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Everything posted by InvdrZim13

  1. Thanks! About Eagle, odds are you just got screwed by RNG, because I just checked and none of my edits to the growths I made saved... So give me a sec while I actually fix those. EDIT: Patch updated with growth/bugfixes/etc for real this time (still 1.0)
  2. Patch updated, includes fixes for the 1-7 merc, the short axe, and some player unit rebalancing. And for the curious, current unit growths can be found here.
  3. Bloodlines, maybe. It's a nickt mug. What turn are you on? She doesn't show up right away.
  4. Woo! Initial feedback has been pretty positive, glad people are liking it so far!
  5. Oh good, you saved the NPC knights this time. Gotta get those sweet bonus tomes.
  6. Give it a try and find out for yourself, hopefully we don't disappoint!
  7. Thanks for giving it a spin! Newish, yeah. It's been in dev for a decent amount of time but the bulk of the work for this has been done in the past month or so.
  8. Oh good, I thought I broke something for a sec, lol. Thanks, enjoy!
  9. Ye Hopefully they do! It's a lot better compared to the old version imo.
  10. The wait is finally over ladies and gents, V1.0 is finally here! I want to give a massive thank you to everyone who has helped me with the project, without the writing team and artists this project would've been dead in the water a long time ago. You guys rock.
  11. Sawyer animation complete, courtesy of Toa. Everything is in except for the attack/defense replacements and the new animation we're planning for Belle. Unfortunately, those won't be ready in time for the release so they'll be added later on. Currently doing some final playtesting to make sure everything is correct before we release the patch.
  12. 6 days to go before release, currently waiting for one more thing for writing and a handful of art/music things (some animations, map sprites, a portrait, attack/defense themes, an enemy theme, and another boss theme).
  13. Except the magenta is for Most of the heavy lifting is done, we're just focusing on making it super polished now. Might even have time to squeeze 1-8 in. Maybe. I dunno. We'll see what the team thinks.
  14. Because I'm a lazy shit, here's an album of some new screenshots. Because updating the OP with them is too much effort.
  15. I do that shit all the time in my own topic and nobody gets on my case for it. I don't think it's as big a deal for concept/fan project threads, but then again it probably gets a pass usually since there's something substantive in the posts.
  16. InvdrZim13


    By the sounds of it he's done with this thread, but I'm not him, so I dunno for sure.
  17. The tl;dr here is it's just really, really bad.
  18. 1-5 done, waiting on the map before we can start work on 1-6's eventing. 1.5 chapters left, then we can really start polishing. Quick portrait updates Kelan got tweaked a bit New Stark Aurora
  19. The most up to date version of that is here While it's primarily aimed at FE7, some of the concepts still apply for FE8
  20. So it's about the Five Heroes then? Cause unless I'm remembering wrong, they made the Stones, sealed the Demon King, and then killed him. "In an age long past... evil flooded over the land. Creatures awash in the dark tide ran wild, pushing mankind to the brink of annihilation. In its despair, mankind appealed to the heavens, and from a blinding light came hope. The Sacred Stones. These five glorious treasures held the power to dispel evil. The hero Grado and his warriors used the Sacred Stones to combat evil's darkness. They defeated the Demon King and sealed his soul away within the stones." From FE8. They were given the stones, they didn't have to find them, they just kinda showed up.
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