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Everything posted by Fleece

  1. idk man probably cold or flu virus i get paranoid when either season comes up
  2. i got bernadetta on that quiz victims of parental abuse gang rise up
  3. late but thanks for birthday wishes idk why i didnt really hear anything from most people this year 😢
  4. ya i never had a reason or means to fly out of the country but then pride's mom was like "hey we got a family member getting married in mexico do you guys want tickets too" and we were like sure so now i must get on that ASAP said wedding isn't until december but still
  5. o boy i had no idea the total cost of a passport would be SO EXPENSIVE its ok though i have time
  6. its just there for me to grace whenever i feel like it
  7. both prolly, it was super hot and i tried to keep up with drinking but there was a lot going on orz
  8. almost passed out yesterday stay hydrated kids
  9. 1. no clue, garth nix maybe?? 2. probably the development of nukes 3. sucky controller 4. controller, never used a stick 5. probably the time i microwaved a pizza and not only did it get burnt but the entire place was engulfed with some awful smelling smoke...it was bad 6. whenever i don't buy something i can afford and then realized i actually really wanted it orz 7. oh yes i just want to have less trouble getting up in the morning and be able to communicate better 8. spacey resentful curious 9. uhhh more money, knowledge, and bigger social circle probs 10. ngl i initially thought it looked shit, but timeskip reveal made me a bit more hopeful i guess i'm somewhat looking foward to it now but i'll have to wait and see before i decide if its worth a purchase
  10. 1. some of it is alright idk as far as fashion movements in japan go i'm mostly interested in stuff like fairy kei, mori girl, gothic lolita and menhera 2. was playing awakening at the time and it had a forum to socialize in so why not 3. none really, the closest things are bang dream and revue starlight which people treat like idol stuff but even the creators themselves have said they are NOT idol related (one is about bands and the other is stageplay/heavily takarazuka inspired respectively) i wanted to get into aikatsu but series with a bunch of episodes spook me...maybe one day 1. first: someone whos pretty relaxed and family focused who enjoys games and art current: pretty much the same 2. still not exactly sure, since i finally moved out of a stressful situation and put considerable distance between me and my parents i can finally get out of flight or fight mode and just focus on being responsible while also finding time to figure out what i want to do in life and try to improve my mental health i'm still in disbelief that i actually moved out and its taking awhile for me to get used to it 3. i don't really know how to deal with them. they can be pretty loud and my ears are sensitive, plus i feel like they usually don't like or respect me which hurts my self-esteem because it happens when even them or animals don't like me, its bad enough getting that feeling from people around my age lol i don't think so because its too costly, and even if we were financially stable it'd be a major health risk for me and any prospective kid i'm having if me and my partner really did want kids at any point we'd likely have to adopt or use a surrogate and we'd need a shitton of money for it 4. i wouldn't really call it "hated" by everyone else, and i don't think theres anything i like thats hated by enough people to qualify all i can really think of is maybe tales of graces??? it kinda gets ignored and a lot of people weren't fond of the battle system deviating from the other games which i get but still liked the game anyway for the story(which some people didn't like either IIRC, its very friendship oriented which people could find too chee-z) 5. godddd there's so many i wouldn't be surprised if people thought i hated popular things just to be contrarian, i just hate things that i think are garbage regardless of how well-known they are i'm super super picky i'mma just throw out the first thing that came to my head cause i saw advertisements everywhere at ax last weekend, which is madoka magica i can't believe i ever liked it and i have a lot of beef with it because i don't like the writing and i feel like it outright killed the magical girl genre like you don't even see straight-up magical girl series(that isn't precure) anymore its always stuff thats super dark and depressing OR just a parody of one
  11. 1. HUNGRY 2. o boi i needa think.... finally got away from my fuckshit family and moved out of state to live with Pride(which i thought i was never going to accomplish aeuheghfghf) - made a good friend but he's in my old state unfortunately : ( but we keep in touch!! - its been awhile since ive been friends with anyone who is actually really bad for me but stay around for any way because i feel trapped in some matter and my only coping methods are isolating myself and/or acting out in some sort of self-destructive manner (still have these issues severely but at least i havent been hanging around anyone that exacerbates it) - been forced to be in more situations to speak for myself like talking to people over the phone for things like insurance and its really hard the positive part is that somehow i manage to do it - got to seeing FUCKING AQOURS in VIP pit and say bye to them at the end!! i even made a heart and at least two of them acknowledged me AND DID ONE BACK....... (couldn't see them all because staff makes everyone get in a line and rushes you out) im living 3. being able to dance and do the lightstick motions with the other concertgoers at the aqours concert even during an earthquake of all things IT WAS NUTS i dont think any of us even realized what happened until someone came on stage saying they were postponing things until it was deemed safe to keep going we were all like "there was an earthquake?????? wh" 4. i really don't know, i just want to feel like i have a talent at something rather than sucking at everything though its more for the attention than self-satisfaction i guess... i feel like i need attention from people a lot and need to make lots of more friends or i feel really bad only other thing i can think of is start therapy and stick to it again i've just been afraid because i didn't jibe too well with my last one and nearly got hospitalized for a few days because i was a bit too honest about my state of mind maybe get good with makeup and find my clothes that fit my aesthetic??? idk goals are hard 5. I got into Yakuza last December and I love the shit out of it, though I only played 0 and kiwami 1-2 so far ffxiv is fun but the most popular data center has its servers always filled even late at night so i feel left out the congestion struggle is real fellas
  12. i tried to send you a tell and it was like "unable to send /tell recipient is in a restricted area" so idk if you're online or not i got no braincell
  13. i can't on the website yet bc im still on free trial lol o youre a viera too NOICE
  14. god thats awful.....i wanna play on aether too its literally where all the cool kids are at WHATH THE FUCK are you on lamia too?????? dbsajbdhasjnfkjsad id say hi but no access until i get back from AX
  15. i hate ffxiv because aether is the data center where all the activity goes on and the peeps are at but the servers are always full even at 3-4 in the morning so im stuck in primal 😐
  16. i'm still here to get attention from the masses
  17. yeah i've been here since april \o/ thanks!
  18. i wonder how long it takes after you move to another state before you feel like you're a resident still bizarre
  19. ax staff: hey we're gonna have two voice actresses and have merch for two series that are relevant to your interests there at the same time ax staff: also its only at the same time as the aqours concert :^) WHO RUNS THIS SHIT i stg i can only hope they give out the merch at charaexpo too......i wanted to see aimin
  20. nice should be roughly like 48 mins from where i live though i guess it also depends on traffic as nothing pops up that gets in the way around then it should be ok to go but yeah when i saw it was 30 for two day i was like what the FUCK i thought it was gonna be like 100something what th eufck
  21. i take back what i said I FUCKEN GOT THE VIP TICKETS apparently they had some saved for non-premier pass peeps buT HOLY SHIT IM GONNA BE UPFRONT AND THEN GET TO SAY BYE TO THEMA FTER
  22. o shit are you going????? im rly tempted to i actually just might not see aqours this year i saw them last year and the whole thing is a shitshow - way smaller venue - ticketing for the general public doesnt open until tomorrow and a shit load of seats are already taken - people scalping vip seat tix for 1500$(probably because people spent 450$ for an early pass con ticket with no anisong concerts announced and barely anything worthwhile announced lololol) - idk - im tired
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