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Everything posted by You

  1. What are the major differences between the Japanese and the English versions of Awakening? Is it reasonable to assume that Awakening's localization will be an indicator of what the localized version of Fates will be like?
  2. From the gameplay video, I can already tell that Chrom needs to be nerfed. :P Just wondering if the model of Chrom was pulled from somewhere or was it made from scratch?
  3. One can romance the characters in the GBA series as well. Often, the lords of those games will even have multiple potential spouses, but the romancing options in those games are pretty restrictive, overall.
  4. Drat. That stinks. :( What would you guys think if Phoenix mode was allowed with harder difficulties?
  5. Perhaps it would make some of the harder difficulties of Fates easier to bear. My impression is that Pheonix mode is listed with Classic, and Casual, rather than the difficulty levels of the game. In Lunatic mode, the ability to resurrect in-battle may allow average players to complete those chapters. And who knows, maybe there will be a difficulty level in the future that forces players to ABUSE pheonix mode! :P
  6. Wow! I like your video quite a lot and it kind of inspires me to make my own hack! If I had more time, I would like to try my hand at making a full-blown FE Hack with maps and plot myself someday. You cover a lot of important aspects of map design that I have personally dealt with when doing StarCraft 2 map design (which I am reminded of by the new Whispers of Oblivion mission series). For each aspect you list, you go over in sufficient detail in a timely fashion. However, I think one aspect your video can improve on is to emphasize the ultimate points of: 1. Reviewing every aspect of maps critically and removing or changing whatever is unnecessary. 2. And pulling from experience as a gamer to figure out what makes a map fun to play. Overall, great job and I plan to look over your other videos in the future!
  7. Trump actually announced that he was inviting Oprah to be his vice-president. Trump-Oprah sounds like an interesting duo to watch, I guess. :D
  8. I'll never be able to think of my Hyperthrough body pillow the same way again. :V
  9. I was actually disappointed by your title... :P
  10. Aqua's mother's name is Shenmei and her mug is on this thread.
  11. I have zero clue, but I could really imagine Zero having both a humorous and a dark side. A purely sadistic character would probably be WAAY too dark, but I doubt that Henry will be reincarnated in Zero. If Zero won't be just a watered-down sadist, he'll probably have some interesting back story too.
  12. All the security measures of the preload has to do is keep people from playing the game until its released. Considering the game will just be released in a few weeks, I doubt anyone will bother to try and hack it. If the game was encrypted, then the encryption doesn't even have to be strong. Just enough to slow would-be hackers until the game's release. The preload is basically the data for the actual, entire game, but it would be locked so people can't play it before its actual release. This feature will cut down on the number of people downloading the game all at once on release day to make life easier for Nintendo's servers.
  13. DON'T DO IT GUYS - ITS A PYRAMID SCHEME! I'm JAHN to you guys!
  14. I feel that your "dick-toucher" already knows why you refused to shake hands with him. Perhaps, he may be hurt by how you said that and refuses to admit it to you. Still, I doubt that his impression of you was significantly damaged, and you can't take back your words anyways. Just keep acting normal, because this event will probably turn out to be minor in the long run.
  15. Personally, I like gimping on For Glory (though I don't like getting gimped myself). Spiking, Stage-spiking, or even cheap tricks with Ganondorf for example all make those games memorable to myself. I find landing those moves to be pretty funny and really satisfying. It's as if I feed off the rage of my opponents on For Glory. I still remember this For-Glory match where I two-stocked a Robin in 53 seconds by Shulk-spiking him twice. Fun times! XD
  16. I thought that we all looked like our avatars? Shouldn't digital representations of ourselves reflect how we look physically?
  17. I updated the first post (an overview) of this thread. I come to tell you guys that I have not given up and that I am better at Fire Emblem than you, but I still have to fulfill my responsibilities in life. After I complete Chapter 2 optimally, this thread should update much more quickly into the Lunatic Plus endgame. Still, I know how to approach and complete this run now. Airship Canon has informed me that I can back up my game file to effectively treat Classic mode bookmarks as Battle Saves. With this knowledge, I can rig up ideal in-game conditions and potentially edit footage into stunt videos depicting a theoretical clearing of this game's hardest mode.
  18. I know that, at least for digital copies of Awakening, game saves are linked to the general-purpose 3DS SD card. If I bookmark in-game and then back up my save file, could I reload the back-up save and indefinitely restart from the bookmark?
  19. And suddenly this thread becomes "HOT".
  20. Being gay is too mainstream, man.
  21. My recommendation for asset/flaw is Speed/Luck. Speed as an asset is relevant no matter if you choose a physical and magical class and Luck as a flaw doesn't hurt you as much as other flaws. Chrom should marry Sumia because of Sumia's limited marriage options. It's a decent pairing for both characters, too. As all of the other marriages are not forced, feel free to explore the game and marry characters as you see fit after my recommended setup.
  22. I can't invest in a capture card, but maybe a friend has one. How would using a camera work? I have yet to see a decent quality FE:A video made with a camera.
  23. A couple of important updates: I plan to make videos depicting my strategies, but I don't know how to take 3DS recordings. I would appreciate some help in this department. Regarding actual game-play, I have yet to produce a miracle strategy for Chapter 2 on Lunatic Plus. The strength and number of the chapter's enemies cannot be overcome with strategy. Despite the overwhelming difficulty of Chapter 2, I will not abandon my project. Therefore, I will work on improving my turn counts on the Prologue and Chapter 1. From my replays of Lunatic Vanilla, a four-turn victory in the Prologue is indeed possible, even on Lunatic Plus. My strategy works, but I need to... "influence" the RNG for it to become more agreeable. I will keep my eyes open for a three-turn victory. Then again, I COULD just make this into a Lunatic Vanilla run, but then the difficulty would become too low.
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