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Everything posted by InvdrZim13

  1. Have worked on it in the entire history of the hack? Uhhhhhhh, well over 20. Right now? Around 18 with varying levels of contribution. Over a year, which has seen a few redone versions (fe7 -> fe8-> the overhaul of the entire hack). The current version has been in development since May, I think. And we knocked out 1-1 through 1-8 in a month.
  2. Our FEE3 video drops today, and I'll be doing that AMA thing here/on tumblr assuming I get questions. So ask questions here or ask them over on the tumblr, and I'll answer them!
  3. It's in my sig though Yeah I'll figure something out for the answers
  4. Considering having an AMA of sorts when the SoA FEE3 video goes up over on the SoA tumblr because I want more followers so I'm shilling it because that seems like a better platform for fielding questions for whatever reason. They can probably be asked here but I'll probably answer them over there. Kind of want to gauge interest beforehand so I’ll know if there’s even enough interest for one, so let me know what you think I guess?
  5. I went with this version cause I've been on a WoW bender tbh. In other news, FEE3 starts tomorrow, and our video goes up in 6 days, which means the next patch is just under a week away
  6. For maps you can use FE Map Creator or Tiled, tutorials exist for both iirc, though you'd have to drop the sprites in on your own.
  7. It's in the chapter data editor nightmare module.
  8. Are you thinking of FE7x? Cause this isn't FE7x lol
  9. They appear in the order the talk events are in. So if Owen can talk to Eagle, Sawyer, Elijah, and Belle and the talk events are ordered EagleTalk SawyerTalk EliTalk BelleTalk Then Eagle will show up as the talk option until Owen talks to him, then Sawyer, then Eli, then Belle
  10. Minor feature teaser ahead of our FEE3 showing Credit to Tequila for making this!
  11. Among other reasons. And I'll restate it here because people might've missed the part of the title that says it, version 1.5 will be releasing at around the same time our FEE3 video goes up. Things that'll be in v1.5: The rest of act 1 (1-9, 1-10, 1-11, and 1-F) Some new items Various fixes to text and art Some unit rebalancing Given the changes that will be put in it's strongly recommended you start from the beginning for the best possible experience, otherwise you'll be missing things. Also, Melissa (Snake Mom/FrenchFroodle), will be covering the hack for FEE3 and if you want to watch things be done live, she'll be streaming it sometime on Saturday October 1st.
  12. Changing the class with Event Assembler instead of Nightmare might work.
  13. If I suffered the rest of you should have to suffer too so you guys should do it.
  14. Honestly you're better off having someone bite the bullet and learn how to do the hacking parts and not just saying "nobody has the time to dedicate to learning how to do it", you do have the time. I'm an engineering student and I had the time to learn how to do eventing, it sounds like you're just making an excuse to not learn how to do it. A lot of projects have one person doing multiple things (Ghast does a lot of stuff for Bloodlines, for example). Because like I said, most people with hacking knowledge are already working on their own stuff and don't have the time to dedicate to some other project they might not be motivated to work on. Once you learn the basics, eventing takes very little time, and the questions subforum can help you when you get stuck.
  15. I don't think we've done anything to Sawyer's sprite that's still the same, Belle's updated one will be in the next patch. That's an old picture, he's got 12 now. And it might seem low but consider that Seneca is a Swordmaster and has speed and his crit bonus, along with the fact that he's on a throne and gets the buffs from that as well. He's a lot scarier than you think.
  16. I'd suggest having something to show people to get them interested in helping (some mugs, maps, plot outline, etc). I'd also suggest (whether someone volunteers to do this or not, I don't know what your chances are of finding someone with the hacking knowledge who isn't already working on something) having some people in your group take a peek at the Ultimate Tutorial for a hacking primer, and Arch's guide to chapter construction if you're looking at FE7 hacking specifically. If you want to do it in FE8 I'd say read those things and then also read my WIP eventing wiki for FE8 which has a lot of the stuff needed to write events in FE8 but also needs to be filled out more eventually.
  17. Don't you just need an ALIGN 4 to fix that?
  18. I don't think there's a nightmare setting where you can tell the character what class to use, but you can just get/make the animation you want to use, insert it, create a custom class that's the same as whatever class you want the unit to be, and assign the unit to that class.
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