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Posts posted by MRDRHAWK

  1. I don't get what benefits he'd get from acting ignorant of things of how things work on SF, so I'm more inclined to believe he really doesn't know these things.

    I just explained above; I'm basing what I figure through past experience. Unfortunately, I have no past experience in an SF mafia.

  2. To be fair, this is my first SF Mafia, and obviously you guys run things a lot differently than the other places I've been in mafias before. On other boards, very rarely do scum have communications with all other scum members; they're usually more likely to be with other scumbuddies, but I've never seen a scum player who can communicate with all other scum-aligned players.

  3. Um...scum all know each other's alignements...

    And how, pray tell, are you privy to this info, hmm?

    And I've been scum before and yet have had no communications outside of the thread allowed.

  4. You're also assuming that scum knew Wallcrab's alignment before they killed him, Eclipse. I doubt that scum would have a tracker working with a killer; hell, I doubt they've got any roles that can communicate with each other period.

  5. I'm not getting any 100% scumreads per se, but I'm still suspicious of Viata, albeit less so. Paperblade seems the scummiest to me right now due to how he reacted when people started voting him, with Weapons right behind because he's seemed scummy as all hell since the game began.

    There could be a scum push to get Refa mislynched, although I'm not buying anybody in that whole thing as scum, Refa or the voters. I'm leaning full town for Eclipse, Grassbridger, Elie, Refa and Boron right now, with everyone else either somewhere in the middle or outright scum (Weapons/Paperblade).

    Again, I still say somebody's an indy trying to screw with somebody specific; I'm not too sure who it is (maybe Euk?), but I'm feeling like there's an indy masquerading as scum.

    We also have to consider the possibility of a recruiter somewhere in this game; we may not think somebody's scum now, but maybe they are. Eclipse seems likely to be recruited since she's most aggressively going after scum, but I don't think that's happened just yet.

  6. Do you actually have anything else to say

    Not really. I can't really do anything else aside from try and throw out cases, and I'm not exactly building up cases for or against people right now.

    Honestly, though, I'm not getting the sudden mass scumread on Refa.

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