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Everything posted by InvdrZim13

  1. I think this is the thread from FEUniverse
  2. Yeah, I'll have to take a look at reworking the enemies a bit to make it a bit less tedious
  3. A lot of this might end up being redundant since I already responded to Ghast, but oh well. Will definitely work on the event stuff once I get this homework out of the way, and I'm already giving everyone else the info they need.
  4. I'm gonna look over all this in a bit (read: when I get my ass out of bed), but yay feedback
  5. Depends if it's about the wall of text or not Either or works for me
  6. Hopefully I have a new version of some sort out before that
  7. Sure! Demo is kinda rough around the edges (some stuff is fixed in a newer version but that one's not ready to ship) But it's here now, and I guess that's what matters
  8. I totally forgot to post it but here's the current demo patch for anyone to try!
  9. I was trying to insert the events for a chapter (the event file itself is incomplete, but the beginning event is mostly set up). The file assembles fine, but when I try to open the ROM up in FEditor there's an error saying "There was an error processing one or more file streams". It's being inserted at the end of the ROM, so it shouldn't be overwriting anything important. So I'm not entirely sure why this is happening when the other chapters inserted just fine. Also, I can insert the map for the chapter and FEditor opens the ROM no problem, but as soon as I assemble the events for that chapter, it gives me the same error when I try to open it. The ROM itself works fine when I try to play the chapter as well (if that information matters). It also doesn't seem to matter if the events go immediately after the existing data in the ROM or X amount of space beyond it, and I made sure that only one thing was open at a time when I was editing the ROM, but the error still happens. Contents of the event file in case they're needed:
  10. I think tibbyflaps or however you spell it sent them the mug and they assumed tibby had permission to use it.
  11. I'm proud of my shitty recoloring of Asch though :(
  12. For Staff of Ages I've sent the demo to Snake Mom to LP and to Ghast for the digest video, though an updated version is coming soon with various fixes, with a public demo release here whenever the video for it goes up (it probably doesn't matter, but I don't have any preference for which day it ends up on).
  13. Is 8D00000 a typo or did you actually insert it there? Because I'm not sure if the ROM can go to that offset if it isn't one
  14. It sounds like an interesting idea to me. My question asking skills are meh, but if you get some good ones it could turn out well.
  15. I guess I'm just used to oversized pictures of VBA :P Here they (mostly) are again with the screenshot tool lol (Eagle's being reworked)
  16. Force of habit from all the screenshots I end up taking of random junk mostly They're probably janky because my VBA is larger than the native resolution of GBA stuff
  17. Not much has changed for them (Sawyer has a new placeholder portrait), but here's a bunch of them You may be wondering why they aren't all the same stylistically, that's because with my lack of artistic talent I've got a few different people doing mugs (along with some taken from NickT's collection)
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