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Everything posted by Fleece

  1. I feel pooped out and need an excuse to piss around, plus its the season of giving or something fire away kiddos
  2. Halfway there I just actually feel rly exhausted, but I don't feel like sleeping yet
  3. can I just say Nightmare uhh idk man I think I had a specific one but I forgot the name I'll just go with styracosaurus because its p cool
  4. ITS REALLY HARD TO KEEP QUIET OKAY I'm just going to continue embarassing myself for ages to come, I've come too far but everyone wins though and t-thanks
  5. ohm ygod TE OF COURSE YOU'D QUOTE THIS I tried to refrain from answering todays QOTD ....I tried really ;_;
  6. Serenes Forest dot net user Pride is one of the most loveliest people ever that I've had the privilege of knowing. He's a very entertaining individual, you never know what he'll say or do next but its never a bore. He is honest and not afraid to call you out whenever you're fucking up but he is also very understanding and supportive! Even though I am a terribly stilted person who is lacking in social skills, I feel like whenever he is around I can be at least a bit more comfortable in expressing myself. I miss him a lot when he's gone for a long time but he still always checks up on me at some point and is not a fair-weather friend in the slightest! There may be a lot of ribbing amongst us but there is just so much about Pride to like and be ecstatic about, there is not a day where I don't think of him.
  7. Hooray also is that Kanesada you're themeing
  8. Yeees, not bad of a sound track either \o/
  9. Oh me also TE if you care to hear I watched the entirety of Katanagatari, it was p great and stylish though the whole thing wrapped up was like idk feels bummer q_q
  10. Aye, I don't care about these polls though. Especially since they're hosted on a site I don't have any attachment to and is prone to votebombs anyway, I'm just baffled at said fandom's immaturity since its not like they're going to accomplish anything from this besides making a fool of themselves and making people hate them more is all. I like what I like and dislike what I dislike regardless of popularity based on my own opinions but depending on how people act about something I can easily go from "indifferent" to "never want to hear about this thing ever again" maaaybe its not the rational thing, but alas I can't help what my eyes read over it just kinda happensssssss-- its ok I am perfectly fine with reading your rants even if I don't know about everything being discussed lol, I do recall seeing a bit of running in directs and such but didn't know it was that excessive at least the scenery seems to look ok from what I remember, I'm not exactly sure Yeep, its definitely a thing. I actually don't remember too much of it myself ;_; think I played it plenty though aah, I guess I'm ok..... I don't really know how I feel at the moment to be honest. Yourself?
  11. wwwWOAH THANKS u2 yes I don't know much about Xenoblade nor the character besides like a spoiler, but that does sound terribly annoying yes They go by EST so the day they were against each other is over now, but it was losing to Undertale because people outside from various other sites are telling people to go on there just to vote and piss off people and be like "HEY LOOK HOW GREAT OUR GAME IS TEEHEE" I heard about it elsewhere since I don't frequent gamefaqs myself but I wanted to check the severity of it @_@ Yes its cause of attitudes like that I'm hesitant to recommend or I'm self-conscious about talking about things I like if other people don't care about it in case it annoys them or something
  12. YEAH I don't see how they can't realize they aren't doing the series or themselves any favors but ur great so its not an issue
  13. I'm ok with my name being in green
  14. My condolences :c I can't stand a lot Undertale fans for the same reasons I can't stand a lot Touhou fans, they never shut up about it and feel the need to shoehorn every meme/reference/whatever from the series into EVERYTHING, I'd rather eat my own fingernails than play the game at this point because seeing anything related to it infuriates me that much I know gamefaqs is a shit site and so are BEST VIDEO GAME EVER polls and that they can easily be victim to biases and bandwagoning anyway but I find it really obnoxious how people off-site are deliberately rallying other people to vote for it against every other game regardless of quality just so it can "win" and they can flaunt it to everyone. Super Mario World is losing to it right now and its just ??????????????????
  15. Is this a new pickup line oh my goooooooood terrible WE SHOULD BE FRANDS
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