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Posts posted by TheWill

  1. The people saying every character had multiple iterations of their design and there was no identifiable aspect of their original designs are definitely exaggerating or misinformed. Most of the redesigns actually retain significant character traits and incorporate them in a more modern thematic which goes against the whole argument of the original designs having no precedent design. Valbur, Mae, Silque, Tobin and Clive are almost identical to their original designs and changes such as Clair becoming blonde make a lot of sense with her brother and with the overabundance of short, dark blue-haired pegasus knights already running rampart. 

    Some characters definitely changed too much. Those being Boey, Gray, Kliff and Leon. Some characters changed albeit such as Jenny losing her ponytail, however still retain similar clothing and aren't nearly as bad offenders as the ones mentioned prior. With that said, I still voted no because most characters do retain inspiration from their initial designs and the characters that changed and lost their 'iconic traits' such as Boey's wavy hair looked terrible in the first place. The original designs had nothing or very little to become attached to, so it's understandable most people voted no (including me).

  2. @eclipse

    Honestly, very interesting statistics. Effie carried both me and a friend through the map completely, yet no one here used her. She can take out the top right caviar and sword pegasus with ease, letting the ranged units hide safely behind the wall to dish out damage against the fliers (although you'll need a solid red unit or mage to take on Michalis, Klein does very little damage, he can take a hit from YTiki easily and it was mainly up to Linde taking him down in two rounds).

    For the record, my team was Effie (4*), Klein (4*), Linde and Young Tiki.

    Edit: I did complete it on Lunatic.

  3. I've blown all my orbs on this banner and also blew $60 dollars. In a way, I've gotten "lucky" from this banner and got a 5* Effie, 5* Nowi and 5* Maria (no blue orbs on that summon session) all for free (prior to the money spent) and all of them are solid units, however... I just want Ninian!

    My mate done one summon on this banner and got Ninian on his first one and he didn't even want her! Ahh!!

  4. Hey all, I've actually been curious to what units people want in Fire Emblem: Heroes the most that aren't playable (or if they are, extremely forgotten such as Fiora from Radiant Dawn) in the game. I would probably say main villains such as Zephiel, Alves and Ashnard don't count, although other villains with minor roles such as Ursula or Lloyd do count or side characters that are neither playable nor enemies.  

    Me personally, from the top of my head... I'd love to see:

    • Eight Legends (The Blazing Blade): The one group that has almost no hope of being featured and weren't even prevalent in the voting polls (if I recall correctly), I personally enjoyed the legends left by the eight and really like all the designs of the eight heroes we did see such as Elimine, Bramm, Roland and Durban. Of course, they'd all use their legendary weapons at their highest rank and it'd be a great opportunity to see the designs of characters such as Hanon.  
    • Leila (The Blazing Blade): Well... we all know what happened to her in the end. Honestly, I doubt she'd be a good unit in this game, probably around a Matthew-level unit. But honestly, since Blazing Blade, I've always wanted to use her as a unit. I'd definitely train one up if I got her!
    • Greil (Path of Radiance): We never got to see his full strength in Path of Radiance and well, we all know how his encounter with Black Knight went down. Using Urvan would be a given!
    • Altina (Radiant Dawn): Similar to the Eight Legends, Altina likely has no hope of appearing in Fire Emblem: Heroes. Unlike the Eight Legends however, we do have a design for her. Considering that she is likely the strongest beroc in the Tellius-saga, she'd be beyond busted as a character anyhow. A man can dream though, right?!
    • Clarisse (New Mystery of the Emblem): I really enjoy her design from New Mystery. That's about it, really. I enjoyed her side story with Katarina and the whole assassin subplot, although I think I'm the minority. 
  5. 10 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Oh, I'm still playing the game. Just not much because I don't have much to do in it right now. I'll probably just do those daily quests and that's it for now. It is silly to play just for a few characters. I wanted to see the story and original characters too, as well as see some existing characters I'm not familiar with.


    That's a great choice. I do recommend limiting playtime if you're not enjoying yourself, just focus getting your favourites such as Frederick to max level. A Tellius banner will come soon enough and even though Ike will likely be on it, I'm sure even if he's not, you'd be interested in getting the other iconic Tellius characters, right? We can't be sure what's next, but I'm hoping for Tellius or Magvel personally. 


    6 minutes ago, Eselred said:

    It's not just that they are uninteresting and undeveloped, which they are.  They are BAD.  Micaiah might be the worst Lord in the series, which is crazy because Roy exists.

    I basically just rely on the PoR holdovers and emo Sothe to carry the day for the FB chapters.

    I like most, if not all, of the Fire Emblem games, but IKE is my favorite.  He's also the favorite of most people too.  The fact that he's not in the game yet, even just a regular old vanilla version of him, is pretty bad.  I enjoy Heroes, but I haven't pulled since the launch banners, and most of my usable characters are level 40.  I'm already running out of things to do and often let my stamina go to waste, and these...uninteresting banners aren't helping matters any.

    We have plenty of Elibe and Fates characters.  FFRK launched with an FF7 event and kept the FF7 content flowing in much more often than the other games.  Tellius might not be the "most popular" FE setting, but IKE is the most popular FE character.  It's time.

    That's completely normal for Gacha games. Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius saved Cloud for more than a year and released him in a special event. I think we should all be thankful that this will likely not happen to Ike since he likely needs to be released before they do the special costume banner and also at around the time the second season of the story is released.

  6. I can understand people's frustration about there being no Ike, but it's clear their saving him for a special occasion (my bet is the release of the second season of the story where he'll be a featured villain), however I think it's a problematic attitude to play the game only in anticipation of small minority of characters. To put it into perspective, I'm saving up for Ike, however to see some of the characters brought to life again from the Elibe saga made my night. I love all of the new Elibe banner units

    You guys who love Ike, Nephenee and Mia will get this feeling too when they come out. Keep saving your orbs and use them sparingly, Ike will come all in due time. Though one month may seem long, it's really not in the grand scheme of the games lifecycle. It's still a new game, even now.


    To make it entirely clear, there'll be a Magvel banner, there'll be a Jugdral banner and there'll be a Tellius banner just like there was an FE7/Elibe banner now. Just be patient!

  7. I tried this map quite a few times with a bunch of different units. However, my last attempt I soloed it with a 4* F Robin and a 4* Effie. Neither level 40. Robin kills Ursula in one round on the tile only she can hit. Kill the armored axe with either Robin or another mage/Olivia and Effie soloes the rest. In the end the Narcien one still ended up the hardest.

  8. Marth would be a good option depending on his boon/bane, so post his level 1 stats here if you can. 

    Your team however will be weak against any ranged units, which is particularly difficult for you against a Takumi-filled meta. 

  9. 3 hours ago, Thany said:

    Well its also the question of... what more character development can you get with existing characters when their main game is done? especially when its completely random what characters you can pull from a gatcha. what SHOULD be getting more character development is the actual new characters introduced, the ending of chapter 9 doesnt fully explain everything there is for them. So the existing characters not really getting any development don't need to in my eyes since they already had a whole game of their own to do so.

    Yup, priority is working on the unique story and characters, however I think it's somewhat clear that they don't really care about making a prevalent story with much character development. There's more focus on gameplay & nostalgia, which is expected in most gacha games.

  10. 1 minute ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

    I just find it funny. Maybe it completely goes against what Ephraim was like in SS, but this game was never that serious to begin with to me.

    Being humourous is definitely better than nothing, which a lot of mobile games fall under, so no complaints there. Because of limitations to character dialogue, I understand they can't go for any character development and it's easier to focus on a singular trait to get a point across, but alas one could always hope for more.

  11. On 16/02/2017 at 8:39 AM, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

    I don't know why you guys are worked up about their dialogue in a mobile spin-off.


    I don't mean to be rude as I don't particularly care for the bad writing in this game as I'm playing it for the collectables, nostalgia and enjoyable gameplay, but being a mobile spin-off shouldn't be used as an excuse for poor writing.

  12. 20 minutes ago, Dr. Tarrasque said:

    Given that you can merge duplicate 5* heroes, you'd still get some use for them without it being as stupid as running 3 of this stupid asshole that can counter-attack everything at full power.

    Additionally, if a broken character ends up in the focus list and he or she is the only one of his/her color there, it stops being a case of whether your next 5* summon will be this broken character or not, and instead becomes a case of how many stupid summons until the pity and focus rate just give you this character.

    And so, I'd have to disagree with you on this one, this is definitely a case where if people are vocal enough, it WILL be bad for business to not add the clause. It's like Hearthstone right now with that stupid "Small-Time Buccaneer" card being so good that it's overplayed and is just ruining the game for people who want to enjoy it.

    You wouldn't want to have to feel forced to merge a 5* unit for meagre stat increases that (at least, I'm under the impression) are random and could be worthless. There is much more value of having two Takumi's than a Takumi who's level 40 (+1). Also, from my (limited) knowledge on the gacha system for Fire Emblem: Heroes, you have an equal chance to pull a focus unit or another 'five star entirely'. So if you're pulling for Takumi on his banner, out of the small chance you grab a five star unit, there's a half chance it'll be a focus unit (thus, guaranteed Takumi) or half chance it could be a 5* base colourless which includes Jeorge, Takumi, Kagerou, Jakob, Elise, Sakura and Maria. Regardless of which you happen to roll, the gacha rate increase will drop back to 3%. Although really, I'm unsure what point you're trying to make with the gacha system. 

    There's no correlation to people and them not removing duplicates as being a bad business decision. As Takumi is one of the strongest units in the game and people are pulling for multiples of him to put on their team, it can be inferred that allowing duplicates is profitable for Nintendo. On the other hand, there is no supportive evidence to suggest what you're saying and that they should include a duplicate clause or else it'll be harmful to their business. People will pull for their favourite characters, that's the nature of any gacha game. 

    I don't like duplicates either and would personally never run two Takumi's even if I pulled one, but no matter how you break it up, it would be a profit loss (and also a terrible choice towards the people who DID support the game trying to get more than one Takumi), only to say: "No, too bad." That is very bad business practices and no other gacha game does that.

    People are missing the problem with Takumi is not that duplicates are allowed, but there aren't many counters towards Takumi. Sure, there are some such as Robin and Abel, but it's not enough. Regardless of whether they remove duplicates, Takumi will STILL be a problem because he one-shots/one-round kills most units and will become a staple for any top-tier arena team (of which, he is right now and that's a problem).

  13. Just now, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

    Good point about pulling with focus on Takumi and Robin, hadn't thought about that. That definitely affects our chances of getting dupes clause.

    Whilst I don't expect it, it's definitely not impossible. Most changes occur in mobile games purely do to people whining. I personally would whine about the awakening cost from 4* to 5*, haha. I think the meta will change though to hit Takumi. Hopefully, at least, because my Camilla can't do anything to him and he one-shots my Tiki, too.

  14. 3 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

    You can Limit Break in this game though, so it doesn't really punish you that hard. I understand this is a mobile game, and pretty much all general rules about good games are thrown out the window, but the fact that running multiples of the same dude instead of making one supersoldier of the dude is more viable says a lot about that unit's balance, and I'm sure IS knows this.

    I think it's not horrible from a business standpoint. You get people to pull more for more varied units, since they'll actually need to pull more if they get dupes, instead of just filling their team with the dupes.

    Unfortunately, it's a very common practice in mobile gaming. In Final Fantasy Brave Exvius, it's not uncommon to see teams compromised of just Noctis with a Dark Fina - and the rates there are way worse, at 1% + 50% chance in that 1% to get the character you'd want on a banner (similar to a focus unit in a FEH banner). I don't think the issue with punishing individuals for pulling multiple of the same unit can be fixed if you ban duplicates. Particularly, I'd feel bad for pulling a duplicate even though they're rare and supposed to be a good pull (given that you can merge 'em for an extra level, so maybe it's not as bad? But that system honestly is bad and heavily favours whales).

    Also the chances of getting three Takumi's and a Robin are a lot more expensive than pulling for a bunch of varied units since there are quite a few viable options right now, even outside of focus units. They'll likely have already pulled a lot of varied units, 5* and 4*'s looking for multiple Takumi. Of course that's an extreme example. 

  15. All you need is a solid team for now to clear content with, it doesn't matter what units, although people like Takumi/Hector/Azura/Falchion User/Manakete are preferred.

    Just save up your orbs until a banner you like comes around, as aiming for a full team of Ike's is almost an impossibility without whaling hard. 

  16. 11 minutes ago, Deva Ashera said:

    Do we know if we'll only be having only a single new banner? I was under the impression we'd be seeing 2 new focus banners each time.

    There is no confirmation, however most gacha games I play do a new banner each week. In some cases like holidays or special celebrations, they might introduce another. I think the two focus banners today were put out to celebrate the release of the game as a special occasion. With that said, we don't really know the standard yet. I'm personally guessing it'll be four new characters each week, with a focus banners containing lords from the games until they start doing banners for particular games focusing on just FE1, 2, 3, etc.

  17. 18 minutes ago, Deva Ashera said:

    Probably because they'll show them off later or leave them as a surprise. I just suspect that we'll have more then 4 Focus characters considering we had 8 this time with Marth, Lucina, Tiki, Robin, Camilla, Lyn, Roy, and Takumi. They covered multiple games and more then 4 characters, so I suspect we'll be seeing more then we've currently been shown..this was but a taste.

    Who knows..maybe they pick names out of a hat lol Its also possible there might be a better mix of generations this time.


    That was over the course of two different banners, however. A new banner will only have four characters, which is reasonable. 

  18. I'm assuming those four are going to be the featured focus units for the upcoming new banner, right? I'll probably save some orbs and pull on it a bit for Ephraim or Eirika. I bet Ephraim will be one of the best, if not the best lance user (assuming slow power creep + the fact he's popular), but I can't imagine Deidre will be too strong. Not sure about Eirika/Seliph, lots of sword users competing right now. 

    I also want a few characters like Joshua (he'll probably be another 5* base though), Cormag, Lakesis, Ayraand a lot more come out too. 

    Edit: Oh, it's Julia not Deidre, oops. I've never made it to Gen 2, or rather I stopped just before that. I think she'll have the same problems, however.

  19. As people said earlier (although it wasn't clarified as well as it should have been), just be patient. Yes, the game has inherent flaws in relation to its gameplay, but for a gacha game it's actually one of the most fair I've played. What I recommend you do, especially if you're interest in the game is diminishing is simply; save up. 

    Focus on completing the monthly quests, the daily log-ins and such for free feathers and summon orbs, just save up as much as you can. Forget about completing the story mode as fast as possible, just do the training grounds section for the small amounts of EXP (assuming you can't do higher levels) of like 10-20 EXP per kill or previous story missions you have already completed. Just keep saving up until a Tellius banner happens where you can pull for Ike, Elincia and whoever else you like there. Whilst as you mentioned, you're not using only characters you like, it's still an influential factor towards team building. This is the case for me as well, however fortunately for me, characters I like such as Lyn, Hector, Tiki and Ryuuma are top tier. In your case, I guarantee because of the inherent nature of gacha games/power creep, Ike will be extremely strong, if not top tier. Remember, Ike's summon rate will be around 3% (for focus & 5* summon pool, but he'll be competing with others, I'm not sure the exact percentages). 

    I know it's frustrating, but it's obvious from your pulls you have been getting unlucky, getting as many duplicates as you did (and no 5*'s) was very unfortunate. Just be patient and slowly work on a solid team until a Tellius banner or Awakening banner come out that you can pull from.

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