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Everything posted by InvdrZim13

  1. Is it a US ROM? If it is I dunno what to tell you, it's patching fine for me.
  2. The FE8 eventiel uses the wrong codes for things and isn't worth using outside of camera/map things, like my guide says.
  3. Updated it a bit, definitely recommend reading the ultimate tutorial and some of Arch's stuff to get your feet wet before you start eventing.
  4. Yeah Eagle's is wrong, I'll fix that real quick. And so are Charles' growths. Shit. Growths fixed and hopefully a bit more readable now. And don't worry, we've got a plan to keep Aurora as an appealing option.
  5. The guide assumes you have basic knowledge of hacking and eventing (such as having read one of arch's eventing guides). I need to update it with some extra stuff but I won't be able to do that for a few hours.
  6. The growth doc I linked who knows when before is up to date for growths. I'll have to put a link to it in the OP. Yeah I'll have to buff that new unit, they need a few more points in some stats.
  7. FEditor is a shit program that erases your text entries and replaces them with other things. http://www.mediafire.com/download/vzkst5ip5mtq931/Staff_of_Ages_v1.1.ups Hopefully this version doesn't throw you into the unfinished 1-9 and actually sends you back to the titlescreen lol
  8. I finally pulled myself away from Overwatch/WoW long enough to start 1-9
  9. It feels kinda weird seeing fan art drawn. Never expected that to happen.
  10. Woke up today with a reddit message containing this! Huge thanks to Neroit for drawing this!
  11. I believe I figured out why it's freezing. It was checking to see if that archer that's near her was alive, and hiding him if he was, since the bastard will persist and show up in the cutscene if he's alive. The check wasn't working and causing the game to hang, so I just move the archer more to the right. Edited Patch 1.1 to reflect changes - Aurora doesn't attack people now (the fix I've done isn't ideal but it'll work till we figure out why she's doing it). - The Epee's description has been fixed. - 1-8 no longer freezes when you kill Regina. - Chest with the heal staff in 1-7 now properly opens once you unlock it Let me know if you find anything else!
  12. I believe that's just an issue with the effective weapon warning hack that circles has done, I'm not sure if he has a fix in the works yet or not. At least the hp bars are functional
  13. It used to be turn 4 but we changed it to 5 to give the player more time to get near her.
  14. I literally have no idea why Aurora is attacking people
  15. I haven't tried it so I don't know if it's possible but I'd recommend just patching a clean ROM since 1.1 is the version future versions are going to be built on.
  16. And here it is! We've fixed a bunch of stuff and changed some things, hopefully the game is more enjoyable now!
  17. Oh hey more FE8 stuff. Neat. You could change Gardy to Gurdy for maximum laziness while being slightly original
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