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Everything posted by Fleece

  1. oops no I mean like it was 90s in the week before this week! Its been in the 60s/lower 70s lately
  2. Creamy I can't stand anything that isn't creamy 100% with pieces in it because the texture really bothers me :S
  3. not me true..... and maybe lol, I suspect it got delayed because of one of the books cause the next delay email mentioned it specifically like maybe they thought they had it in stock but didn't??? idk either way thats some blunder but as long as stuff arrives and isn't damaged its cool
  4. o wow Kim I remember that lmao wow its somewhat cold this week when it was in the 90s the one before also wow amazon fucked up again they finally shipped but they're listing the expected date as August 28-- it looks like its not coming in before I fly out either way =(
  5. ITS OK KIM ily I don't think it'd be fair for me not to take some responsibility because I talked it out with them and like they said I should have just pmed them about it rather than lashing out here but I always assume I'll get treated even worse if I try and I'm afraid to deal with it because I get set off easily and I'm incredibly thin-skinned lol..but they're right ITS OKAY THOUGH we all made up and they were actually super understanding and nice?? I don't really deserve it I don't wanna keep vaguely complaining about people and talking shit everytime I have any sort of conflict with someone but idk how else to deal with it and I'm too scared to be upfront with people still bc everyone is different and so I just say shit publicly in hopes someone will notice and stuff gets sorted out but its bad......... idk it just sucks like whether that was the intention or not like any kind of comment that comes off as negative to me feels like an attack like even criticism makes me feel bad but the only way I could actually avoid those things is to never talk to anyone again but I don't -want- that because then I'd get lonely u feel me I'm ok though
  6. ok so everything I've been talking about is moot now and got things resolved and it dragged on for so long in the first place is because I'm an idiot who doesn't know how to talk to people if they say anything that I get hurt by, because I assume the worst in them and think they're out to get me and so I never say anything and I hold grudges forever, still not sure how to deal with it ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_ sorry though
  7. wow ew hopefully if your friend did watch the emoji movie they didn't do it legally, even if they're doing it as a joke they're still giving money and the last thing we need is the company to think it needs a sequel!!!!!!!!! then again idk how well it did Thanks Yeah I know what you mean, some fandoms are bad for even things I do like so I just avoid other people who like it and I usually don't know what dumb shit is going on because I'm not paying attenton lol ah ok
  8. o uh only other thing that happened besides the discord thing was getting in an arguement with a friend but they came back and it got resolved and I freaked out a few minutes beforehand because I thought they'd cut me off oop whoa its dan
  9. ;_; and yeah that too......trust issues are probably why I can't get close to most people either Thankssssss, and thats good at least yes wait what part Basically yes its pretty bad I hate the shit out of a lot of things but I don't have a problem with other people who like it except individuals who do dumb things in the name of whatever fandom of the series it is maybe it just sucks because it feels like whenever these types of things do happen either a.) no one is around or b.) people who are around to witness it don't say anything
  10. Yeah....talking is hard too orz Oh...Yeah I figured but aaaaaaaaaaa trying to send out good vibes, and that sucks @_@ I hope he feels better soon
  11. True enough, is just rough :( That sucks, I hope things settle down soon-- and not having the people you like talking too most also doesn't help, hopefully the pestering can commence soon Well yeah I'm not really bothered by their opinion people can love or hate it I don't agree with either side because I don't have any strong opinions about it and I only read it because its something to do and the pages are only four panels long otherwise I wouldn't fuck with it, but if people wanna talk about their constant hateboner and get angry over some japanese comic thats just typical romcom fluff anyway go off I guess its just that they started talking shit because I tried making convo by saying I wasn't really bothered by the stuff they were nitpicking at but I ultimately agreed with them about the pacing being garbo but I can't be assed to have any strong dislike for it and they treated it like I came in guns blazing defending it and about how it was the best thing ever and I did nothing of the sort, like you can insult fictional series all you want but if you try to bring me into it and try to insult my intelligence by thinking I can't read between the lines and continuing to do it when I'm not being confrontational then I'm not going to let it go o yeah I guess that can work, Nightmare already saw the logs bc hes in there too and agreed with me but ultimately I don't think he's the type to say anything since it happened while he was gone and already passed ,_,
  12. its ok now rly I got the other thing figured out stuff just got tense and stuff was said that shouldn't have been said but thats a normal thing among close friends and junk, I just can't handle it well and think everyone is gonna leave me eventually whats up Thanks uhh yeah like I told Shirley I'm ok now but I'm bit upset about the other thing I mentioned I mean ye its p bad since I'm not even close to the people involved but I still can't stand being treated like shit I was gonna be like "fuck it" and post the logs at this point in hopes someone who knows them says something and also bc I don't think I'm in the wrong here but discord logs don't really format the same way as skypes and I don't where to even post them lol
  13. sorry I should have kept quiet I just don't want my parents to find out how ill I am mentally and upset I am rn so they can try to trap me for life lol and I didn't wanna do anything stupid so I just exploded here this should be a good time for me rn but here I am because I can't deal with anything
  14. idk i don't feel comfortable talking here but a lot is going on and just snowballs wait nvm the thing I was worried about isn't gonna happen but im just upset sry i'm just keep being vague
  15. nice! and preparing for school is always hectic, I hope its going ok for you @_@
  16. no =( o I have no idea, I never really interacted with the person in question(or the other guy) prior to joining the discord chat they're in but you're probably right either way true and yeah he did lol
  17. also wow first I make an order and my card rejects the payment(though that mighta been my fault for getting the exp date wrong) and then I try to make it again and it takes like 5 days to ship only for the deadline on the final day of expected shipping to tell me theres been a delay with no new date in sight yet fuk off amazon I just wanna read some books
  18. Ye congrats!!!!!!!!!!!! wow u thanks I really don't know how in this case they might respond in some sort of snarky matter again and be like "why are u mad lol" and I can't really deal with people who talk that way and I also just realized that I think that one of them has posted here in the past on occassion LOL oops...idk if them not seeing this is actually good or bad though but I rather not deal with direct confrontation YEAH like.....it really makes no sense ya I should pm him again I'm just nervous and someone told me he might be vacationing so that makes it look even worse for dumping so much
  19. dammit I saw a pretty butterfly on the ground chilling and I got my camera to take a pic BUT THEN THE FUCKER FLEW AWAY BEFORE I COULD and then I freaked out on the way back in because something landed on my arm......but it was a ladybug so THATS GOOD!!!
  20. Will try, avoiding is easier said than done but YEAH you can do it!! Ya I know but its hard not to take it personally due to past experiences-- I can't even tell when people are joking and like me or actively being malicious with me most of the time, trust issues are ass and yeah!! ikr and THE WORST PART IS THAT I didn't even disagree or defend anything they were talking about its like they started saying shit because I don't hate a series as much as they do??? the more I think about it the madder I get and shit I just realized I sent a bunch of pms to nightmare about it to blow off steam and I haven't seen him on much so hes gonna get on at some point and just me ranting angrily with no context????? IM LIKE NERVOUSLY SWEATIN IM DUMB but w-wow thank u kim
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