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Everything posted by InvdrZim13

  1. It's actually 4 chapters tho Even though it's probably out of date already since we're working on changing things up.
  2. It might be 4 chapters, it might be more. Either way by the end it'll be more polished than Bender's ass
  3. So just a quick update, preliminary talks with the writers/a few other people it's looking like some pretty significant changes are going to be happening to what we have so far story wise. ... Which means the demo is going to be redone to a degree (with a couple extra chapters by the looks of things). I swear we'll get past chapter 3 eventually.
  4. Problem is the myrms/mercs can't damage him with iron weapons, they might need steel, and he doesn't take that much damage from the fighters either. The mages can threaten him but I don't want to make them too much of a pain for the rest of the army to deal with. Eagle/fixing everything else is kind of a bigger priority though, so Darius will get worked on later.
  5. I meant his bases, they might need to go down a bit. I'm also concerned with Darius when there aren't threatening armorslayer enemies on the map, since he's basically a wall of death and I don't want him to end up like Kevin from TLP
  6. Definitely agree with the first point, I'm talking with the writers about redoing some of that stuff. For the cutscenes: Yeah I know about the skipping, I've been meaning to fix these things but I haven't had a chance yet. I'll try to get to it when I have the chance but I'm not sure when that'll be. The prologue in particular needs a bunch of changes since it was the first event stuff for FE8 I wrote back when I had no idea what I was doing (not that I'm an eventing master now but I know more than I did then) Yeah we've got to play around with balancing things out more for the prologue. Ch1: Actually has a new map and we've got to redo all the units anyway, so that'll probably get fixed. Ch2: I think this map is also getting a redesign too, which hopefully can help with the cramped feeling, once we edit more stuff. Ch3: My Eagles have never been that good He might be a candidate for a nerf then. And I agree that I went a bit overboard with the armorslayers, but Darius kind of eats physical attacks, so maybe the map needs more magic units instead. No worries, this is the kind of criticism we're looking for! Thanks for trying it out/giving us feedback!
  7. The wait for this release is going to be long and difficult. This is seriously awesome. I'll playtest or something if you want
  8. Oh good. I'm just weird and have to go back and fix things when someone brings up an issue. Some of the maps changed so I have to go back and redo those now anyway.
  9. Oh got it. I feel the need to reiterate that they're twins a la linus and lloyd and not like Jasmine and Paul Thanks! I swear I'm going to actually get past working on the first 4 chapters at some point
  10. Thanks, I think? I don't know the reasoning for why those names were chosen though
  11. Maybe I should actually give RWBY a shot so I'm not lost when it comes to this hack
  12. Okay so I think I've gotten things more finalized and now can actually call the demo done. Staff of Ages Demo Changelog (because I'm too lazy to include one with the patch): Chapter 1 now properly goes to chapter 2 without the world map stuff inbetween Rebalancing for some units Ch3 rebalance (Darius better be careful) Marques and Reece have their actual mugs now Bugfixes galore
  13. I'm not familiar with Mistborn, but I'm not sure if the head writer drew inspiration from anything when he started doing the worldbuilding/plot stuff.
  14. Minor updates, nothing warranting a new version (yet): World map now correctly skips between chapters Circles figured out where the stuff for the post chapter 1 stuff is and I'm trying to remove that without breaking stuff Oh, and chapter titles are actually in now
  15. Thank I'm excited to fix whatever errors get caught so I can move onto the next set of chapters
  16. So the FE8 version of the demo is "done" Link to v0.91 I wanted feedback for how to improve it before I started working on further chapters, because I'm weird and want it good before I can move on. KNOWN ISSUES: The post chapter 1 event with hayden is still there, haven't figured out how to remove it yet The world map still shows up before ch3 The conditional check for if Marques is alive at the end of 3 isn't working and always runs like he did Belle's animation is broken for some reason So yeah, let me know if anything isn't working right/needs fine tuning! Also, one issue I forgot to mention: Chapter names aren't updated yet because I still haven't figured out how to make them not look like shit
  17. One or two quick things: Mug quality is all over the place Some are good (like Leonidas), quite a few aren't (like everyone who's missing a neck or has a head too big for their body or vice versa Also pls change all the zoomed in faces to chibis for the minimugs They're better. And less lazy.
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