stuff it needs, don't spoil anything for anyone else if you do stumble onto something.
  2. You're not going to find anything relevant in nightmare considering the chapter was put together with events. It replaced the prologue.
  3. The most we'd do for Oona is give her 5-10% more magic growth, given she starts mounted and has magic access before promotion. Not sure about the fire affinity stuff but we'll change some up if we determine that it's an issue. In other news Darius might see some minor nerfs to help differentiate him from Nero, and I haven't had a chance to work on the new chapters because of school.
  4. So I finally got around to making the route split code work.
  5. Eh, I'm fine with them having the two options, they're utility and removing lockpick use takes away from that.
  6. There was an issue with Kate's Griffon Rider promotion option, we've since fixed that. Although if you do break something in your ROM through cheats, it's your problem and not mine. There's actually ~3 promotion options for most classes. Except thieves because any third class we tried to think of felt shoehorned in and lame.
  7. I'm having no issue accessing her stats, whatever bug that is was fixed
  8. You don't. The promoted animations aren't ready, This shouldn't come as a surprise given no promotion items were given during act 1 and they won't be promoting normally anyway. I don't even know what this means.
  9. Alright so it appears that the asm routine we were running to restore a unit's HP when they were hexed is making the game just go to black instead of running the ending event. If you're affected by this issue, download v1.6.1, patch it over a clean ROM, rename it to whatever you named your old ROM, open up the save, end the chapter again, and it should work fine.
  10. There should be things going on after you seize, send me a save or a savestate and I'll take a look.
  11. There's tutorials for how to splice and stuff too, nickt also has a collection of free to use mugs for projects.
  12. I'd keep fleshing out the plot, as well as reading up on eventing and other hacking stuff to start familiarizing yourself with that part, as you're probably not going to be able to find someone to do the events and all that for you.
  13. According to Usenti you're over the 16 color limit.
  14. I'll have to look at the RES stuff but I dunno if we'll make any changes if we determine that they're fine as they are. Glad you liked it!
  15. They correspond to how high the unit's growth is in that stat (hit select to see the actual growth rates). Also, 1.6 is ready, DL it here, you don't have to make a new save, but I'm gonna say make one anyway because units changed and stuff.
  16. You're allowed to ask, the answer you will generally get is "when its done" or "don't ask for a release date", for obvious reasons.
  17. Well the sniper isn't there in the new version, and you'll get a sword cav sometime in act 2 in one of the routes. Can't remember which one though.
  18. v1.6 will probably be out tomorrow or Saturday, it changes up some units stats and other things that aren't unit stats: 1-F got a redesign, the NPCs aren't horribly out of the way now, and enemy unit placement/composition have been redone. The sub bosses in 1-F are more threatening now. Cavaliers are split into sword/lance/axe. Eagle is now a lance cav. 1-1 has been updated to let Eagle not get fucked by all the fighters that existed originally. Darius is now a Sword Armor kinght and comes in with a Steel Blade (and he's the only one with the CON for it) Axel comes in with an axereaver as well as his iron lance. Soldiers now gain exp at the same rate as everyone else, so Axel won't level faster than your other units anymore. 1-8 and onward have more horseslayers now, to threaten units like Eagle and Rika. Some more text has been edited. At least one mug has been updated. In order to experience all the changes, you'll have to make a new save. You don't really need to, but I'd do it so you're getting the new experience or whatever.
  19. The game remembers what level they are so you can just load them in at level 1 and it'll be fine.
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