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Everything posted by Fleece

  1. understandable :( maybe i'll feel like posting more in my freetime when i finally get to move out of state and not stuck in a place with everyone who stresses me out maybe????
  2. don't know what else to say regarding everything thats been going on with you guys other than that i'm mostly ok, just busy with irl junk
  3. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  4. i don't live in either of the carolinas, so i'm not in immediate range but we are getting shitloads of rain spewed on us that coupled with the fact we already have saturated ground from getting abnormal amounts of rainfall this summer could make things messy @_______@
  5. i hope its not flooded everywhere by tomorrow euuehhhheuuuuuuuuuuuuhgeeeeeeeeeeuuuueheehH this hurricane sucks
  6. Ohhh, yeah I've known the feeling :( all I can really say is keep putting yourself out there and hopefully you'll get a response soon thanks!
  7. Oh nice, what about a market though??? And I've been ok, just busy with work and when I'm off or home I don't do much...I feel like I wouldn't get so exhausted easily if I could just not have any health problems hhhhhh i guess being in a low mood a lot doesn't help either but yeah!! I'm trying to get money so I can hopefully move out of state though a good chunk of it will probably go to moving into another place here so thats a huge setback ;_; 'cause our landlord is crazy and won't fix shit
  8. dude sleeping fucking rules, i just hate the amount of hours needed for it like even missing a few ruins my entire day if time could stop whenever i wanted to catch some z's that would be great thanks
  9. bandori is collaborating with persona wtf
  10. tfw your department is still dead so you get re-assigned to bagging groceries for most of the day ;_;
  11. i'm just sitting here wondering if that mecha game they showed at the beginning of the direct will be any good or not
  12. retail is usually NOT GREAT but at least this doesn't involve a cash register i hate numbers
  13. thanks! clicklist/e-commerce associate for a grocery store thank you!
  14. thanks! clicklist/e-commerce associate for a grocery store thank you!
  15. vesperia definitive edition and the fist of the north star game made by the yakuza people coming to the west oMG please dont announce any more good things im not made of money ;_;
  16. IM GOING TO SEE AQOURS PERFORM LIVE THIS SUMMER and also pride housing situation has calmed down for the most part other than the fact the cat started to act weird out of nowhere, we have to keep a cone on her so she doesn't mutilate her tail- she will not stop attacking it it already looks bad as is she really needs to see a vet
  17. thanks she's back now but not without a huge fight in text with my other friend and acting like we're the ones in the wrong for getting upset because she nearly royally screwed us over and how she feels "betrayed" because apparently we're being asskissers to the landlord except none of us like him, most of authority-type figures are shit anyway but you're basically forced to appease them because it usually affects your life in some way...we're not doing it because we want to
  18. nvm one of my "friends" bailed on me and the other without any advance notice because she started shit with the landlord which led to a chain of events which put our standing here in jeopardy and she didn't want to deal with the consequences we've known each other for 18 fucking years and considered each other "family" but i guess that means nothing to her now i don't know what the fuck to do anymore pride wants me to come out ASAP and god do I want to but I don't want to leave my other friend to fend for her herself I'd be no better than the other one(to make things worse, said other friend IS HER COUSIN) I don't get why everything has to go wrong for me
  20. THANKS!!!!!!! Theres a lot to adjust to but I'm doing better overall I also wanted to let you know that my landlord is in the process of building a chicken coop in the backyard, I'm excited about it lmao
  21. that's what i was going to do mumu, though apparently my parents are letting me come back for it Its funny because my mom was screaming at me and calling me names over the phone nonstop last night and threatened to withhold my ssi money(not lawful) thats is MINE and that I NEED to live unless I moved all of my stuff back and went back, so I quickly went to the office to switch payees from her to my friend so now she gets nothing. She can't do SHIT about it. Now she's trying to play nice and being weepy and all "I miss you" and I don't feel sorry in the slightest. I'm only choosing to keep in contact with her if I can visit them both with my friends around for my safety, because at least dad seems understanding and just in case I need advice from him with anything in the future. Though his mood and stance bounce all over the place. tl;dr I'm done with these pieces of shit and they have no way to force me to stay now
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