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Everything posted by Fleece

  1. 1. What's the mood for today? 2. What is the most grating noise you've ever heard in nature? (like animals, weather etc) 3. Favorite type of patterns? 4. How do you combat procrastination? 5. Last book you've read?
  2. so with any luck I might be able to move out of the house with my friends around December or so, the one friend's mom is moving out it just sucks because I wish I could do it without my parents knowing but its not possible, I'm gonna visit the social security office and get things sorted out and hopefully I'll be able to get a service to move my stuff when I move while they aren't home honestly the worst part is that the abuse is going to get ramped up like for even daring to suggest my plans I already had to deal with dad talking shit about me, yelling at me, and making excuses for me not to leave for a good hour along with some passive-aggressiveness, fake empathy, and more moving the goalposts from my mom thrown in the mix dad thinks everyone else but himself is the problem and they're both desperate to keep me here because if I move they'll lose their personal piggybank and will have to be more careful with their money considering the fact they can't steal from me anymore I'm scared of how far they'll go and what kind of crazy shit they'll pull considering I've never been this close to moving out before
  3. true is just weird because he wasn't like this until recent years, no idea what went wrong damn, nice my friend acts like support has only gotten worse over the years and honestly I'd believe it lmao
  4. YEAH same its so weird theres stuff they changed and theres also still that still looks the same when I was playing a long time ago its nice to see u2 kim as always
  5. I decided to play Neopets again on a whim and I have a 15 year old account thats loaded with money/items but it kept saying my password was wrong even though I know it isn't, luckily I remembered the email for it so I reset it but since I haven't logged on in forever it wants my birthdate for confirmation and I lied about my age because I was 12 at the time and I wanted neoboard access but the problem is is that I don't remember what I said it was so I'm completely locked out even with all that effort it SUCKS I sent a ticket to support but I don't expect much and I don't think I can remember enough to prove I'm the real owner god
  7. I voted today and some dude next to the machine gave me a sticker except I wasnt thinking and I thought it was like one of those armbands that workers put around your wrists for certain things IDK WHY OK I KNOW IT MAKES NO SENSE and he was like "im not going to put it on you" and then I realized whywhy do I keep ending up in these predicaments please let me die in peace
  9. imagine introducing yourself to people as gold sounds like a name for someone super flashy and bold
  10. looking through directories is something else I saw someone whos first name was "gold" and another was "V" like ??????? I wonder if thats their birthnames or they changed it also saw pants and heck for last names
  11. Hopefully not maybe?? probably?? idk I don't really wanna ask either way because its my brother and he's gonna mouth off about something stupid either way like uggggggggghghg and this ice ball thing sounds nuts lol people really got nothing better to do I supposse
  12. nobody I just wanted to say I love your charts omg keep it up I'll do my sometime later I'm la-zy zzzzzzzzzz
  13. Brother lol, also that sucks :( uhhhhhhh I have no idea, you never know with him
  14. This is the same guy who thinks we got reptiles disguised as politicians and celebrities so tru
  15. depends on what you mean by furry actual things that can be furry as in having fur on them like plushies/keychains/etc yes, furry as in anthromorphic animals and the fandom for that no
  16. yes maybe you're just more interested in food than boobs at the moment
  17. yes maybe you're just more interested in food than boobs at the moment
  18. as expected of double-post feature
  19. as expected of double-post feature
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