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Everything posted by InvdrZim13

  1. I was going off the assumption that they knew how to do that, but yeah that's what they refer to.
  2. [OpenWhatever][LoadFace][0xFF][0xFF] will load the portrait of the unit that activates the event.
  3. Your last idea honestly wasn't much of an idea. This one sounds pretty close to the plot of Sacred Stones, I think you should take some time to expand on it and edit your main post with more info for us to know. So you know, it won't sound like just the plot of Sacred Stones. Semi-related: Have you started messing around with the hacking tools/read the various guides to hacking yet? If you haven't, I highly recommend you do so, because your first stab at FE modding should not be a full hack. Read the Ultimate Tutorial, mess around with the vanilla ROMs, and then you'll be far more ready to jump into making a full hack. And if you've already started messing around and learning things, disregard that.
  4. InvdrZim13


    There's... Literally nothing here for us to judge aside from base stats for a character with a really, really dumb name. Honestly you really should've waited till you had more info before you posted this because there's nothing here for us to look at/offer feedback on.
  5. I don't think you should include Eirika (or other vanilla FE people) period. It's dumb, lazy, and doesn't make sense in this context, she wouldn't be there if she wasn't able to fight. You also shouldn't be thinking about the end part of your game when you don't even have the start planned out. Sure, Jack can have your personality, but don't use first person because it makes it seem like you're putting yourself in the hack and not making him his own character. But as Snarkey said, blunt and honest is boring. Give him more depth than that, make him an interesting character. Seriously consider reworking your plot ideas, cause we're not just criticizing you to be mean, we're trying to get you to improve what you've got so you have something cool and interesting people want to try.
  6. Work on 1-4, AKA the chapter where shit starts going down, is going well. I'd estimate us at about 50% done with the content for the first release.
  7. The first suggestion that comes to mind is that you may want to reconsider the self insert stuff. Also For this mug, it just looks like his torso is two shoulders put together. Consider posting these to the spriting forum, they'll be able to critique these and help you improve your spriting. There's potential in this idea, but it definitely needs some polishing.
  8. Just use placeholders for now, and be patient until people offer to help you out.
  9. Unfortunately it doesn't work on linux, if you have a machine with access to windows you could always use that, or set up a VM with some version of windows on it (like 7 or something cheap) and use that. Sucks that it doesn't work on linux though :/
  10. Nope, we're keeping that one. All those other mugs are out of date, they've been getting editing for some time now (as you can see in some of my other comments)
  11. Oh there it is, time to update the link
  12. You're more than likely just getting screwed by the rng. The growths for the characters are pretty good for the most part. I think they sum up between 290-300 for their total growths. It should also be noted that you're playing an old version, since the game is currently undergoing a redo of the beginning stuff. Growths may have been modified a bit in the new version I'm working on.
  13. Prime already moved it lol Hasn't zephs stuff already been ripped anyway?
  14. Trainees and branched promos would be available. As for world map stuff, I have 0 idea how to hack it, but I sure do know how to skip it.
  15. Step 1: Read this Step 2: figure out what game you're hacking Step 3: Read arch's guide to chapter construction for 7 or my super WIP but always looking for more stuff to add to it FE8 version of that guide Step 4: Using the knowledge you've gained from these guides, start making something to show people. If they like what you have they might offer to help you out. Extra Steps: Read Prime's map making tutorial Check the spriter's resource for help on how2sprite It's a ton of work but if you can do it you can get more people on board to lend a hand and help make your hack something really neat
  16. Well for that then I'd just figure out what real life region the country is similar to and just use a name generator of some kind that can make a list of names from that region. If that makes sense. You should totally do FE8 so I can help you out with the eventing specifics. Cause I sure as hell won't be able to help much with 7
  17. I dunno how I feel about the concept in general but honestly you should probably use fe7 or fe8, 6 has way less support for it.
  18. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) very naice bluid
  19. You might as well start now since we don't know when XNA is coming. Read the Ultimate Tutorial by Blazer and after that when you've got a feel for things, read Arch's guide to chapter construction. Yes there's a bunch of reading and practicing involved but you won't get anywhere without it. Both these guides are incredibly useful for new hackers, and you're only shooting yourself in the foot if you don't read them and use them as a reference. And a side note, Hunger of Power sounds... really weird for a title. Hunger for Power, maybe? As for the name of Delos' founder, what we did for Staff of Ages was just name the continent after the sage lady who made the staff (Velhari), so you could be lazy and just pull that lol
  20. Oh boy look at that progress 1-1 is done, 1-2 needs some writing and eventing stuff added in. 1-3 is just awaiting tester feedback/fixes. so 3 chapters that are > 90% done, and 4 to go before the end of June. Whoot.
  21. I don't think NickT requires credit, but I could be wrong
  22. I'm pretty sure Pi is doing holy blood for FEIV (I could be wrong though)
  23. Thanks! Work is progressing steadily, waiting on some writing stuff for 1-2 before I can wrap that up and start on 1-3, which is fully written. Deadlines for this are looking pretty doable, assuming all goes to plan.
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