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Everything posted by Fleece

  1. whatevers close enough to make lending things a not-hassle lol The timing seems really strict or I'm just rly bad idk, maybe both but yes lmao yeah trying to play anything when tired or close to bed time is the worst idea good to know!!! and I can't really give much of an opinion yet but I'm pretty impressed with stuff like the liveliness of the areas and over-the-top fighting is always a plus too if I like it enough I'll probably also get Kiwami 1 and 2 too cause I don't play falcom games so I can't to talk you in the discord d-duh ;_;
  2. then live closer so its easier to give to you :V
  3. wow its fun, still trying to get used to the controls also I haaaaaaaaaaaate quick time events >_> I hope they don't show up too often-- also the map is pretty big but it didn't seem like I could go in all the marked places so I don't know when I get access to those, I finished chapter 1 so we'll see....I really wanna play the karaoke minigame again lol you have trouble too? I can't seem to play anything for more than an hour even when I have the time to
  4. nah im still getting used to the controls lol also got tales of berseria so idk if i should try balance playing both or finish one first hrrrrrrrrm
  5. TE come back I can play yakuza 0 now though I just started and I was tired so I barely made any progress, will play more later
  6. aaa ok I was curious, I don't mind either because I like staying green anyway are you sure you don't miss her being around tbf I haven't been around much merry christmas!!!!!
  7. i just realized we didnt get red/green names this year :( (unless it happened on christmas only and i missed it, but im p sure it lasts longer than that)
  8. same, but I get what you're saying thanks! Oh whew, thats good Balance sounds good-- I was talking walks for a bit but now its getting colder and I have zero cold tolerance and I don't like dressing super heavy either so uggggggggghhg and no problem guilt stuff seems like a tough hurdle to get over for most of us so yeah its fucked up and caused a lot of problems too to put it lightly, but living with pride is ultimately the final step in living arrangements yes; and he's already been a great help in getting me to that point \0/ and I think my friends will be too I guess its more difficult atm since we don't actually live together yet Yeah I'm not sure what will happen either, it seems like both of my parents will be super pissed if I do go through it but they've also expressed wanting to move to California when I move out there too which SUCKS because I can't seem to catch a break with getting away with them..I don't really know any of my mom's family because she doesn't keep up with them and they mostly live in Pennsylvania, and my extended family on my dad's side isn't that great either besides maybe my one cousin but I never really got the chance to know him that well nor do I have any way of keeping contact and he moved out of state. Its because of that that I never really felt like I've had anyone to call family like they are on a technical level but they just don't feel like family to me you know?? I don't know what its like and its so weird to me when I see people have good relationships with their parents or siblings or anyone else because I never got to experience anything like that sadly, and that sounds rough regarding Integ's parents and their families but I'm glad that they were able to make the best of things and make a family of themselves so that feels p good to hear w what about it
  9. thats how it usually is for me I don't mind talking about it besides being pooped I just feel like I'd annoy people with how constantly things change and they're probably thinking like "don't give us an update unless something substantial happens" and with it being such a rollercoaster it probably gets tiresome to read about too idk I'm just being self-conscious and talking about it does help with coping a bit but I should probably do something more healthy too uhhhh its just concerning because lately I feel so bad I just mostly sleep or barely sleep and feel like a zombie and having to exert the smallest amount of energy feels like a huge task and I don't wanna ask people to help with motivation because a lot of times when someone tries to I still can't and I hate letting people down I'm not really good at doing anything for myself or anyone else bbbut hopefully I'll figure out something I made a phonecall re:my insurance and I turned in another job app today so thats an accomplishment at least also moving out is super stressful because I've been pretty much groomed to be co-dependent on my mom especially and I hate it I want nothing to do with her but I also feel like I'm somehow doing something bad by leaving the house and also by going against what she wants by living somewhere else even though in reality shes the one doing wrong by trying to force me to stay and how she treats me but when that gets ingrained into you its hard to break out of, this is my first time doing something so hugely independent that I can't help be but scared a bit even though its best for me in the end I'm always super indecisive and I never trust myself not to mess up without consulting someone for just about anything I don't want to get yelled at or badmouthed even more by either parent anymore either I'm bad at dealing with it and I know making progress is gonna make it worse but yes thank you Fre \0/
  10. well things might be ok after all but i don't even know if its worth giving updates anymore with how lopsided everything gets with them >_> and I always expect the worst but hopefully nothing else will happen
  11. well things might be ok after all but i don't even know if its worth giving updates anymore with how lopsided everything gets with them >_> and I always expect the worst but hopefully nothing else will happen
  12. ya hopefully yeah hhhh idk, we'll see and thanks
  13. ya hopefully yeah hhhh idk, we'll see and thanks
  14. i dont know their names but im the guy casually strolling in the hallway waving his arms
  15. lol of course my plans to move falls flat because everything has to go wrong for me, dumbass landlord rented the lower level apartment to someone else because he thought my friend's mom wasn't serious enough about moving so now my friend's mom can't move out which means I can't move in so I'm going to be stuck here for god knows how long unless we just find a new place soon but that sounds unlikely I don't really feel like dealing with more abuse from my parents, theres so little few things that keep me going anymore though at least Pride and his friend were considering getting a place in spring so I could possibly live with them which means living with him sooner than expected and being with him is what I really want the most, and unlike my other friends I feel like he'd actually intervene if things get worse with my parents idk how to type coherently I just wanna sleep 24/7
  16. Yeah, its entry level-- just typical retail stuff and uhh I can't seem to find one no but I'll keep that in mind thanks \0/
  17. Ahh, alright thanks Hrrrrm, I just wanted to list that so it shows that I have experience in stocking because I feel like thats what I do best in retail-- am I just better off not using it even if it makes it look like I have no work experience?
  18. anyone know if even if they don't ask about what year you started and how long you've been going to college on a job application if they still might ask about it during the interview? s: ..I'm just wondering because I never got around to taking classes except in recent years so theres like a huge gap after graduating and I have worked before but it was only a temp thing and its been such a long ass time that I don't remember my supervisor's name or anything plus that store closed down like a year after I left so no address or phone number so I don't really want to put in on the app lol
  19. I thought there was way more Digimon I liked, either I remembered wrong or the lack of energy is getting to me lol..
  20. I feel like you'd have an easier time arguing that he sucks ass but thats just me idk best of luck to you though papers are AWFUL =(
  21. I feel like you'd have an easier time arguing that he sucks ass but thats just me idk best of luck to you though papers are AWFUL =(
  22. I wonder what my icon color would be if I reverted to default but I'm too lazy to do it
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