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Posts posted by MRDRHAWK

  1. Yes we know earlygame is hard but that doesn't mean you handwave all of it to sheep teh biggest wagon for no reason.

    I'm just not picking up any solid leads here, so I'm just going for a lynch. Probably once the night phase rolls around I'll start getting a better grasp of who may or may not be scum.

  2. Polydeuces, do you not have any reads right now? :/

    Speaking of which, content post coming in a bit.

    Day 1 is, like, the worst day to get reads on people because of just how difficult it is; people can be acting really scummy to some people but are actually playing a solid game for town. It's a lot easier when the game's been going for a couple of phases and then you can start to connect a couple of dots.

  3. Now? Nobody has ever shipped me with someone. And I'm happy for it. I don't care and I'm not interested, so I'm glad they respect that decision and my right to refuse.

    By the way, please don't misinterpret my posts. If you haven't, please read the disclaimer found in my sig.

    Man, I've been watching Fairy Tail heavily for the last two days. I don't know dick about what's gone on here since then.

  4. I HAVE RETURNED. Fairy Tail has taken up too much time lately.

    Well, it's almost the end of DeSu2. I've joined Ronaldo's faction, and I'm on the battle where you have to beat Fumi really quickly.
    The only characters I didn't get a fate level 4 with are Airi and Hinako, though Ronaldo's route allowed me to get a level four with her.
    I was pretty close to getting the triumphant ending... ;_;

    First off, be warned that I will mock you mercilessly for going Law first, since you never do that in an SMT game of any sort that has the Law/Neutral/Chaos breakdown.

    Second, that fight isn't as bad as it seems if you can take out Keita first considering he hits you like a brick shithouse with Rage Soul/Attack All. Of course, you could just stack Phys Repel on your leftmost demon (since it'll just skull-eff him instead) to cheapen the whole thing.

  5. Coincidentally, I've been playing DeSu 2 occasionally these past few weeks (yay for importing).

    I failed to get Joe to Rank 4 Fate before Saturday, meaning I can't get the True ending unless I reload a previous save. Oy vey.

    You're a Euro? Neat.

    And yeah, I screwed up my True Ending playthrough because [spoiler=SATURDAY ISH]I didn't build Io's Fate link high enough before Saturday so she kinda exploded


    scumbag Io making it so I can't just ignore the Neutral Fate links

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