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Posts posted by MRDRHAWK

  1. What you're not keeping in mind, Ana, is that Archanea and Awakening actually sell in Japan, and the latter has the bonus of selling well in North America for when they bring this game overseas. Much as we may want characters from Jugdral, Elibe, Magvel and Tellius, we're not getting them because those games didn't sell well enough to warrant it.

    As well, the designs, while I do agree that there's some pretty questionable ones in the game, also appeal to others. We here are in the minority that doesn't give two shits about girls with big boobs and revealing outfits; the majority's what'll get them their money, and that is what they like in designs because waifu bait.

    And, let's face it. The fact that the story seems to be paced in a similar manner to Persona 4 is because that's what made Atlus their bank, especially overseas.

    It's all about how they can pull in the most cash possible, and everyone who maybe doesn't like it can, in the devs' eyes, either fall in line and buy it anyways in the hopes of finding a redeeming factor in it - or just for a love of one or both of the series involved - or just not buying it and ignoring that it exists.

  2. I'm late, I know, but I'm surprised they went with Bison as the villain rep for Street Fighter considering that, according to Namco x Capcom - which this game is meant to follow the timeline of - Bison is dead. Hence why I presumed they went with Seth in the first place for PXZ1 (that, and SF4's popularity). I'd have expected, like, Gill or Urien instead because now they're just making time fuckery.

    No problem with Metal Face being in, though, and I like the inclusion of Pyron. Kinda sucks that Tiki, Edgeworth and Ada are only NPCs, but I'll deal.

  3. I think the Bills are pretty good don't get me wrong- but the Colts(lost badly to Jets, barely beat Titans) and Dolphins(barely beat Redskins, lost to Jags) were also probably overrated coming into this season. I definitely like their chances of getting a wild card though, particularly with playing the NFC East and AFC South.

    Well, who the fuck outside of their division is challenging the Bills outside of Denver? The Colts were probably a major one, but then they decided they weren't going to block for Luck at all. The Dolphins were pretty overrated though, yeah.

    But you look at every team aside from NE and Denver, there's not a lot of quality. When the likely 4th best team in the AFC is the fuckin' Bungles, you know something's going terribly wrong.

  4. Graham's eyes tilted slightly to catch sight of Jeeves, who seemed rather winded. Honestly, he didn't understand why Jeeves pushed himself so hard; Graham and Adele were both capable of taking care of themselves, and yet Jeeves always felt he had to take care of them. Perhaps it was merely him doing his job as best as he could, but it still hurt Graham a little to see Jeeves run himself so ragged.

    "If I'm being honest, Jeeves? None of what transpired here surprises me after the interrogation we carried out at the manor. Still, I'm trying to discern exactly why Dettard's making such a bold move. Something seems... not quite as cut and dry as we've been led to believe."

    Shrugging his shoulders to loosen them a bit, Graham placed a hand atop his shoulder, still holding Over Flag in the other. "I suppose, however, that Adele and the others will be needing me here. After all, I am their shield."

  5. Bills squished the fish and start 2-1 with a hard first three games. I predict walking into the bye at 6-1.

    Man, with Tyrod Taylor actually looking like a functional QB, the Bills are fucking scary. That defense might be the best in the NFL, and Shady gives them a legit running game to work with. Not to mention Rex Ryan's actually a good coach, despite all the jokes we can make about him.

    If Brady & Belicheck weren't in FUCK YOU mode, I'd have a hard time slotting anyone other than the Bills in the AFC Conference Championship. This team is that improved, and the AFC is, in fact, that bad right now.

  6. Man... this team is going to start 0-5.

    Like, I didn't think they would make the playoffs, but I thought they'd at least be respectable. Looking at the rest of the schedule I see 5 wins at absolute best.

    Well, there's a lot of problems with the Lions. Stafford's work ethic is very questionable for a quarterback of his caliber, the running game is piss, the trench play is garbage, and the back seven's got some injuries.

    They're not touching the playoffs this year, or even anytime soon; not until they fix up... pretty much everywhere but the receiving corps and the back seven.

  7. 64: Captain Falcon, Fox

    Melee: Peach, Ganondorf, Captain Falcon

    Brawl: Peach, Ganondorf, Wolf, Snake, Ike, Captain Falcon

    SSB4: Ganondorf, Ryu, Shulk, recently Link, Captain Falcon to some degree, EXPAND DONG

    sounds about right although I'm really only good with SSB4!Dorf

  8. Just as a tip, but generally before you try and make this kind of request, it's nice to have a bit more done with a hack so that these artists feel they're not just going to be wasting their time doing this work for you, even with the payment you've promised.

    Saying "I have some outlines of stuff done, guys pls help" usually won't be very encouraging to mug makers and other such artists. I'd give it some more time, and some actual hacking work being done, before coming with this kind of request so that this isn't just a waste of your money and their time and effort.

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