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Everything posted by InvdrZim13

  1. Possibly, but users picked character names, not us.
  2. Thanks for the feedback! Some changes have been implemented, and don't worry, we're working on giving Aurora something nice to make her an attractive unit to field.
  3. https://www.dropbox.com/s/fht0olgl9gzblba/Staff%20of%20Ages%20v1.0.ups?dl=0 Try this
  4. Can't help with the animation stuff, but I can point you in the right direction for the eventing. As far as I know there's not really any one single place for how to do eventing in fe8, but I'm working on fixing that with this. It has some good info on there, but if there's other stuff you want to know how to do feel free to ask.
  5. I'm also hopping on the discord server for your hack bandwagon Link to that
  6. Minor update: Work on 1.1 progressing smoothly. just have to change/add a couple more things and it'll be good to go. What's going to be different: Some of the writing is changed based on player feedback Tweaks to level design for some chapters Edits to bases/growths for some characters who were either not doing so hot or doing too well Narration stuff added before chapters to help inform the player of time skips/general world building type things And I think that's everything for what will be new, so keep your eyes open for that.
  7. She has less units for the most part so yeah they're a bit harder. World map eventuallyTM
  8. Thanks! I don't 100% know how we're editing it yet outside of making it move more so it's more... exciting? I dunno the right word I'm looking for, but yeah. Also, check out this super neat drawing I had done of Belle, Owen, and Sawyer! [spoiler=Art]
  9. Looks like I missed that one then, it'll be fixed the next time I update the patch!
  10. Download the patch like you would any other file and use whatever software exists on mac for patching (I don't have one, so I don't really know what you need)
  11. Pretty sure I've fixed that in my build but if I haven't I'll push a new patch out, though it'll have some changes to enemy composition/numbers
  12. Nothing I can share, even which chapters they popped up in would help.
  13. Yeah it's why there's not a bunch of misspellings and other grammar errors. Pointing them out helps us fix them though, where were the errors? Responses in bold: Thanks for playing/the feedback!
  14. Open nightmare Open a ROM in nightmre Click the load modules thing Navigate to your modules folders Pick the modules you want to use
  15. http://www.feshrine.net/ultimatetutorial/ Give that a read, it helps a lot.
  16. Oh man that's a lot of praise, thanks! Now to make sure we don't disappoint I'm super proud of the team and how we got it to all come together so well, so coverage is always appreciated! I fully intend on finishing it. I don't like leaving projects unfinished, might take a bit of time with uni and all, but it'll be done one day.
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