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Posts posted by MRDRHAWK

  1. "Feh, I just gotta look for the fort that's not wrecked, right? Shouldn't be too hard to find..." With that, Poly split off from the group, taking great care to leave obvious footprints behind so as to make it as easy as possible for the Annas to track.

    "This oughta be fun..." Poly thought to himself as he went into a nearby forest. "Let's see if these bimbos are as smart as they are plentiful..."

  2. "Just in case they're smart enough to try and follow our tracks, I'll take a different route, to try and throw them off of your guys' trail. I've still got my armor and I don't need a ton of rest, so I can handle it. Just don't get jumped on the way."

  3. "Y'know, I gotta say... even with all these Annas running around, this place ain't half bad. I mean, at least we've got each other. And there's not a being in existance that can take one of us down - not an Anna, not Grima, not anything. Well, except maybe evil clones of us, but that just sounds ridiculous."

    we should totally do a Wellspring-esque Paralogue where we fight evil us-es

  4. "The Bathrealm would be fine. Anywhere than here, I already despise this place. There's too many painful memories here. Memories that won't let me sleep."

    "Tch. Don't let bad memories get in the way of anything in your life. All that a bad memory means is that we just gotta make a new one to boot it out, yanno?"

  5. "W-We shouldn't stay here... but... I can't think of where to relocate everyone... T-The Bathrealm, maybe?" Silvia rubbed at her eyes with a free hand, trying to stay awake. Sorin was out of commission, she couldn't fall as well.

    "I wouldn't bother with the Bathrealm, Silvia. I was just nearby there and there's a pretty big pack of those Annas roaming around there. Besides, didn't an Anna run the Bathrealm in the first place?"

  6. EVERYONE has a support with me.

    Mine never had you listed doe.

    "Now that that's over, can anyone tell me what has happened in the past millenia?"

    "Ain't it obvious? Redheads have taken over, and we gotta cut them down until we've secured our homes again. Pretty basic stuff."

  7. Axel, you're in the wrong series. XD

    at least I used the original translation doe

    "Well, hello there. I am called 'Kat'. The wounded on my back is Sorin, our leader. Unfortunately, he's been rendered incapacitated for a while, at least a week, so Silvia is serving as the leader."

    "Heh, is that right? Well, your true leader definitely looks like someone who can handle themselves in a fight... just make sure that wounds are all we get..."

  8. I'm cutting slack of everything but the third.

    k cool then.

    Poly turned back in the direction he came from, and noticed more Annas charging in. Cursing under his breath, he switched to Thanibomb and started pelting the Annas with light magic while waiting for someone to either finish off the pack's leader or to aid him in dispatching of the Annas in front of him.

  9. "Sorry I'm late, y'all, but I needed to pick up a new toy of mine from the blacksmith." With that, Poly pulled out a second sword, this one entirely golden, and pointed it skyward whilst staring an Anna straight in the face.

    "THANIBOMB SWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORD!" he cried as a ray of light blinded the Anna enough for Poly to switch to his axe and charge at the Anna, stopping to rear back the Armads.

    "It's time for the showdown!" Poly yelled as he swung the Armads down, cleaving an Anna right in two, just in time for Kat to take out an Anna that had come up behind Sorin.

    EDIT: Yeah Carter, my class is right.

  10. Ah, yes? Wait, are you jumping into the fight now?


    After the army fought against another oncoming horde of Annas, there was a massive yell coming from above them. Duck turned to look at who it was and was shocked, but in the good way.

    "CHESTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" the voice yelled as a man in a black longcoat - made unique by the Roman numeral IV on the back - plummeted down and drove his axe, the Armads, right through the horde of Annas, splitting them up as he quickly drew his sword and started slicing through two of the Annas.

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