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Everything posted by Fleece

  1. I hate it, all of my family sucks except for my one cousin but he moved and I can't eat much because of dietary restrictions but even if I could eat what I wanted I'd still hate it because I barely have an appetite most of the time and the concept of "eating until you get stuffed" sounds unpleasant like dude I hate feeling stuffed its awfulllllllllll also no one in my family makes good food and anywhere we go out to eat also sucks also its way too fucking cold outside
  2. I wouldn't think too hard about what your co-worker says lol, she's just using some bigtime hyperbole. I've always found him unattractive though, his regular appearance just looks super scraggly and none of his movie appearances appeal to me either. And like others have said the stuff about him and how he treated Amber Heard doesn't help either.
  3. I miss Jenni I'm not sure how that works but good call!!!!!!!
  4. I miss Jenni I'm not sure how that works but good call!!!!!!!
  5. tru if i run into anything else by them i will look up the words for those songs too I did dw
  6. actually now that I think about it in actuality when I'm hungry I just get 90% dumber and I can't concentrate for shit when people try talking to me I'm like zzz..zzzzzzzzz.zz....zzzzzzzzz,,,,z..///////.zzzzzzzzzzzzz...........z/ I mean it can make me more annoyed if I'mlike that already yeah but,yeah
  7. lmao o THAT RREMINDS me for some reason on my spotify's discover weekly it had a BTS song on there even though i'm mostly clueless about kpop and rarely listen to it and I swear to god one of the lines was like "ANGRY? HUNGRY? YES IM HANGRY" and im lIKE THERES NO WAY I HEARD THAT RIGHT but I looked it up and IT WAS RIGHT????????????? HE ACUTUALLY SAID IT? o g od can i say..............mood though
  8. the lengths some people go to for their desired character is truly scary sometimes I hope he somehow gets her miraculously without having to sell his things/spend more money just save himmmmm
  9. I was watching the AMAs sunday with my family because bored and when BTS came on my dad was like "they look like little kids" like dude where you have seen late-teen/adult sized children in your life please tell me
  10. dw I am here, also it is getting awfully cold here as well and um is vincent ok
  11. babies+kids, dogs, pikachu and all of its lookalikes sans emolga(raichu is ok too) theres probably some other stuff but i cant think rn
  12. yeah both of mine got doubled because whatever mysterious mechanism behind it decided that having more content from yours truly = yes don't have an explanation for everyone else's posts getting repeated though lol it will forever be a ~mystery~
  13. I would if I was rich and had lots of space, all I have so far is an amiibo and a few figures from blind boxes I did get my very first nendoroid figure this year though so thats pretty neat
  14. oh nice living alone sounds kinda scary but also nice because you can decorate the place how you want and no one can disturb you either but idk like, what if a medical emergency comes up hhhhhh hh its ok you're alright in my book from what i've seen
  15. also doubleposting on older threads is a thing now its not your fault
  16. also doubleposting on older threads is a thing now its not your fault
  17. congrats nobody you have excellent taste for avatar choice and congrats on moving tryhard hopefully i'll follow suit soon but its not a house just a small apartment =( I'll have roommates too but at least they're people I've known since childhood and not some weirdys
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