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Everything posted by Fleece

  1. it'll be ok as long as i'm around
  2. I'm mostly irritated because I know how people work and so I have no way of calling them out in a situation like this without me being made out to being defensive and/or "salty" OR they'll deflect and make me out as to getting mad and invested over things I don't actually care about as opposed to their attitudes towards me like who the fuck do you think you are to think you can disrespect me like that ffs I'd say more but I don't wanna air too much publicly oop ;_; good luck
  3. I'm mostly irritated because I know how people work and so I have no way of calling them out in a situation like this without me being made out to being defensive and/or "salty" OR they'll deflect and make me out as to getting mad and invested over things I don't actually care about as opposed to their attitudes towards me like who the fuck do you think you are to think you can disrespect me like that ffs I'd say more but I don't wanna air too much publicly oop ;_; good luck
  4. lol wow nothing like people thinking they're being slick and thinking you won't notice them mocking you its not like I like I had to deal with this shit since I was little nope ftr I'm not talking about anyone here dw I just needa express my frustration even if its just a little bit i'm done wew
  5. lol wow nothing like people thinking they're being slick and thinking you won't notice them mocking you its not like I like I had to deal with this shit since I was little nope ftr I'm not talking about anyone here dw I just needa express my frustration even if its just a little bit i'm done wew
  6. Well thats still better than one stop lol and ya I figured
  7. Yeah thats what I meant oops idk how to word things Same, only thing within walking distance here is a gas stop >_> hopefully I am somewhere more convenient whenever I move whew
  8. Uhhhh, I'm not even sure ;_; Ahh, well its always good to have options for transportation just incase-- unless most stuff is within walking distance idk ya its ok I always forget differences between catholicism and christianity all the time
  9. 1. How do you feel about THIS person?? 2. Whats the most irritating commerical you've ever seen or heard? 3. What is something you hope to do at least once in your life? 4. Do you prefer to ask questions or figure out things yourself? 5. Pudding or gelatin/jell-o/whatever you wanna call it?
  10. wow piss.......what are people doing around there get ur shit together but hooray for avoiding bad bus stops ya I figured but I didn't wanna humor him so he can accuse me of being a lewdy even more!! hmphhhh and Pride kept trying to explain to her nothing is gonna happen because doing anything at someone's parent's house is fucking weird anyway but she's hardcore catholic and doesn't want unmarried couples staying at her house rip
  11. It smells???? ;_; I hope its not too pungent thats gonna suck..o well w what
  12. Oh I mean like, we're allowed to stay together but we just can't do it in her house-- I do wanna ride a train at some point though Oh, awwwwww.. But that works yes!
  13. yeah!!!!! thank yeeeeeeeee and depending on how things go we might be staying around LA most of the time anyway for convenience sake so we'll be around! We were hoping we could stay at his hometown for a couple of days so it'd be easier for us to hang out with his sister + other friends/family more but his mom won't let us both stay at the house and theres no hotels where he lives with reasonable prices so POOP
  14. NINE DAYS!! NINE DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!! I cant think of anything else help pfmpkld; im probably going to bring it up a lot
  15. Yeah I could, won't protect my food but its better than nothing I guess worried about people giving me weird looks though, idk why wearing masks isn't a norm in the US at least uhhh it feels like people never wear them unless they're seriously sick with some rare illness or are medical professionals >_> Yeah I love naps! unless I sleep too long and I wake up disoriented Soda doesn't seem to do anything for me hmmmmm I wonder if any tea thats suppossed to help actually does
  16. welp, its happening........got the flight booked being stuck on a plane for 6 hours and 5 return trip is no joke though u__u I'm panicked a bit because I'm worried about the possibility of someone being sick in such a cramped space and my immune system is shit and even getting a cold would ruin everything because it feels like mine last over a week and can easily turn into bronchitis and my doc was just like "take zinc and don't eat anything on the plane because the air could contaminate the food" like UMMMMMM hello I gotta at least every three hours to live I can't hold that off like a completely healthy person its unavoidable I'm gonna have to eat on there at some point I really don't want to get sick though is the actual worst why did I have to get screwed over by shit genetics guess I needa find out what food is ok to take for carry-on too True enough I dozed off for a bit ago, so theres that lol and I don't like coffee orz
  17. uhg......... dealing with flight stuff is difficult
  18. Yeah that sounds wise Its nothing urgent, so I think I'm gonna hold off You're right, I'm just mad frustrated because I often forget details and I feel like I'm so bad at explaining things that they might misinterpret whats wrong with me idk I hope not also my parents are so used to accompanying me whenever they take me to appointments and sometimes I can't talk about everything I want to while they're around and if I tell them I want to go alone they seem almost offended and ask questions I don't wanna answer though I got to do it this time around oh ALSO asking questions to doctors is hard.......I often feel ashamed to talk about any health issues sometimes even though they have to deal with all kinds of ailments people have all the time And improving uhh Im not really sure either, but its good to know someone who understands! it probably involves baby steps at the very least aaaa that is true, I feel like I don't have much of a filter when I start ranting/rambling too much and I should probably be more mindful incase I say some dumbshit ;_; I feel like I'm just typing a bunch of WORDS and idk how coherent I am and I've also been tired all day which isn't helping right now lol and yeah! \0 thanks to you both
  19. Yeah, you pretty much hit the nail on the head! its just like depending on how things go i'm gonna be out of state in less than two weeks and I was wondering if I should hold off trying it until I get back because that'd be pretty awful to deal with any possible side-effects when I'm suppossed to be having fun its REALLY rough making decisions and trying to figure out what to do ugh also I just keep thinking back on what I should have done and feel like an idiot like I should have talked to my endo about this rather than my primary doctor and I should have asked more questions and wonder if I'm really bad at giving details like............I'm really bad at talking to people and often hold back
  20. nice, i'm glad i could help!!!!!!! having nothing to talk about sucks especially when people are talking and theres nothing you can comment on like i'll go through pages of people talking or in chats scrolling and i'll just sit there like "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
  21. nice, i'm glad i could help!!!!!!! having nothing to talk about sucks especially when people are talking and theres nothing you can comment on like i'll go through pages of people talking or in chats scrolling and i'll just sit there like "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
  22. ah shit sorry HK i didnt see this at first and idk how to post quotes in edited messages because it just shows up in the new post textbox i agree theres like issues and stuff with the industry i can't rly think of anything else meaningful to add i am POOPED
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