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Everything posted by Fleece

  1. o shit roxas you like bandori too?????????? :( i wish i could do that but i'm just bad at things instead........i love hina too though the entirety of pastel palettes is fleececore tbh
  2. aya maruyama from bang dream, and she deserves all the headpats i love her so so much she's super relatable and like...mood
  3. maybe i did catch something one day of sleeping in is not enough
  4. maybe i did catch something one day of sleeping in is not enough
  5. "heres a bunch of several hours late notifications of pride quoting you a million times and also pride posting in another thread, enjoy" - sf
  6. also pride is the biggest DUM but he's probably not going to look at sf ever again for 100000000000100000000010111111101 years if he ever does so he won't see this :( apparently our place won't be ready for 45 days and some change but at least stuffs set
  7. fuck cops and fuck people overly eager to call em
  8. ok then, what else can you use your timing for yeah wellll uhhhhh idek ffffffffhfffffff how can i snap back like this POOP how can you take advantage of a sickly and debilitated person on top of things :(
  9. wow ur here always popping out to ANTAGONIZE me!!!!!!!!! always lookin for the most convenient timing
  10. wow ur here always popping out to ANTAGONIZE me!!!!!!!!! always lookin for the most convenient timing
  11. yuh i cant tell if im sick or not
  12. yuh i cant tell if im sick or not
  13. ;_;7 ya it is super dead anymore huh
  14. @Necrofantasia jules i see you with the nominating ? i'm flattered that you'd pick me
  15. my favorite co-worker said that things were gonna be rough when i move because he's gonna miss me might hear more news about how plans are moving along tonight btw hopefully
  16. i hope i can find out when i need to buy my plane ticket soon everytime i wake up lately i feel so congested
  17. rip and i have no idea who that is, when i heard bianchi my first thought was the character in reborn who kills people with her cooking
  18. everytime i hear something good that is def progress i'm too afraid to say anything about it because of my luck i uhhhhh am also uh haven't really processed it yet at this rate im not gonna end up saying anything until im actually out of state orz
  19. MUMU it really is cold its only gonna get worse here later this week because of that bullshit vortex thing
  20. ...yeeeeeah by the time i got out it was over uhg if that wasn't bad enough someone sprang a two weeks notice out of nowhere today which according to my boss means having to be there with someone i can't stand when she's doing closing shift way more often now(theres only two people who can do it now and she was one of the people who does it when the other guy is off) and also having to work on sundays now fgdhhdhsghghsgshsddfdfdsls; i needa get out soon and get a job with more stable hours and hopefully my availability won't be so sporadic
  21. thank you! they might soon, i just don't want to get my hopes up in case things fall through
  22. oh no :( it happens to me a lot because management barely give us scraps for hours so if so much as one person calls out everything goes like dominoes-- only thing that keeps me going is getting more money for independence and like, also knowing that if i didn't go i would have fucked my one co-worker over(and he has to deal with the most bullshit at this job as is) i got another early 8 shift tomorrow too booo... nicenice
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