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Everything posted by Fleece

  1. Fleece Lv.14 hunter ▮▮▮▮▯▯▯▯▯▯ HP ▮▮▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯ MP ▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▯▯ ATK ▮▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯ DEF ▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▯ LCK its ok
  2. There are people who have depression that tend to talk about their depression a lot to cope. Shocker, I know. What wow what was he even afraid of???????
  3. I've been seeing a lot of screenshots of Yakuza lately and it looks ridiculous but like in a good way
  4. but I don't know anything about guild wars either!
  5. The only thing I know about that game is the title lol
  6. why does the notification system tell you about EVERY thread someone you follow posts in das weird the heck is looping action same i wish i could nap 24/7 for convenience
  7. Dude assuming someone is talking about their depression to only get attention is incredibly shitty, and you never know maybe that person spent most of their life being neglected and may have a good reason to be hungry for attention depending on their circumstances pchooooooooooooooooooooooo Its rough, but you can do it!!! I might be used to it??????? Why everybody gotta think everything I say is innuendo-laden sometimes I was trying to sound cool and dramatic ;_; Hey!!!! I'm only ok with it sometimes!!! o that is some bad timing right there
  8. Wait what did I say something funny The nerve, picking on a delicate and lovely person such as myself!!!! You are all BRUTES!!! ..though I guess its ok sometimes timezones SUCK and that explains things too ya thx nice avatar Thanks Dusky
  9. I could be whatever you want me to be simple grill too, simple EVERYTHING somehow w-why is that SOON hopefully
  10. I regret taking a college composition class I can't write detailed analyses or thesis stuff for SHIT I'm a simple man It sure sounds like it, yes. I can't relate to that at all haha, but thats a good mindset to have! Better than dreading everything all the time, for sure ;_; oh ah thanks Damian!!!!! Talking you is always great but I RUN OUT OF WORDS FAST and talking is super scary I like lettooce but not letty not so much anymore, but I don't wanna nag people about it I though I'd feel bad, I'm trying to though ya..also also I don't know if I've been super paranoid lately or if I'm justified in my gut feelings like I feel like there is something or someone out there who has ill intent torwards me besides the ppl I already know about who do idk why o well its bc he likes to torment me I swears and o /pat
  11. good luck Jules! o wow hey cheese is good on its own and doesn't need unnecessary add-ons!!! I'm eating the pizza in its purest form or something i what does that even mean idk man don't ask me, I don't know SHIT
  12. idk what to say besides thanks I wish I had an incentive to get more into fashion but when you don't have the means and are also depressed the only thing you feel like dressing as is blob in shirt and shorts most of the time Yes, the blandest idk I just wanted to call you rude theres stuff about the new look I don't like either aesthetically but I'm mostly used to it now my biggest gripe is the pagination issues but theres nothing that can be done but wait I forgot what Jyo said exactly something about the thing catching up to..something COMPUTER SCIENCE
  13. poo Most of it doesn't even look remotely good, its so ugly..... She doesn't have good fashion sense at all meanwhile I can't even explore my sense of style because she uses all of my money and I have no room. if thats true then people aren't making it obvious enough because I ain't seeing it, I need to be showered with constant adoration every so often but being like "my wellbeing depends on it" doesn't tend to fly anywhere because fuck, idk I don't think theres anything about me that stands out either rude
  14. I dont have money, maybe I will get her by chance one day u__u parents bend over backwards for my brother but don't do shit for me besides trying to keep me dumb and trapped here, I'm the only person in the house without a closet now and being on communities like here is depressing bc I'm just kinda here and I don't really hear stuff like "wow you sound so cool I heard so much about you" and seeing other people do stuff together and being close friends and having nicknames for each other and talking about the good old days just makes me go like why bother its why I never stick around a community for long, probably its just that I don't currently have anywhere to leave sf for
  15. Don't spend money on mobages kids, be like me and never succumb And gee whiz I'm getting so many reminders that I don't amount to shit any
  16. Yeeeah. Pretty much! I don't really have much of an opinion on Pascal x Hubert other than the fact it was kinda handled badly. I think it would have been less absurd of there was some actual buildup before L&L, but no we just get Hubert spending most of the time stammering and being like "I-ITS NOT LIKE I HAVE FEELINGS OR ANYTHING" and when he actually confesses pretty clearly it somehow gets misinterpreted anyway like...ok I'd play that if it meant being able to get Bad Girl as a unit tbh D: Sucks about the emulator having issues though, but yes exams are more important! ..I better start preparing for mine too.
  17. Fleece: Girls Love/Horror VN, produced by 07th Expansion. Contains New Game Plus and Unlockable Routes excellent
  18. Graces' cast was EXCELLENT sans Hubert at first after the childhood arc he is such a little shit but at least he gets better
  19. YO Mu-man idk if you'll see this but this morning there was a squirrel on my windowsill barking incessantly at something idk what its problem was also to no one's fucking surprise my mom wastes 400$ just to get my brother's worthless ass back here so I don't know when and if internet will get paid \o/
  20. i rerolled like 3 times until I got 3* f!corrin and donnel, 4* nowi and palla, and 5* lyn good enough for me
  21. I tried them as a kid and I only liked how the outer shell tastes, so no
  22. I see! Still its not worth complicating things for yourself aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa and thanks :^)
  23. I was just saving her the frustration, no need to put up with reading posts that you do not want to see no? also I agree theme is 0/10, Lettuce appraisal out
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