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Posts posted by MRDRHAWK

  1. It can activate with a Pair-Up (makes grinding mages so much easier), but if any other allied units are within three spaces it won't activate.

    And yes, no matter what Chrom's son will inherit Rightful King. Most people on here will agree, though, that Galeforce is better since Inigo can learn Astra due to inheriting Myrm from Olivia.

  2. Puddingface, you realize that if I gun for my own lynch, as independent, I am throwing the game? While I might do inexplicable things, I always have a reason for it.

    I've seen indies who purposely get themselves killed off early in an attempt to accelerate their wincon occurring.

  3. Alright, so far my thoughts:

    -Refa's acting hella defensive right now, but he does bring up some solid points. Elieson's definitely town, and after going back and reading Manix's shit, I'm starting to think he may be scum.

    -Boron's gotta be town. Something about her just tells me that she's not on the scum side of the equation.

    -Eclipse seems most likely to be an indy. We don't know that there's not a third party aside from scum & town, and the way she's going is making it very hard to peg her as one or the other.

    -Something about Viata rubs me the wrong way. It seems like he's firing at anybody he thinks may be scum, and is just hoping one of his plans will catch fire somehow. Sure, he is making some sense, but I just don't see this being a sound tactic.

    -Paperblade seems a bit sketchy too, but I can't really figure out why that is.

    ##Unvote for now until I can get a better read on a couple of the others.

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