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Posts posted by MRDRHAWK

  1. I'll try to explain this.

    One day, God decided that he would try and create the universe. Then he did, and realized it was boring as all hell. So then he peppered some little playthings around so that it wouldn't be as boring to watch over. All was peaceful, for a time anyways.

    But then, God got restless. God was tired of just sitting around and watching all his little stringless puppets dance about in the universe that he created; so he decided to become one of them, if only for a little while. But he needed a disguise, so he plucked one of his subjects up at will and took on their form in their stead, and vowed that if he were to ever become a crucial component in any military force, that he would be able to truly outclass all before him with minimal effort.

    Said form is now known as Brady.

    ... Wait, what were we talking about again?

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