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Everything posted by InvdrZim13

  1. Yeah, Alusq has been a big help with touching up the older portraits and making them look much nicer. In other news I (finally) have a bit of writing to insert into the game, so the prologue (which is now 1-1, since multiple arcs) is getting there in terms of completion. Optimistically I'll have the rewrite stuff done up to where we were before the rewrite stuff happened (which would now be 1-7) before FEE3 and will be able to show off some new stuff for it. Realistically I dunno, it depends on how much writing ends up getting done.
  2. Tbh I've yet to figure out if he's really serious or just a troll (I'm leaning towards troll), but I never thought I'd see him leak outside of reddit.
  3. And in other news: Some of the portraits have been updated New Elijah New Axel New Darius
  4. It was a combination of Fates and classes tbh Yeah Midnight Sun does it and I thought it was a good idea because who even uses the guide.
  5. Always good to see more FE8 hacks pop up. Let me know if you need any help with eventing.
  6. Oh shit it's been literally months since I updated this. Well school's finally out for me, so I can focus on working on this way more now. No new build ready yet, but it should be done by FEE3 if not sooner. In the meantime, here's a thing: The guide menu is being repurposed into a Lore/Info area (which, once I figure it out, will unlock as the game progresses).
  7. pfft who needs the world map when you can just skip it. There's actually some event related stuff for the world map that we know but I don't really know it (since I'm not using it lol). I definitely need to read through all the EA 9.11 docs for FE8 and see what things exist for use in it and then somehow figure out what they all do.
  8. Hopefully it'll be better when the big ole fe8 eventing guide is complete
  9. Yeah I'm getting the same error from the DL like Maybe remove Fire Emblem from the file name and reupload it?
  10. Plenty of time to procrastinate finish some of my hack. Project: Staff of Ages Platform: FE8 Submission: Patch (hopefully something beyond the first few chapters but we'll see how that goes)(and an interview I guess if you reaaaaaaaalllly want me to do one but I'm not making promises on the quality of that)
  11. Just my 2 cents, but I had something like this for Staff of Ages (except on Reddit and not here), but we made it more limited by design so we could tweak submissions to fit better (and not end up with a bunch of characters with the same personality). Letting them choose a class might not be good for your game's balance, unless you're reserving the right to edit them as you see fit.
  12. Nah man just have him murder all the characters people like in some sort of horrific way it'll be great. Viper vs The Mountain part 2
  13. This belongs in the questions subforum. And to answer your question, you would have to take the time to redo the song as a MIDI (and not using an online converter because those don't work) and then insert it into the ROM by following one of those music inserting tutorials. If you're asking how to put the song in so it sounds like that... I'm pretty sure you can't.
  14. InvdrZim13

    Toa's Sprites

    To be fair there was/is quite a bit of cleanup for that
  15. The real damage isn't from the canons, it's from his pointing finger of shame
  16. Save states won't work with the new version either, since they just load a version of that rom that was made when you made the save state iirc
  17. Sure saves him a bunch of time with getting people to do his bidding.
  18. Well... uh, Seneca is only the main villain for part 1, after that it kinda goes back to evil wizard king trying to do bad shit (but hopefully will be written far better than how I summarized it lol) I'll fix it later Yeah pretty much everything is subject to redesign right now, I don't think anything will be final for awhile.
  19. We're working on developing all the characters better (including Seneca). I'd fix it but I'll just wait till I have our new story stuff ready to get put in lol uuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh... I think all of them are still subject to tweaking and edits.
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