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Everything posted by Fleece

  1. you guys are really milking these jokes huh
  2. Yes of course!! Thats still the best thing don't get it twisted though anything permanent is still a ways off, I was mostly talking about my current living situation..... So much asinine crap going on here along with the fact two of my irl friends are extremely invested an obvious catfish is just I'm so done man
  3. I never seem to score high in the good traits lol
  4. Warmth |||||||||||||||||| 54% Intellect ||||||||| 30% Emotional Stability |||||| 14% Aggressiveness ||||||||| 26% Liveliness ||||||||| 22% Dutifulness |||||||||||||||||| 54% Social Assertiveness |||||| 18% Sensitivity |||||||||||||||||||||||| 78% Paranoia |||||||||||||||||||||||| 74% Abstractness ||||||||||||||||||||| 62% Introversion |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 82% Anxiety |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 86% Openmindedness ||||||||||||||||||||| 62% Independence ||||||||||||||| 50% Perfectionism |||||||||||||||||| 54% Tension |||||||||||||||||| 54% o ok
  5. depression seems to run in mine too l o l sucks
  6. oh look things aren't going smoothly for my brother like he assumed it would and intends to fly back here now why can't anything fucking go right for me
  7. cremated not that it matters much but I'd rather be in a jar or scattered somewhere nice over DIRT
  8. I misread this as nihon gore sources and was like what the hell Bal
  9. I wouldn't know but sounds good that the writing with her didn't go too badly! I hope you can get it soon \o/
  10. Elphelt is my favorite SHES SO CUTE im in love............. y'know Pride gave me his copy of xrd since he has Revelator or w/e the re-release is called and was all "btw Elphelt is dlc" and I'm just like nooooooooooooooooooo
  11. I have no idea why but I expected Dizzy to get some new costume or change up something about her appearance I ain't complaining though, she looks gr8
  12. Ahh, and I'd imagine yes oh lol
  13. Getting tanned is probably a good sign yes, and yeah the weather usually sucks out Hooraaaaaaaaaaay Yes. and lmao what'd he do now
  14. Oh nooooooo, I hope its not a problem for you anymore and I should uh probably get out more too but I'm paranoid about being in the sun too much anyways because of possibly getting stuff that could turn into skin cancer and general damage uhh maybe I could apply copious amounts of sunscreen and hope for the best!!!! Think I got around 3-4 hours, didn't help that the phone call interrupted it ;_; Yes, and I did hear about that too! I'm glad you got to talk about it I want to talk too but I get nervous about messaging...... But yes, from what little I know it does sound like theres similiarities. I have a hard time dealing with my feelings too and stuff
  15. Its ok also Chen beat me to it lmao
  16. Its ok I'm just making fun of him as usual he's not one of those fans who are like "____ DID NOTHING WRONG it was because of other people protect them at all costs!!!! uwu" I don't think he gives a hoot about Marie but agreed
  17. My boyfriend is a Hazama and Adachi apologist
  18. Chen please I have standards! Oh, I did notice that was a bit of a gag yes I figured most people do it to rile up the more embarassing fans who take it too seriously but I can see how it'd get old fast YES exactly I see that all the time I mean its not somethin really anyone should do anyway but like...yeah
  19. Its ok Shezzy we're cool I'll admit I do express dislike for stuff when it isn't appropriate but I see people do it all the time for things they don't like so I'm like "why can't I do that too" but yeah it sucks I'd probably be neutral on the series otherwise there really is some good music in it....
  20. I do appreciate good art, the series has a lot of amazing fanart and music and fan remixes but I'd still rather not see it because of the associations You can call me narrow-minded or w/e for that and I don't care, the fact I've had to deal with some godawful people who are the worst type of fans of the series including one who I thought was a close friend but then turned on me and became emotionally abusive has left a seriously bad taste in my mouth I know its unhealthy to let something be ruined for you because someone who is shitty happened to like it but I can't help how I feel either, all I really know what to do anymore is to try not to pay too much attention to what others like possibly???? idk Anddd the fact I get constantly told to be open-minded about it and constantly grilled for expressing any sort of irritation isn't helping matters either
  21. noooooooooo even if I didn't feel repulsed on seeing anything relating to it I wouldn't get into it because I don't like shmups anyway
  22. I actively dislike it thanks to certain people but ya I appreciate that you like Mokou though shes one of the radder looking ones
  23. I've never had olives but they look really weird to me for some reason
  24. yes wish there wasn't so much Touhou in it tho nice
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