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Posts posted by TheWill

  1. Easily the easiest Grand Hero Battle. Beat it on Lunatic first try. Effie almost solo'd the entire map. 

    My team was: Eirika, Effie, Linde and Camilla. 

    All of them are of course maxed and SI'd except Camilla who didn't really do anything. 

  2. In all honesty, I do dislike characters with a single trait, but only in mass. In Awakening, the cast was way too colourful, I feel I should say. I have yet to play Fates, so I can't comment on it. Previous games did have characters who were defined only by a single-traits, notable examples are Ilyana, Heather, Serra and Sain, however these were minorities in the overarching scheme. It wasn't as frustrating having these colourful characters every once in awhile compared to almost every single character recruitable having a silly gimmick to them that defines almost their entire character wholly. In cases like Ilyana, Faye and Sain, I don't get that sense of detraction or annoyance as they're an anomaly and feel like additions rather than the developers trying too hard to make a character have some silly quirk for the sake of having a quirk. 

    A large majority of Fire Emblem side characters don't have any character development. Character development or a character being well-written is definitely not a requirement for a popular character. A popular character only needs to be appealing and have exposure. To a majority of people, these two factors are enough to be a 'good character'. Not to make Fire Emblem's cast seem bad, but if great character development is a requirement to make a good character, there really shouldn't be many Fire Emblem characters that can be labelled as good.

  3. 4 hours ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

    w o w heretic

    If Sophia was in the gauntlet and she was popular, I'd be surprised too.

    Sophia's always been one of the most popular FE6 characters.

    I dunno how much in-game strength affects whether people choose that character or not though. Bandwagoning on Camilla seemed to make Cordelia look more unpopular than she really is.

  4. With new banners continuing to introduce new units to the game, half of the accumulated total of the banner units remain 5*'s, whilst the remaining half get lowered down to 4* units. As of right now, we have 22 5* units , 26 including all of the Path of Radiance focus units, however we know after the banner ends 2 will be downgraded leaving us with 24 5* units.

    Representing each Fire Emblem, we have:

    • Fire Emblem 1: Tiki, Minerva & Linde
    • Fire Emblem 2: Alm
    • Fire Emblem 3: None
    • Fire Emblem 4: Eldigan & Julia
    • Fire Emblem 5: Olwen
    • Fire Emblem 6: None
    • Fire Emblem 7: Lyn, Hector, Ninian, Jaffar & Karel
    • Fire Emblem 8: Ephraim
    • Fire Emblem 9: Ike & Soren/Titania (whilst I feel like it should be Ike & Soren as the 5* bases, looking at the Gaiden/sibling bonds banners they might continue trying to make one male and one female remain 5* and one male/female drop down to 4*, thus if they maintain that, Ike will remain over Soren and Titania will likely be chosen over Mist).
    • Fire Emblem 10: Sanaki
    • Fire Emblem 12: None
    • Fire Emblem 13: Lucina
    • Fire Emblem 14: Azura, Ryoma, Hinoka, Takumi, Leo & Elise
    • Fire Emblem 15: Faye

    Evidently, a lot of the five star base units are .

    So, how do people feel about five star units in general?

    I feel like with the steady increase of five star units, I would like some gacha changes sooner or later where if you roll a 5* base, they aren't units like Peri or Chrom who can appear as 5*, but also appear as 4*. I'd like the 5* base roll to exclusively be 5* units. Thus, it makes it at least a bit easier to pull for the unit you want that's a 5* exclusive. 

    For Awakening's popularity, it's quite surprising there's only a single 5* base, of whom is the most obvious choice to represent Awakening.

    Which units would you downgrade to a four star or upgrade to a 5* base?

    Out of the list, I would only downgrade a few characters. Those being Faye, Jaffar, Karel and Sanaki all to a 4* base. Whilst I understand why each of them were chosen to be a 5* base over others (Faye being the new unit to represent Echoes over just Gaiden, Karel being a recognizable unit from Elibe appearing in both games similar to Bartre, but obviously more popular, Jaffar being a popular unit with his backstory and Sanaki being a very plot relevant character in PoR and even more so RD), I just feel like the factors that influence a character being a five star base (popularity, exposure, importance in original game & strength in Heroes), they don't reach any of these factors close to others. Sure, Julia isn't popular, but she's still the main heroine of Fire Emblem 4. Eldigan is very popular for an enemy-only unit and important friend to Sigurd, although I would likely drop him lower if it weren't for being the best cavaliar in Heroes.

    And finally, which units do you think will be given a 5* treatment for each series?

    For the games without any 5* bases, I think the likely candidates will be:

    • Fire Emblem 3: Hardin. 
    • Fire Emblem 6: Idoun. 
    • Fire Emblem 12: Katarina & Nagi.  

    The only 5* bases remaining for FE1/3/11 would be Camus who's a GHB unit. Even with Hardin, I can see him being a GHB unit as well, but in the case he's not, I wouldn't be surprised to see him maintain a 5* base rate after his banner ends.

    For Fire Emblem 6, I honestly can't see anyone deserving of a 5* base outside Roy, Lilina and Zephiel, none of which are 5* bases. The only potential character I could even think of would be Idoun, who I can definitely see joining Tiki and Ninian as a 5* base manakete. 

    As for Fire Emblem 12, I only see Katarina becoming a 5* base. Kris would likely follow the Robin & Corrin's and one be a 3* base and the other a 4*/GHB. I also placed Nagi here because despite her rather minor role, the mystery she's shrouded in and her supposed power I think are extremely high. 

    For the other Fire Emblems, I would guess:

    • Fire Emblem 2: Celica. 
    • Fire Emblem 4: Sigurd & Alves (GHB possible). Oifey?
    • Fire Emblem 5: Leif.
    • Fire Emblem 7: Athos.
    • Fire Emblem 8: Joshua. 
    • Fire Emblem 9: Elincia, Black Knight (GHB possible) & Tibarn. Possibly Reyson or Greil?
    • Fire Emblem 10: Micaiah, Sothe, Sephiran & Altena.
    • Fire Emblem 13: None.
    • Fire Emblem 14: Shiro & Seigbert. 
    • Fire Emblem 15: Conrad

    There'll likely be more than the ones I listed here, as characters such as Faye I wouldn't guess as 5* bases until the banner comes and see who they're competing against. What's everyone elses opinion? 

  5. 4 minutes ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

    I kind of wish I was more hyped for this banner. I love PoR. The art is great too, but I guess the character choices seem super predictable. (But more green units! Yay!)

    I'd love to pull for Soren, but I feel like green mages are in such an awkward position right now. I feel that it becomes: You're either better than Julia or you're irrelevant, or you have an even better stat distribution than Nino to run the -blade tome, or you're irrelevant. 

    Unless you're running horse emblem, where Cecilia is the only choice. 

  6. 2 minutes ago, Dandee Leone said:

    So, I don't see how my points are moot, but on the contrary, yours sure is. Ike alone was by far the most popular character left, and the Tellius cast had as much presence in Choose Your Legends as Awakening/Fates.

    Sadly, they didn't. From the top of my head, only five of them even appeared in the top 100. Those being Ike, Soren, Nephenee, Black Knight and Mia. It disappoints me a lot that some of FE6-12's great characters don't get the representation they deserve, but the newer fanbase is definitely outnumbering the series veterans.

  7. 4 minutes ago, Lyrai said:

    First off, Mist has always been Ike's little sister! But I believe she's important solely because she is the only one who can harmlessly possess the Medallion, and she carried it all the way until she gave it to Reyson. And that she is just cute and innocent. I personally believe she's more popular than that.

    I'm pretty sure they battled over Rhys or Mist, but since Mist is more popular, and making her in the game balances the Male/Female ratio, she made it in. I'm a little dissapointed that she isn't a Troubadour.

    I don't think they would've even considered Rhys. He's one of the least popular characters in Path of Radiance and isn't iconic (as you mentioned, Mist is), which are the two important traits to being chosen. The only banner who didn't follow this trend was the 'Siblings Bond' banner where they prioritised character relationships over fan popularity and relevance to their series.

  8. 3 minutes ago, Dandee Leone said:

    As excited as I am for Ike, i think this was an incredibly stupid move on Nintendo/IS/DeNA's part from the perspective of this game's longevity. Like, Ike is a HUGE pull for players to get back into the game, to revive the game in the future. And why would they put him in so soon after Alm, and only 3 weeks before Echoes launches in the US? There is still a lot of interest in the game, and Echoes only bolsters it.


    Right now, the focus should have been squarely on Gaiden/Echoes characters. The tie in promotion would keep the game healthy. Afterwards, towards the late summer, when hype for this game would have died down, THEN Ike should have been added.


    Eh, whatever, to us, the common gamer/consumer, this logistical stuff isn't for us to worry about. IKE BABY!

    They're releasing the more popular characters for each series first in general. Even the base game had mostly the popular characters of each game. Ike wasn't going to be held on for too long. The least popular out of this list is Mist who was likely chosen for her prominency in Path of Radiance. 

    Celica will wait till the English release of Echoes. 

  9. 3 minutes ago, Refa said:

    Firstly, I don't entirely agree with what you're saying.  Most gamers do finish games lol, even if they don't finish all or even most of the games they own.

    In relation to the relevance of the thread, it's statistically false that gamers complete most of the games they purchase. In the modern gaming industry, most players don't complete games they buy. This is a consistent trend across all genres of gaming, not just open world games. 

    First-Person Shooter games: 

    Role-playing games:

    • Only 15.6% of players fought the final boss in Tales of Zestiria. 
    • Only 12.3% of players completed the second half of Final Fantasy 7 (it should be noted this is likely significantly lower due to how long the game is and also that many people purchasing Final Fantasy 7 may have completed it during their childhood).

    Horror games: 

    • Only 26.3% of players got to Chapter 6 on Dead Rising 3 (there are 8 chapters). 
    • A larger amount of 49.6% of players have beaten Resident Evil 7: Biohazard on easy mode.

    Hack'n Slash games:

    • Only 6.5% of players have beaten Bayonetta on normal mode. 
    • Only 20.4% of players have beaten Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition on Devil Hunter mode.
    • It should be noted that players may have beaten the game on easier difficulties and stopped playing, however even accumulating the percentages of these still wouldn't come close to a 50% completion rate across consumers.  

    There are some areas of games that do often have higher completion rates. Particularly, story-driven games:

    • 44.7% of players completed Dangnaronpa 2: Goodbye Despair. 
    • 48.6% of players fully completed Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma's story. 
    • 63.1% of players completed Walking Dead - Episode 1, although comparatively, only 40.7% of players completed the final episode. 

    This of course isn't representative of the console gaming industry, just the PC-gaming community. 

    Anyway, what I actually thought this topic was formed was because of the IGN article about gamers not completing games. I thought it was common knowledge, but apparently not. 

  10. 8 hours ago, Refa said:

    Yes?  I know there are no dumb questions (only the people who ask them), but come on.  Games aren't generally becoming longer and longer either.  There are just more open world games, sure, but they're not particularly longer than previous open world games.  Additionally, just beating open world games isn't that long of an endeavor.  It's only when you try to complete them that it becomes a monumental (and sometimes tedious) task.  Also, most other non RPG/Open World genres of games are a helluva lot shorter than the games that you mentioned, which makes them a lot easier to complete as a result.

    I'm curious as to why you're acting like this is a silly topic? Statistically, most gamers don't finish games they buy. This has never been more evident since the release of Steam and achievement tracking.

  11. On Sunday, April 16, 2017 at 10:51 AM, Gustavos said:

    In Fates or Heroes? :lol:

    But yinah, I think it would be neat if some Fates royals and their retainers were added incrementally at the same rate as the paralogue characters. That is, getting those guys on release in their place. Seems odd to get such a grandiose welcome to units like Rebecca. But I know people would be hype for characters like Arthur Elise.

    Rebecca's pretty popular. Everyone except Priscilla, Karel and Hawkeye are fairly popular.

  12. On 10/04/2017 at 10:43 AM, Levant Mir Celestia said:

    Tell me you're trying to bullshit me. Please... Because to be frank, I wouldn't give Tharja or Cordelia a snowball's chance in Hell of making it in.

    Whilst I really dislike Tharja, she's unfortunately the most iconic dark mage at this point. If they include a dark mage, it will almost certainly be her. At least it might give me hope for a light mage to counterbalance though with Micaiah. 

    Edit: On the other hand, I don't see Cordelia making it. Whilst she is the most popular pegasus knight, she doesn't really seem as iconic to the pegasus knight class compared to other pegasus knights. This may be due to being overshadowed by Sumia who takes a more significant role in Awakening (who I also don't see appearing), but compared to the Whitewing sisters and Caeda, I'm much more speculative.

    Tharja only has to compete with other dark mages/shamans for a slot. With that, the only ones who are remotely popular are Henry and Sophia (ignoring Fates due to likely oversaturation).

    I think to put it in perspective, if we had to have a manekete representative, I think most of us would agree it'd probably be Tiki, despite Nowi being more popular to the Awakening fanbase, simply due to Tiki's iconic nature to both the franchise and her multiple appearances in various games at this point.

  13. Just now, Thane said:

    That's funny, that's how I view your posts.

    I guess we'll have to agree to disagree.

    I have definitely been bringing discussion in each of my posts and even made a clear, concise argument that:

    #1. Explains the potential for Faye having developed depression due to Alm leaving her.

    #2. Explain that you and other people should not invalidate a characters feelings (whether depressed or not).

    At this point, it's not even agreeing to disagree. I never disagreed with your points with Faye being a badly written character, however you don't provide any comprehension to why that relates to the topic at hand (of which, you had to ask what the point of my posts were, despite being relatively clear). I explained that Faye's emotions should not be invalidated because of any poor writing associated with her character, of which you still failed to contribute any meaningful discussion. The options were to either argue that Faye's ending doesn't indicate she has depressions because of reasons or explain how the poor writing of how her character was handled does invalidate her feelings of sadness or loneliness, because of reasons

  14. Just now, Thane said:

    It's a real life mood disorder which you're trying to apply to a character who has almost nothing to go on, which makes you come across as insensitive and trivializing of a very real issue. I suggest you stop doing that.

    Please stop trying to play emotional cards, I am definitely not trivializing any real issues. Please don't make unfound allegations on an issue I have extensively researched. I've been choosing my words very carefully because it's a sensitive issue. There is absolutely nothing wrong with speculating Faye has depression based on her ending as her ending is highly suggestive of that. I have discussed that, of which you quoted me in the first place and labelled the discussion as an 'overanalysis'. I really don't understand why you've been quoting me in the first place when you have yet to bring any discussion to the table?

  15. Just now, Thane said:

    No. It is most certainly not irrelevant because she's a bloody fictional character; how well she's written is everything

    I can't simplify things further because Faye has nothing to analyze. You seem hell-bent on trying to have a poorly written character declared officially depressed. I don't know why, and I don't know where on earth you got that idea from, but there can be no question about whether or not you're overanalyzing it.

    I explained my reasoning quite well. Depression is a real life mood disorder, so it's definitely not everything in relation to this discussion. 

  16. 3 minutes ago, Thane said:

    And then we come back to the fact that she's just a poorly written character who was most likely inserted into Alm's party to balance out all that testosterone. As AzureSen pointed out, you're reading way, way too much into this, and it's frankly a bit silly.

    And again, that is irrelevant as being poorly written doesn't deter from people having the right to feel what they feel. Yes, she is poorly written. I've said that multiple times now. Maybe it's a case of over analysing on my part, but it could be a case of simplification on your behalf. 

  17. Just now, AzureSen said:

    Speaking as someone who has in the past suffered from depression, the only person in this conversation who's being insulting is you. Faye is a self-centered, childish person who can't see beyond her silly, shallow unrequited crush, as both her supports and her base convos show. The fact that she's sad that her crush married someone else and spent the rest of her life pining after him does not mean she's suffering from depression, it just means she can't get over her crush which is perfectly in-line with how she's portrayed in game. That you're trying to claim Faye never getting Alm is this big, psychologically complex deal while scorning Gray for being depressed to the point of alcoholism over Tobin's death and devaluing his suffering because Clair and the rest of his friends still being alive while putting Faye's ridiculous, overblown wangst over a childhood crush on a pedestal is both ignorant and insulting, and I'd kindly ask you to stop trying to speak on behalf of myself and others who have suffered from depression.

    I never once spoke on the behalf of people with depression, I would actually like some explanation on why you feel I insulted people with depression. If stating the plausibility of a character developing depression is insulting to you, then my apologies. It sucks that you've had to go through a depressive period of your life, but please don't incorporate that into your argument as means to suggest you have more say in the topic (this is the only conclusion I can make, otherwise I don't know why you mentioned it in the first place) than someone who hasn't suffered from depression. Yours (and everyone else) opinions have value in this discussion whether you've suffered from a mood or personality disorder or went through life relatively unscathed.

    As for the topic at hand, once again I think it's terrible people are devaluing Faye's feelings for Alm. If Faye wasn't a fictional character, to label another person in a similar situations love as shallow is pretty disgusting. The reason I questioned Gray's depression was not in an attempt to say he shouldn't be depressed, but rather question the friendship at hand when they're supposedly best friends yet fight over the same girl instead of talk it out like the friends they should. Gray being depressed indicates Tobin meant a lot to him as a friend, yet the ending where they're both alive, Gray does a pretty big disservice to Tobin. That is to say, both Gray AND Faye have every right to their feelings of depression. If it came across as scorning Gray, then my bad. The fact that you went through depression yourself, attempting to invalidate Faye's feelings on the other hand is inexcusable. The nature of unrequited love, especially on the level of Faye's endearment towards Alm, it's completely natural to be depressed over life not working out the way she wanted. People can and have been depressed for much less.

    23 minutes ago, Thane said:

    And what exactly is your point? That she's depressed and that's it?

    My point is that Faye's ending is indicative that she's got depression and that people should not be trying to invalidate her feelings of depression, lonesome or whatever they may be by labelling her relationship with Alm as just a 'childhood crush', as if that makes her lose the right to be upset or be depressed about it. 

  18. 5 minutes ago, Thane said:

    It has everything to do with your point because you're claiming things like she's depressed while at the same time admitting we don't know the context of her crush. 

    Considering how everyone else can stay close to Alm, it's more her leaving him. She had every chance to stay by his side if that was what she wanted. 

    Or - and follow me on this one - Faye happens to be a poorly written fictional character who happen to conform to a popular trope. You're the one playing psychologist by bringing up her being depressed.

    I'm claiming that she develops depression based on her ending, which is extremely likely. That again, has nothing to do with the historical context on why she likes Alm, the only important factor is that she does.

    Yes, I agree that it was more Faye leaving him. Whether that would be a smart choice is another question, since she would feel terrible seeing Alm and Cellica together, but she also feels terrible leaving him, so it's a lose-lose situation. 

    Her being a poorly written character again has nothing to do with my point.

  19. Just now, Thane said:

    And the game doesn't tell us, making the players unable to relate to Faye's strong feelings.

    Again, that has nothing to do with my point. I even agreed there was bad writing here.

    Just now, Thane said:

    Alm doesn't "leave" her. He doesn't reciprocate her feelings. Being unable to get over a childhood crush strikes me as absurd.

    Alm does " leave"  her, as she asks him to go back to Ram Village, of which he declines. They go down different paths.

    You're once again downplaying Faye's feelings towards Alm. You're labelling it as a childhood crush as if that devalues her feelings. In this relative context, it's asinine to assume you can label someone else's emotions for them and describe their behaviour as absurd or not when you don't understand the context of the person at hand. From a psychological perspective, you are not that person, you don't judge their actions and behaviour, but rather try and understand the context of their behaviour. Of which, you can't do because it wasn't detailed.

    Just now, Thane said:

    Claiming that Faye is depressed with so little information about her as a character is ridiculous.

    It's a pretty logical claim and is supported by her ending. Despite going back to the village, she continually ruminates about Alm despite not seeing him anymore. It's clear throughout the story, her happiness, dreams and ideals were staying with Alm, of which did not occur. She continually goes missing despite being married to a person she clearly doesn't love and as her family doesn't know where she's going, she's clearly not going to them for the emotional support she needs. None of this is a supportive or healthy environment for her to overcome her feelings. 

    Also no, none of this "justifies" any actions she may have done. I'm not sure why people feel the need to defend their favourite characters like that.

  20. Just now, Thane said:

    This doesn't strike you as odd? We've got a brand new character whose only real trait is her obsession with the main character, and their relationship is not even explored. In the prologue, she's sad Alm hangs out with Celica so much and we don't see her interacting with him at all. Building an obsession with a character without going into any detail why is a strange writing decision, and exactly one of the main reasons many people didn't like Tharja.

    What? Why? The overwhelming majority of people get over crushes undramatically. It's usually a painful process and it involves a lot of whining, but you get over it. Having a fictional character remain obsessed with her childhood crush who never reciprocated her feelings is absurd.

    Ah, there it is. Every time we get a new Fire Emblem character who's not a straight up good guy, they must have mental problems.

    Being odd or not is irrelevant to my point. Yes, it is bad writing.

    We don't understand the context of her crush. Obviously, with how much she's conditioned her happiness towards Alm, he clearly meant a lot to her. You're attempting to downgrade Faye's affection towards Alm without knowing the context of the situation. Maybe they forged an extremely close bond over the years they stayed at Ram Village together or maybe she fell in love with him at first sight and barely even communicated with him but is highly obsessive over him. The reality is, Alm and her feelings towards him, meant a lot to her as a character. That is what is important in this discussion. To call her absurd for being unable to get over those feelings is asinine as there are many people in real life unable to cope as people they care about leave them. 

    Depression is extremely common anyhow, I don't think it degrades her in anyway, although I'm not sure what your last point was trying to get at.

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