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Everything posted by InvdrZim13

  1. Not even shilling my incomplete FE8 eventing resource smh Cam
  2. SoA is the exception not the rule, most people do the majority of the work on their own.
  3. I am saddened. In other news, O2-1 is finally done, and S2/O2-2 will start getting worked on shortly. 16(+2) chapters to go...
  4. FEditor should just work if you have the java stuff installed, that's weird.
  5. Not outside of unit placement, no. Doing it normally, I have an (incomplete) eventing resource for FE8 in my signature, and is also linked in the resource thread.
  6. I guess I'm not good enough for a tag
  7. how many were hiding in the lower treasure room tho
  8. It's either ripped from VGMusic or Circles did it himself
  9. If you wanted to play the MAFC 3 submission, you can download the patch here!
  10. Oh right submission download link. Boop.
  11. Been trying to get some work done on this while I was on break but we're currently running into issue after issue with the buildfile method so that's grinding to a halt again. S2-1 is still the only act 2 chapter that's 100% complete. Fortunately I'm smart and have not committed to any definite release date for more content, it'll get done when it gets done.
  12. Arch's guide to chapter construction goes over the basic idea of how conditionals work in GBAFE, but it's focused toward FE7. The conditional codes for FE8 are in the documentation for EA (which you should read because it will help you learn it on your own). How conditions work in FE8 can be found on my eventing resource thread. You'd probably have to run a turn event that's checking if they're alive or not every turn, and if they're not it does whatever you're trying to get it to do.
  13. I don't think he'd give someone permission to work on it in his stead. Even if he did, most of the good ROMhackers are busy with their own projects. And the majority don't use FE8.
  14. Memes and shitposting is hardly a track record
  15. Updated nightmare module link. Read Arch's guide to chapter construction, read the FE8 EA documentation, go from there.
  16. I'm fairly certain tutorials exist for custom animations. And it's basically guaranteed that you won't get permission to use the animation.
  17. Use this thread for any questions related to eventing/event assembler. And don't forget to read the documentation for EA, which is found in the folder you downloaded for it.
  18. Ripping custom animations from another hack (especially the animation for one of the main characters) is an incredibly bad (and stupid) idea.
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