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Everything posted by Fleece

  1. Oh ahaha it figures I woulda said something like that Yes it was.. ;___: Maka's comment though lmao
  2. Its okay, I don't even remember myself or the fact there was blank text there! <w< And I'll take your word for it because that sounds most plausible, yes.
  3. ..Oh my gosh, you're right Thats pretty funny actually! I'm not entirely sure if I remember right but I think you and/or Nightmare encouraged me to post? I-I usually have to be told what to do to feel more confident in doing it, oops
  4. lol Trying to post here for the first time was a goddamn nightmare ,_,
  5. I did, but I thought it was all directed at Tristian oops .3. Thank you! I am yeah, how about you? I agree, yes Yeah! Its not like I'm doing anything major yet, hopefully I'll get more confident eventually
  6. YEAH p much I felt bad for awhile bc life but I'm good again for now at least I've been getting to practice driving a little and its a bit nervewracking but kinda neat too Good, good hello!! huh I don't get it
  7. nuh uh man but we can agree to disagree Heeey
  8. Also late, but duly noted. And same to you! Same here OTL Hey hey
  10. Apparently my dad had to work on someone's computer who did just that so unfortunately, yes
  11. If you ever get around to it, feel free to hit me up with a review for curiousity's sake
  12. :( I had the same reaction when I heard about it coming to PS3 and shit I was all excited because FAIRIES!!!!!!!!!!! and then dissapointment
  13. thankthank And well uh, I do wanna be more open around people ...even though there are some things are embarassing to have well-known about others
  14. Oh nothing, I was further commenting about the lack of subtlety thing and how it makes how I feel too obvious at times ;_;
  15. Subtlely is hard..... I feel like my heart is SEE-THROUGH
  16. :c You're welcome though!! omg no I haven't either, my track record with keeping up with things is..pretty bad
  17. Aa a Yeah well, right back at you! Nnnnnot really, mostly slacking off.. Though fortunately there isn't anything I'm suppossed to be doing for now
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