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Posts posted by MRDRHAWK

  1. I've heard reports that he didn't work late hours, but his track record is pretty good. LB coach with that dominating Ravens defense, Defensive Coordinator with the Panthers who had the #2 defense, number of top defenses and good seasons in Jacksonville, then the Broncos defense substantially improved. Probably not someone who's going to win a Super Bowl, but he's the most proven Raiders coach in a while.

    Yeah, he's a lot like Wade Phillips in a way. Great coordinator, but ass head coach. Still, I'm surprised that Oakland's doing so well, and maybe he got his shit together when he was our DC and fixed the work ethic issue.

    Stafford is about to get straight murdered by Von Miller and D-Ware. I don't know if I even want to watch this. =(

    He's been pretty bad this year, honestly. I dunno if it'd be that huge of a loss if he did go down from the Broncos sacking him about twenty times.

  2. You're forgetting that Jack Del Rio has an awful work ethic, and he got called on it rather publicly at least once while he was in Jacksonville. I'm stunned he's got his team so well-prepped these days, though I wonder if that's the work of his coordinators.

    Besides, the AFC West is actually good. Peyton's arm may be done, but Denver's still got a top-three defense, plus the Chargers still have Rivers and the Chiefs are... well, they're okay.

  3. Meanwhile, Graham simply lay in wait, alert, waiting just in case there were more potential assailants. While he was appreciative of his current company, he knew that he couldn't relax while they were in potential danger. After all, this was rather clearly a power grab by Lord Dettard, which he hoped to achieve by assassinating Owen and stealing his throne.

    At least, that was what Graham assumed was the case. The attackers did confirm Dettard's involvement, at least, so that provided some credence to the theory. Then again, he wasn't here for theories and thinking. His job was simple: thwart the enemy's plans with his iron-clad determination.

    The Over Flag would certainly help matters as well.

  4. Declan shrugged his shoulders and left Magali and Shylah to their own devices. Still, what was he to do here now? There wasn't exactly a lot going on, so... maybe he'd take a walk; clearing his head definitely sounded like a good idea in this kind of situation. Something was still feeling... off inside him, and he needed a bit of time to think things through.

  5. The AFC North sure has fallen. I wouldn't be shocked if three AFC East teams made the playoffs now. The Bengals could cruise to a division title at this rate

    The AFC East is not sending three teams to the playoffs. The Jets are gonna get hit in the face by reality any time now - they already lost to a very overrated Eagles team - and the Fins don't look like a playoff team right now. Especially with how they're jobbing to the Bills right now.

    Meanwhile, what the hell's with Oakland starting well? Sure, Cleveland sucks, but they beat the Ravens last week, and Derek Carr actually looks functional enough to avoid the sophomore slump - and this is without Greg Olsen as his coordinator.

  6. Graham seemed to be satisfied with his own work for now, but he still wished to protect the prince. It seemed that there was greater treachery afoot than he had initially realized, and that wasn't something he was about to stand for. However, all he could do for now was wait, lance in hand, for a chance to prove that treachery was something that would not stand in this land or any.

    Graham moves to (25,8) and equips his Over Flag.

  7. Graham let out a grunt of disapproval; it seemed as if they were careless and waded right into a battle in progress. Though it seemed they were too late to prevent a skirmish in the first place, he could at least help in ending it.

    Graham moves to (29, 7) and does archery things to the Soldier

  8. So soon after he was to begin? Graham let out a sigh, though he was inwardly relieved that he was in no need to pack his own things - it was more of a hassle than anything, really, to load up a suit of armour into a caravan properly. At least he could take solace in knowing exactly how to do so, however; Adele was not quite as adept at such things as she would readily admit.

    "Very well. I had hoped to train a little before we left in the event of a conflict when we arrive, but if we're to leave already, then I won't waste the time." He would still keep the Over Flag close, however, in such an event.

  9. Declan didn't really notice the changing colours in Shylah's eyes, but winced a bit at the bit about voices in her head. Was that normal for a dark mage? And, for that matter, was this girl truly a dark mage? Aside from the supposed voices in her head, Shylah really didn't seem like a dark mage to him. Something felt off, but that was beside the point.

    "Well, you sure do talk a fair bit... Maybe that's part of it?" A half-hearted attempt to generate a bit of humour in the situation, to lighten the mood and make things easier on Declan. Of course, she kept going on. It was actually rather unusual, and it reminded him a bit of Melanie - and, to a degree, Arietta.

    "War's a bitch, that's for sure. Take it from a guy who's actually from around these parts; the city's a lot more vibrant when half the town's not out dying for crown and country. And..." His gaze slid around, to behind him as the rest of the group were communicating amongst themselves. "I am, yeah. We all are. Granted, we're just a pack of mercenaries, but still. Pays a lot better than you'd think these days."

  10. you had me intrigued with this until I saw the section about writing and then I just zoned out tbh

    The balance ideas are... okay, I guess (though innate Galeforce in FE8 sounds kind of ridiculous), but the writing ideas just sound pointless and ultimately do nothing to fix the issues the writing in FE8 does have. It also feels like you're shoehorning in monster classes for the player side, which feels pointless if there's no real reason to do so.

    Poison bows having four whole range also sounds like horseshit and I do not appreciate this sniping thank you

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