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Everything posted by Fleece

  1. oh no i have to play persona 5 now because of my inability to easily refuse things ?
  2. ;_; but everything went good after!!!!!
  3. (⸝⸝•᷄ ᴗ•᷅⸝⸝) they released another step-up box and this time its just for the aqours christmas set so ehhhhhhhhh that new kotori UR on jp looks super nice though............... will have to wait a few months thats great lmao
  4. same mumu and yeah its mostly ice i'm worried about, but getting trapped by snow isn't fun either good news though driving lessons are still on! lets hope i dont get me or my buddy killed
  5. i'd rather deal with cold and no snow than snow at all i'm so annoyed, its like theres some cosmic force pulling out all the stops to make sure i can't hang out with my friends outside of our jobs while i'm still here clearly the solution is to kidnap them both when i fly across the country ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
  6. there was a one-time free 11 pull for kotori but thats about it, idr if they do boxes for winners of those contests or not i haven't seen them yet love live school idol festival
  7. i dont need 15 inches of snow FUCK im probably going to have to call out tomorrow =(
  8. i dont need 15 inches of snow FUCK im probably going to have to call out tomorrow =(
  9. uhh i know sometimes they do special boxes based off of random sets like popular ones right now they're doing one for the christmas sets i think
  10. thank idk yet lmao if nothing else comes out before then i could wait on kotori's birthday box but thats like in september............too long...... idgi but i appreciate you
  11. ....guess who got about 450$ worth of gacha currency for free
  12. i agree its so versatile to use too
  13. i wish i could just not but whenever i really really like someone my feelings are extremely intense even when its platonic and i'm poop at regulating my feelings and emotions aaajsknld;skalngvf;aals;aasl;ldss;sasjfs ? i'd like to keep my current job but i hate where i live now and would finally like to be able to move in with my boyfriend, its been way past due
  14. i thought my life before whenever i finally move when i started my job would consist of not liking and/or being indifferent to my co-workers but most of them are pretty ok and i got extremely attached to two of them so now im just
  15. I looked at my job and I found some but it comes in squeezable form rather than straight up tube, no flavors either but it doesn't have a taste either at least here's hoping it works
  16. quite a few times yeah, I've had to get stitches before and fractured both of my wrists(two seperate incidents, not at the same time) I only had to stay like a few hours for those another where I was very ill from having absurdly high blood sugar which is when I got my type 1 diabetes diagnosis which had me there for a week and hooked up to IVs, at least 5 other times from diabetic ketoacidosis which is the /worst/ because i'm often puking up acid along with other fun symptoms like intense stomach pain, absurdly fast heart rate, and difficulty moving any without feeling on the verge of passing out I'm usually stuck for like 3 days when DKA happens while also being hooked up to IVs and an EKG except the one time where they thought I was getting better they were about to discharge me but shortly after I got back on my pump my blood sugar spiked and I started to vomit again, so they assumed my pump was faulty and I had to get it replaced, they kept me for another two days AND they had me do a stress test which just makes you feel like your heart is about to explode the staff also tends to barge in when you heart rate goes up even a little so one time when I had to use the bathroom(toilet was in the same room I had, no doors or curtains to cover you) so when I stood up it probably alerted them and the nurse walked in on me mid-shit OTL
  17. I was hesitant to try vaseline because I'd imagine it'd taste awful but i'm running out of ideas...I just wish I could find it in tube form ughgughg I know it exists but I can only find it in tubs I hate stuff you have to dip your fingers it feels so grody even if I wash beforehand ;_;
  18. i've been trying like a quite few different brands of chapstick but no luck yet u_______u i have chapped lips year-round but winter is when it really looks like i've gotten punched several times lotion i need to be using though, its just MESSY
  19. my elbow is cracking my lips are splitting i hate winter
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