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Everything posted by georgetruman

  1. I mean more along the lines of comparing say Petra to Edelgard. They basically end up with a 10 point difference in strength and a 10 point difference in speed in their respective favors. The thing is, you only end up needing so much speed and so much strength to 1rko the majority of enemies. Is one closer to those important thresholds than the other, so they don't need as many boosters to get to the point where they can 1rko the vast majority of enemies, or does it end up just being a wash
  2. Most people rejected his message. They hated Silly because he told them the truth.
  3. Bernie and Raphael I though was pretty good, and Felix and Dimitri had a really good ending.
  4. Mastering warmaster for dedue is super good and allows him to be way more useful in NG+. Dank Knight for hubert seems the way to go so he can just walk up, oneshot whomever, and walk away. Wyvern for hilda seems like a no brainer if you care about efficiency.
  5. I always use the Japanese dub because I can't tell if its bad or not. It seems that VAs are usually using a fake voice for their character (opposed to like Toy Story where its is pretty much the actors' natural voices) and I feel like its super apparent to me when they do. On the other hand I don't know Japanese at all and never hear people speak it so I can't tell if the voice acting is good or bad. When someone does have a super weird voice (Like ignatz seems to) it just doesn't phase me nearly as much.
  6. I gotta say Raphael. I recruited him thinking he was going to be absolutely garbage as a unit but boy was I surprised. Fist weapons really make low speed units much stronger in this game. And the warmaster class is just really good. Honorable mention to Dimitri, whom I thought was just going to be an edgmaster but turned out to be a real
  7. I am going to use the internet oxford dictionary definition for "objective" and "subjective" here. http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/us/definition/american_english/objective http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/us/definition/american_english/subjective Basically something being based upon taste is inherently subjective. Things may objectively influence your tastes, such as genetics or mental conditioning, but something being based off of taste is subjective. Attractiveness is based on taste and ought to be considered subjective. However objective properties may influence whether one finds something attractive or not. You are going to have a very very difficult time convincing a blind man that a painting is objectively attractive. The third paragraph you wrote is, to my understanding, fully subjective. It is subjective to claim that something "deserves" anything. To claim that something is superior, you first have to define parameters to make it so. One might claim that: greater detail makes a painting superior, therefore the painting with more detail is superior to the painting with less detail. The logic in that statement is sound but it follows a subjective parameter.
  8. ohh I though you were talking about frankensteining together a bunch of cloned body parts.
  9. ^ I feel like that is totally reasonable. I would have to agree that I definitely cannot claim something as objectively respectfull.
  10. Do you understand why licking bread is almost objectively unacceptable though? Because it spreads germs. If I find out that my friend secretly licks bread in the supermarket I am absolutely going to try to stop him that is obvious. Also do you see how subjective the second point is. A lot of "acceptable" behaviors are still distracting and unnerving to people. I kind of think its gross when people kiss in bars but some people are okay with it. I have the power to get over it. If doing it really brought your friend happiness and joy, would you really tell him to stop or do you think that people could just get over it?
  11. Op you should research moral nihilism. While you obviously can choose to believe in whatever you want, understanding moral nihilism can help you to understand how easily people's core beliefs can differ. The point I want to make is: a discussion like this can be really difficult to have with people unwilling or unable to understand that their viewpoints stem from subjective ethical and moral codes. In answer to your question I think that greed can be used for wonderful things and that greed can cause great grief. I think compassion decides how people will direct their own self interests.
  12. There are plenty of occupations out there for people who are totally out there, farming being a great example. You can't just project your own versions of happiness on other people life doesn't work that way. People have different values and tastes. Their upbringing and biology are different and they feel different ways about different things. Also, you need to open your mind if you want to understand others' analogies. If you listen to somebodies point with the intention of not believing them, you are never going to get their meaning. I have made the point multiple times that I find howling to be rude (depending on the volume), but why would I be bothered by someone walking around on all fours sniffing the ground? If I did let that bother me, what does that say about me? Nobody is answering those questions. Again, I don't know what kind of friends you guys have but mine could give two shits what I do when I am not around them, so long as I am not hurting people. Why would I want friends that gave a shit about that stuff anyway? That would frankly be bonkers.
  13. ^Ok thats for sure true. But I don't care if someone is transgender because they want to be or have to be, either way in my opinion it isn't any of my business. The point I am trying to make is that biological or not, being transgender doesn't affect people. On the flip side, being biologically inclined to do something doesn't make it okay either. How many people do you think are biologically attracted to little kids? Society doesn't blame you for being attracted to kids, they blame you when you actually sexually abuse them right? I know that is a hilariously extreme example but its my favorite. I for one am a huge fan of the booty. If I walk around with a shirt that says "I love da booty" then I have indeed taken upon the public role of a man who loves da booty. Most people would be okay with that. If I walk around hooting and complimenting men and women on their bodacious bods, people might consider that harassment. Loving the booty and expressing my love in a way that doesn't impede on others rights is okay, but expressing my love in the form of harassment is not okay. I won't ever find a perfect analogy, but I can do this for days.
  14. ^ The world would be a sad place indeed if people were weak minded enough to be swayed by whether others agree with them or not! A trans gender person is a dude (XY) "pretending" to be a lady (XX), or vice versa. Hes not acting "transgender" hes acting like the societal norm of a member of the opposite sex. I don't accept transgender people because I understand that "gender" is a spectrum and a byproduct of society like some hippie goon, I accept transgender people because they have the right to do their thing. I know I'm not the most concise but I feel like I am conveying my overall point fairly clearly and that my point is fairly relevant. I've never heard the term "otherkin" before this thread and frankly, I find it hilarious. Its a kid with a way overactive imagination and little regard for what other people find normal just doing his/her thing. You can call her an "otherkin", or you can call her a goofball. But why do you have to ruin her fun just because everyone else has a stick up their ass? The friends a kid gets when they don't worry about other people's impressions of them (when they don't place their self esteem in the hands of others) are the kind of friends that I'd personally like to have. I don't know about you guys, but I like to be able to act however I want in front of my friends. I don't like worrying about what I have to say and the friends I've made are like minded. Obviously I try my best to be respectful but my friends usually only take offense to pretty reasonable things (lying, cheating, mean remarks, etc).
  15. That's not a contradiction. What I am saying is that drawing "negative" attention to yourself and doing something to legitimately bother people are two different things. That is why I brought up transgender-ism. Transgender-ism makes people uncomfortable, but that doesn't make it "wrong". People wearing turbans make some people uncomfortable, again that doesn't make wearing turbans "wrong". Sitting next to someone on the bus after you work out but before you take a shower will make people uncomfortable, and I think that is "wrong". I think that is wrong because there is really nothing you can do to stop smelling the foul odor except breathing through your mouth like a god damned knuckle-dragger. Obviously you don't hang around people that make you uncomfortable. But not everyone gets uncomfortable at the same things. There are a lot of communities that embrace goofy people, like Portland. There is nothing profound about any of this. If op's sister wants friends that feel uncomfortable when she acts like a wolf, then she won't act like a wolf around them. If the little girls friends don't want to hang around her based on what she does in her free time, away from any of them, then they should fuck right off!
  16. Wait what is the moral objection against messing with a body with no sentience? Is it that you aren't sure if it has sentience?
  17. Dude for real this is common sense. If the girl is running around getting all up in peoples shit she should probably stop. If she is keeping her ass out of other people's business and they still have an opinion about it they can take their opinion and shove it. There are no laws against running around on all fours, or howling (though she probably needs to howl quietly!) but I'm pretty sure there are laws against sniffing people. If someone gets offended by a girl walking around on all fours and sniffing the ground, git gud. If someone gets offended because the girl is shouting in public and sniffing people, they should probably get her to stop. Nobody is going to argue you on that. All I am asking is what are you doing if you tell someone that they need to stop their behavior just because it isn't "social norm"? A lot of people have a lot of different ideas about social norm and I think its smart to be subjective about it. Explaining why people might be uncomfortable with your howling and sniffing them is just a bit different - that is more about empathy. It has less to do with how people feel about your kid and more about how your kid is making people feel. Do you need to tell your kid that she can't pretend? - or - Do you need to tell your kid that she can't sniff people?
  18. So If a man dressing as a woman makes me uncomfortable should I ask him to stop or should I get over it? The reason howling at people is fucked up is the same reason that yelling anything at anyone is fucked up, it has nothing to do with the girl pretending to be a wolf. Its about assaulting their ears with loud noise not making them feel awkward. There are laws against noise pollution but there aren't too many about just being a weirdo. Teaching someone to be respectful of others and teaching them not to make people "uncomfortable" because of one's mannerisms are different. Why is everyone being such a bummer? If people can't handle some little girl pretending to be a wolf that's their problem not hers! Of course people are going to think you're weird but who cares? My first post was intended as tongue-in-cheek so I'm sorry if I offended anyone, but I'd really like to reference this post from a long time ago: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=54866 TL;DR Some kid wants help with bullying and quite a few people offer advice that is strategy to make the bullies stop, as opposed to strategies to get over the bullying. I feel like there is quite a bit of "get her to stop so she doesn't get bullied" in this forum which is insane to me. The only surefire way to protect yourself from bullying is to not let bullying affect you. You guys can bet your asses that I, just like everyone I know, have been the subject of disparaging remarks and disrespect and if I can get over it and not let it affect me, anyone can. You have very little control over how others will feel about you but you have full control over how you feel about yourself. A weird guy is a weird guy and while I absolutely agree that people ought to know how to interact with adults in a professional/academic setting, there's no reason to force them to be like that. Some people find happiness in odd ways. My uncle was a drug addict and alcoholic for almost his entire life and finally found real happiness in almost complete isolation. He lives only with animals and sees other people only a few times a week but he loves it. I obviously have no idea whats really going on with ole Op's sister especially as I only have second hand information, but if I had to guess I would put my money on a little awkward girl acting like a little awkward girl, and that she is probably going to grow out of it. But the idea that someone needs to grow out of that behavior is absolutely absurd. No, you aren't going to live a normal life if your hobbies include running around pretending to be an animal. Yes, you can absolutely take up on your hobby of running around pretending to be an animal in ways that shouldn't bother anyone else and live a perfectly happy and productive life.
  19. I would argue that the real world is a place where you can literally do whatever you want given you have the means. I would bet quite a bit of money that I could step outside and pretend to be a wolf. I really do believe I have the means, and as long as I didn't harass people and pee in public, I don't think there would be too many life altering repercussions. I like to think that my real friends wouldn't give a shit if I liked running around pretending to be a wolf: as long as I didn't do it when I was hanging around them because they aren't really into that stuff. My friends ought not to care about crap like that because its not nearly as strong an indicator of my character as other tendencies. For a bunch of Fire Emblem fans I feel you guys sure don't buy into the cheesy themes these games are all about!
  20. I'm not trying to be a complete asshole, honestly, so please hear me out. Why not? If a little girl wants to pretend she's a wolf in public whats really wrong with that? She isn't hurting anyone shes just being a weirdo. In my opinion there isn't anything wrong (in fact I think there is everything right) with educating her on effective communication with people but if she really wants to be a "wolf" why not? You can be but you don't have to be. All I'm saying is why force it on a little girl? Why not encourage her to just be happy with herself either way? If she wasn't just messing around and she really did have a problem, isn't that what she would need to learn anyway - not to need to be a "wolf" to be happy?
  21. I would have to agree that if that girl is a psychopath I hope she gets some help. ^ I guess so huh? But I'd rather be socially unacceptable and happy than socially acceptable and feel suppressed. Obviously its personal preference and obviously the two aren't mutually exclusive I know!
  22. Aren't straw-men easier to fight than real men though? That little girl is either a psychopath and really thinks she is a wolf, or is just having fun. Why ruin it just because it rustles our jimmies?
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