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Everything posted by InvdrZim13

  1. See this thread, where I answered the same question. My example uses FE8 but it's the same exact thing for FE7.
  2. Or you can be CC and just do it in EA
  3. S-Rank supports when I'd say the hexing rod, but I'm pretty sure people are already working on that.
  4. Wizards needed, I'll let you know if I think of anything that needs doing.
  5. Oh shit it's more progress. 1-1 is wrapped up and done, work on 1-2 has begun.
  6. I think we're pretty good for testers right now, but thank you for the offer.
  7. There'll be a restore staff available before they start showing up for sure
  8. Yeah no I'm not littering the game with these assholes. But the hexing rod isn't a status... so other status staves could still ruin your day :D
  9. Hexes will not stack. They also won't show up super often, maybe 3 or 4 chapters in the entire game. Also the more evil the better. Gotta make people think and plan their movies carefully.
  10. Your hp is cut in half for the duration of the chapter. It's not a status, there's no way to restore it without beating the map.
  11. InvdrZim13

    Toa's Sprites

    <3 Look at this handsome purple devil
  12. If they didn't hate us already they might start hating us now
  13. Yup. Figured it'd be easier to keep track of arcs this way.
  14. The first 3 maps have drafts done for writing and are just waiting for revisions right now, 1-1 has the eventing mostly completed, and that's already a good chunk of what we need to finish for the first release, so I'm feeling pretty good about making these deadlines. Fingers crossed for no delays
  15. So, current plans: A patch containing up to 1-7 (which is mostly old stuff, 1-1 to 1-3 are new maps we added for rewrite purposes, 1-4 to 1-7 are the old demo chapters except updated to match the rewrite stuff) should be out by or before the end of June. The current goal is to release the end of Arc 1 (aka Crown of Thorns) for FEE3 (as in, that patch will go up when our video goes up), arc 1 is planned to be 12 chapters total, and this release date gives us plenty of time to fine tune and improve what we have based on feedback from playtesting. After that will be a route split, one following Owen and the other following Sawyer, which will be about 8 chapters each, and after that the final arc, which is planned to be 10 chapters, making it a nice even 30 chapters per playthrough.
  16. /r/fireemblem has one that can be found here: https://discord.gg/0oiErpwGKkn1m4CW
  17. I assume it's probably the same type of deal for FE7, but in FE8 all you have to do is edit one of the death quote things in the death quote nightmare module to have the event id be 0x65 on whatever specific chapter you want.
  18. At 0x0AAEBC change 0x0B to 0xFF Solution source
  19. I think Toa just gave him colored arm-band things for flair, or something to that effect. Send me a sample/some references and I'll pass it along to the writing team for review.
  20. Owen is beautiful now and, according to his mini, done with your shit
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