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Posts posted by TheWill

  1. Some of these Ike vs Link posts are ridiculous... Ragnell's shock wave attack is out-ranged by quite a lot of Link's own arsenal including his boomerangs, magical arrows, fire/ice wand, hookshot, throwing bombs and even bombchus. People are saying Ike would crush Link with his strength, despite the fact that the Golden Gauntlets offer Link strength unparalleled in Fire Emblem and even without them, his strength is definitely not like that of a normal person (as some people are comparing him to). Whilst still being weaker than Ike physically without equipment, he's still strong, able to throw a large chain ball with pretty good accuracy as well. That's not even considering the facts that he can clash with Ganondorf and other huge monsters.

    It is honestly not a fair fight for Ike, Link's arsenal is much larger, Link has access to some pretty ridiculous power-ups and we haven't even considered his arsenal from Hyrule Warriors which shows him doing some insane stuff that Ike would just get destroyed against.

  2. Honestly using Japan-exclusive and the game being released long-ago are excuses. Spoilers are spoilers, regardless.

    Just look at Zelda's new move, for those who haven't played Spirit Tracks, have now been spoiled. It's not too big of a deal, but if history has shown with the Smash series, Lucina being a spoiler to Awakening is definitely not one of the reasons she shouldn't be playable, not that I want her.

  3. Fans will bitch if he's not in this game. And Lucina would be too similar to Marth.

    Japanese fans prefer Lucina and will bitch if Chrom's chosen over her. It's nothing to take seriously, like the people who want Shadow or Pauline. #shotsfired

    Lucina being spoiler territory is enough to refuse her from being a newcomer. She'll be a skin at most.

    Except Smash Bros series totally disregards spoilers. Look at Shiek/Zelda which was meant to be a big plot twist in the game, ruined for many people who didn't play Ocarina.

  4. There is definitely something wrong with the chapter, the same thing happens in Chapter 5, actually. In Chapter 6, I was unable to go to the top left village like other people have been complaining, so I restarted the chapter and then I could visit it. Similarly, in Chapter 5, everything was fine at first until I made a mistake and had to restart the chapter, upon restarting the chapter I sent Schwarz (without Fa) to visit the very right village whilst she was with Menma and I couldn't visit it. Instead I tried to visit it with Fa/Men and I still couldn't, so I restarted the chapter and then it let me again.

    Basically if it's not working, restart the chapter till it does, I'd say.

  5. Who really cares in the end? Wouldn't you be hyped as all hell if you predicted something that people doubted? People do it all the time in sport events, yet no one's shutting them up

    I say let him have his fun

    There's nothing wrong with being proud of yourself, but using your predictions that happened to be correct to further a point you're trying to make is silly and should be shut down.

  6. It isn't.

    Given the Roy thing, most people weren't sure if Ike was going to come back. I myself confess to being among this crowd (in terms of being unsure of his return of course, as opposed to outright not wanting him or saying he'd be replaced), and I've seen plenty of others outside of SF that thought so too. He can be rightfully smug about this.

    Only time will tell who's the Awakening rep; it's almost inevitable at this point.

    I completely disagree with it being anything to be smug about, predicting Ike and Marth returning is in your opinion worthwhile, but not others. Given there are no statistics, no one should make a definitive claim. In fact, posts on forums can be misinterpreted in a variety of ways. I for one can testify on the few forums I go on that I've seen people who pretty much expected Ike, but that doesn't speak for the community at all. At best, you only know a small fraction of the community and as such, you're basing your opinion on that small fraction, likewise I am doing the same.

    As such, no Makalov shouldn't be smug about anything, nor should anyone else including myself for making a prediction that in some peoples opinion (ie. mine) an obvious outcome. People often say Ike, Lucario, Wolf and other characters are in the 'grey' area, but that's all relative to the person. I never thought of Ike in the grey area and didn't consider the possibility of him being cut as a worthwhile possibility. On the other hand, I believe Jigglypuff has a chance of being cut and wouldn't be surprised if she was, which is as I've seen from other peoples opinion, not a possibility they're considering.

    The fact that one is trying to support his argument with Chrom/Lucina with the fact that they guessed Ike/Marth returning correct is actually extremely silly.

  7. also i say lucina because if fire emblem is getting a third rep, which it has a fair chance of, its gonna be chrom. please save this post so it can be brought back up when i'm right, like i was with Ike returning. as well as Marth.

    Just about everything you said is debatable, from Fire Emblem 'likely' getting a third rep to even if it did to 'it's gonna be Chrom'. I don't mean to be rude, but your post comes off as pretty condescending, being correct with Marth and Ike isn't anything remarkable and I'd bet it's actually what most people thought.



    I'm pretty sure it's the Chrom fanboys thought that he'd replace Ike, not Lucina.

    I don't even think Lucinan would make a great playable character in terms of gameplay due to similarities to Marth, can we please remember that Smash Bros. is more than just having your favorite characters playable *shot*

    I don't think what you just said applies to anyone here. Also Chrom and Lucina use the exact same style, if anything Lucina would be lighter (given Marth is already pretty light in Brawl). I'd prefer neither of them to get in, both are extremely boring, but I find it silly people are differentiating Chrom and Lucina when they are even more similar than Lucina is to Marth. Yes, yes, I've already heard it all, lol.

    Not that this applies to you, but it does apply to some people: the fact that people want Chrom but decline Lucina because of her similarities to Marth are absolutely ludicrous. Chrom can offer neither a unique hair colour, weapon or fighting style, just like Lucina can't offer those things either.

  9. What all is there that disproves this? I personally don't see the Nintendo logo being red instead of gray being enough, personally. Might have been used for differentiation.

    Rather, it's the small points that add up that make it not even worth considering, to be honest.

    Let alone the fact anyone can create a piece of paper like that, there's just no reason to really believe it. I find it sad, considering how many things on that list I'd want.

  10. The problem in my opinion isn't that 'it's a clone', but rather his fighting style doesn't represent Ganondorf well. I as well, don't mind if they don't update him, but I would prefer it. He is after all still the heavy, power-based fighter which is nice, but I still think he should have a sword and maybe some magic-based specials as that is what he does in the games.

    It's not a high priority for me, but it'd definitely be refreshing to see them do so.

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