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Everything posted by Fleece

  1. well i normally talk like this irl people have to tell me to speak up but its often in an annoyed tone so that just makes things worse for me and then I don't wanna talk at all It can fluctuate and accidently get loud if you can get me to ramble on about something though
  2. rip you guys are right though, if I was able to put the effort into most of the Awakening cast just fine I SHOULD be able to do it here too though DLC for Conquest would be a must
  3. The fact that I haven't been hearing too well of how Odin performs makes me sad a bit I wanted to use him if I ever decided to get Fates ;_;
  4. DAN its good to see you good buddy 1. What known planet do you wish was habitable/close enough to be explored by human beings? 2. Whats your favorite farm animal? 3. What seasoning do you use the most, if any? 4. How would you describe your fashion sense? 5. Ok so, if you were to attend some prestigious important party of sorts and you were allowed to announce your arrival in any over-the-top manner you could, how would you do it?
  5. Thats me whenever I not just want but also NEED to sleep I feel like sleeping most of the time but priorities, man
  6. Kay doesn't seem terribly interesting to me, so neat maybe one daaaaaay, I just can't seem to get through anything right now no matter how much I like it
  7. I was under the impression you still had to get through the first one to understand things like context/characters/backstory etc., or is that not actually the case?
  8. I miss Gumshoe too even though Edgeworth is one of my favorite characters I could never get through AAI, Pride swears by AAI2 but I still can't finish the first one and if that guy can't motivate me to play anything then no one can
  9. It was inevitable I guess ;_; Maya returning GIVES ME LIFE sudden hype
  10. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA the right side of my back is botherin' me a lot
  11. I want someone to attempt that now just for the amusement factor
  12. Coulda sworn I checked the SMT wiki once for it and saw nothing there, thanks though seems like the lyrics are just even more incoherent and smashed together than normal in that geez oh well
  13. Dude I'm sad that there doesn't seem to be any official lyrics for Bloody Destiny printed anywhere from the P1 remake, because I honestly can't decipher nearly damn anything she says in that Mostly about that song since you just mentioned the final boss and I wasn't sure if you were talking about just one of the themes or both, but that is also interesting to hear!
  14. sup lol, yay for us Its ok to go at your own pace! is better to just take it slow rather than stressing more And aaaaa, I hate when that happens-- at least you got some time before P5 Yeah I can understand if you've forgotten about it, but gr8 and thanks for humoring me, was curious about your thoughts
  15. Aaaa, um.. I forgot the names for the songs so I had to look it up, turns out The Genesis is the what plays during the second part during Izanami and The Almighty is whats played when you fight that giant eyeball thing I found the one I was talking about though, its played during the first part of the Izanami battle like I said
  16. I remember that battle being SP costly yeah fuck that guy's helpers Gotta do what you gotta do, man if someone like me who I feel isn't very skilled at games can do it, I'm sure you can too not having to worry about tired/sick status anymore helps some weeeeeeeeeeee Good taste, a new world fool is my jam I can understand if you don't care for the music for the second half of the final boss but what about the music for the first part of it?? ;_;
  17. I played vanilla Persona 4 and struggled a lot with shadow Kanji too and shadow Yukiko before him but I thought the game was mostly smooth sailing from there on afterward, there is one particularly annoying boss a few dungeons in and some can be tricky regarding the fact they have strategies to look out for but its nowhere as bad as early game, esp since you'll have more party members to make use of then too I also have the tendency in RPGs to grind like 5-10 levels when starting a new dungeon in hopes I won't be underleveled, so theres that too and yeah I agree with Dusk about fusing and stuff
  18. one time I bought Persona 4 and beat one of the bosses in the first dungeon only to promptly forget about it and didn't finish the game until like 5 years later
  19. That reminds me, I gotta keep a more consistient exercise schedule, I mean I WAS but I think I twisted something and part of my ass hurt for like a day and forgot oop oh no and thats when it hits the hardest yeep
  20. I don't know anything about your acrobatic skills but I believe in you it happens like every day :( I need more distractions I guess
  21. thats gonna require a good bit of training, I'm sure yep ;_; tru
  22. D A N :( shit idk man, be honest about it and hope for the best
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