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Everything posted by Fleece

  1. idr mine its never the same thing, this time its ISFP 89% introverted 58% observant 58% feeling 67% prospecting 100% turbulent
  2. I feel like I can't withstand walking around in any kind of hot weather anymore -_- weather was ass today and the air conditioning in the store I was in wasn't very good and I had a dizzy spell like /twice/ and my stomach felt bad and my hearing was all muffled and I was drinking water too bleeeeh
  3. uhh if I had to guess its related to the fact that Alabama is in the deep south where its commonly joked that white people there often marry their relatives and the like
  4. 1. What is your name? (Just put your SF username here.) Fleece 2. What's in your pockets right now? I'm not wearing anything with pockets currently 3. What's your favorite meal? idk scrambled eggs or something with chicken maybe 4. How do you define what is good or morally desirable? ???? depends 5. Coffee or tea? tea 6. Do you like to eat pumpkin? I really like pumpkin bread or muffins 7. What are your views on marriage? do it if you want to 8. What do you think about telepaths? nothin 9. If you had to choose between a family member doing a great evil or a foe doing a great good, who would you side with? don't want to do the evil thing 10. Is the glass half empty or half full? its half 11. When a tree falls in the forest, and no one’s there to hear it, does it make a sound? yeah why wouldn't it 12. What is the sound of one hand clapping? what 13. What do you see when you look up at the sky? its p dark right now 14. What is your favorite past time? watching some form of entertainment 15. What is the most mundane, simple thing you like to do? sleep 16. What do you think about “morals”? Do they exist, or do they not? yeah 17. Which country do you want to visit most? idk ireland maybe 18. Would you call yourself happy with your current life and situation? lol no 19. Are there any foods you just cannot abide? anything with mayonnaise or gravy on it, anything spicy, seafood... 2many honestly it'd be easier to list what foods I am ok with 20. It is 5 minutes to 8 and dinner is not ready. At 8, your guests are arriving. What do you do? idk can i order something 21. Favorite flowers? hydrangeas 22. Are you a day or night kind of person? night kinda 23. Have you ever hurt someone intentionally? Why? not physically 24. What's the biggest (or best) lie you ever told? idk people can usually tell if i'm lying 25. What color is the sky? dark 26. What is your greatest regret? Would you go back to change things if you could? a few and idk about that 27. If you do celebrate birthdays, how do you celebrate? If not, why don't you? eat cake and hope other people notice that its my birthday 28. What's in your bathroom medicine cabinet right now? bandages and some other crap probably 29. Do you consider yourself normal? sure 30. A little girl is crying because her cat is stuck in a tree. How do you respond? call whoever deals with that because I can't climb trees 31. Name one thing about yourself that you wish you could change. have not shit health 32. What is your biggest pet peeve? people who don't take me seriously 33. Do you talk out loud to yourself when no one can hear you? not really 34. What would be your first, second and third thoughts if your consciousness was suddenly transported into another the body of someone of the opposite gender? okay 35. What would be your first course of action if you realized you were in a time loop (ie. no consequences)? panic 36. If you were not doing what you're doing, what would you be doing instead? spacing out 37. What would you do if you came up to a locked briefcase that was beeping faster and faster and faster and faster … freeze up 38. Favorite color? teal 39. When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? artist(that didn't work out and now I got nothing lol) 40. How old were you when you stopped believing in Santa Claus? don't remember 41. If you could go anywhere in your world, where would it be, and why? where I can be with whoever is closest to me 42. What advice would you give to someone going on a long and possibly dangerous journey? I hope you're prepared 43. If you could push a button and vaporize all evil people in the world, would you do it? yeah 44. Milk or water? milk 45. In a huge crowd, would you blend in or stick out? blend 46. Again, in a huge crowd have you ever felt alone? yes 47. Do you have a food that you cannot live without? chocolate 48. Describe yourself in one word. empty 49. If someone is in a position of authority, does that automatically make them a responsible person? not at all 50. You come home one night to find your worst enemy waiting for you at your door. What do you do? tell them to gtfo 51. What's your favorite pizza topping? none 52. Have you ever watched the sunrise? If so, when? yeah, when I can't get any sleep 53. All right, so your mother just tells you you’re adopted. What's your reaction? ok 54. We've heard all about lies... what's the hardest truth you've ever had to tell? idk 55. How would you feel and what would you do if a friend you weren't that close to suddenly started telling you about their tragic past? dumbfounded 56. What's your favorite kind of music? don't have one, just like whatever sounds good to me 57. Do you like socks? they're ok 58. Would you rather be able to breathe underwater or fly? fly 59. What makes you laugh? not sure it just happens sometimes 60. What are you thinking about right now? how isolated I feel 61. What are you most afraid of and why? never getting out of this shitty household and being abandoned by everyone I care about 62. Do you have any dietary restrictions? If so, what are they and why? as a diabetic I have to limit how many carbohydrates I can intake for meals and snacks(no, sugary foods are not off the table and no they aren't responsible for diabetes in the first place either jfc) 63. What is your drink of choice? water with light grape flavoring 64. What is the first thing you do when you wake up? fall back asleep if I have nothing important to do, struggle to get out of bed and eat if I do 65. What is the last thing you do before you go to sleep? brush my teeth 66. What do you do to keep yourself occupied when you're in an annoying situation? space out 67. It's 3 in the morning and you're awake. What are you doing? loafing around 68. Do you believe in the power of love to change the world? yeah 69. What kind of person or character trait annoys you the most? people who think acting like an asshole makes you look more hardened and wiser to the ways of the world 70. Would it bother you if someone hated you for no reason? yeah 71. There are three doors in a room (not including the exit), they're unmarked. One leads to death, one to riches, and one to home, but you don't know which leads where. What do you do? don't bother 72. Would you like to rule the world? no 73. If you did want to take over the world, how long do you think it would take you? too long 74. If you could own anything in your world, what would it be? a home somewhere 75. Is there a song that drives you nuts? theres a lot of those maybe 76. You've found some treasure guarded by a dragon. The dragon may be a bit too tough for you to fight. Do you go after the treasure anyway? no 77. If you were a tree, what kind of tree would you be? idk weeping willow 78. If you encountered the mirror of Erised from the Harry Potter series what would you see? probably me finally being able to live with my SO and having shittons of money 79. Confronted by a hungry, annoyed dragon, what would you do? die probably 80. What would you do if someone tried to blast you into the ionosphere? ????????????
  5. voice acting in general sounds neato but I don't think I have the range or clarity for it not only that, but it sounds like it'd be straining to have to do a lot and I reallyyyyy dislike having a sore throat If it makes you feel any better I've thrown controllers out of frustration and damaged them its ok though, you were stuck on something that sounded like ass idk if it helps but if you're worried about post quality you can always rant to someone in private or type out everything and then delete it, thats just what I do though whoops didn't see your edit, good morning Jules!
  6. julesssssss take care of yourself I'm ok with Fuuka, not high up there but I don't dislike her either.
  7. julesssssss take care of yourself I'm ok with Fuuka, not high up there but I don't dislike her either.
  8. yukari da bes her and mc are the otp
  9. god no cheesy and whatever the taste of pineapple is considered do not mix!!
  10. NONE I've been meaning to paint them sometime but I suck at it what is precision....... I wanna go with silver or a light purpleish maybe
  11. Misread Sask's post as ferraria, which turns out to be an actual thing. Its a plant.
  12. I still haven't been hit by the doubleposting thingo yet
  13. Only if its major interference in your life Theres nothing wrong with playing video games some of the time, but if it gets bad enough to where its all you ever do and its getting in the way of your job/education then we got a problem here buddy
  14. I'm still shocked they're actually localizing it, but great news overall. I'm really bummed about no account transfer/no english language option on the existing jp server like gbf though... I don't want to start all over again, and my tablet doesn't have the space for both versions. I think the best part of this is being able to see more stuff translated, posting screenshots and vids from the U.S. version is a lot easier than trying to translate it yourself/waiting on other people to do it. I hope that the game does well here overall.
  15. Does anyone else have to put their email address instead of username to login to sf now too I don't like it bc I'm lazy and want to type in less characters
  16. Does anyone else have to put their email address instead of username to login to sf now too I don't like it bc I'm lazy and want to type in less characters
  17. Genji has a super cool character design
  18. its a good thing I don't care much about dating in Persona then I hated how 3 forced you into it I was only interested in Yukari and also Akihiko but I never played portable
  19. p4g didnt have the beat the shit out of you part but lmao nice
  20. wait wait I'm curious about details if you date multiples does it just make you feel like shit exactly like in P4G or is it worse now? spoiler if needed
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