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Posts posted by TheWill

  1. 35 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

    Stop arguing, both of you. With the multiplier around, there are no such things as legit wins anymore so there's really nothing to be happy about in winning, aside from extra feathers and not having to switch teams.

    Well, to be fair you can at least extrapolate the data. Ninian would've had a 'legit' win regardless of multipliers or not. 

    But essentially, yeah. Voting Gauntlets shouldn't be taken as a serious indication of popularity. 

  2. 1 hour ago, bethany81707 said:

    Hinoka had to share support with Ryoma and Takumi. Shanna only had to share with Karel, if you could call it that.

    Not sure how you came to this conclusion.

    People would like Hinoka and Ryoma for completely different reasons (same with Shanna and Karel), so there wouldn't be any sharing whatsoever. 

    Being from the same game (or continent) is not equivalent to influencing each others scores. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Harvey said:

    I personally am not into dating and sims part of FIre Emblem. I will however say that characters need more support conversations instead of the usual C to A or S.

    Have conversations from now on start from E to A. This way more dialogue can be given for supports that otherwise feel very incomplete and underwhelming.

    I'd rather they just remove the letter convention and have it progress through a designated bar (maybe an icon like a heart) that will fill up as you develop the relationship with the character. Think social links, except not restricted to 10, so as to take as much time with a storyline or character arc for as long as necessary. 

  4. I think some people are REALLY overstating this Brave Lyn, 'weakness' fiasco. That isn't to say she doesn't have other weaknesses apart from -Raven tomes, but it doesn't change the fact that Brave Lyn (and Reinhardt) are extremely oppressive. Obviously Intelligence System has taken note and tried to address the balance issues (full buff blade tomes, death blow + brave users, etc) and we can see this through Divine Naga/Crusader's Ward. Really, it just seems like user damage control which makes no sense balancing issues (particularly with older units being phased out which we can slowly see happening to more and more older units), powercreep and the like are all natural progressions of gacha games.

    The game doesn't come close to be unfair, but some people are really reaching with the argument regarding units like Brave Lyn and Reinhardt.

  5. 2 minutes ago, LuxSpes said:


    So as far as I'm concerned, you can never have too much feathers, so I'll take them over my character winning in some silly voting competition, especially since winning gives me no reward aside from the victory feathers

    You've made me regret joining team Ninian now...

    Voting gauntlets are so badly designed, I was kind of hoping the Brave Heroes one would have been the last. Honestly I think I'll just take up what a lot of you are doing since it seems 'punishing' to even support the characters you want to support, if they're the most popular candidate. 

  6. 2 minutes ago, LuxSpes said:


    So as far as I'm concerned, you can never have too much feathers, so I'll take them over my character winning in some silly voting competition, especially since winning gives me no reward aside from the victory feathers

    You've made me regret joining team Ninian now...

    Voting gauntlets are so badly designed, I was kind of hoping the Brave Heroes one would have been the last. Honestly I think I'll just take up what a lot of you are doing since it seems 'punishing' to even support the characters you want to support, if they're the most popular candidate. 

  7. Honestly, content is too easy.

    B!Lyn/Reinhardt or a blade mage + dancer just steamroll too much. They need to do something to counter this more. You can tell they've put Reinhardt into consideration for some of the events and some are well designed challenges, but with the new sacred seals counter-acting brave users, I'm interested to see how these challenges will go forward. 

  8. On 07/10/2017 at 4:52 AM, Noir said:

    I think it's so funny that people actually think it's due to the roster. The vocal minority make up such a ridiculously small amount of sales.

    Word of mouth (what you're labelling as vocal minority) has absolutely plastered games in the past. 

    Let's just be glad FE Warriors sold well enough compared to stuff like Marvel vs. Capcom and other Warrior games. 

  9. 6 hours ago, Jedi said:

    I mean I already described how Musou games differ from your standard action games, so if you're just going to ignore it then by all means do that.

    Nah, I agree with what you said entirely and didn't have anything to add, so I didn't reply. I'm a die-hard action game fan and what you said doesn't personally appeal to me, but I can see the appeal for other players. I think it's fair of me to say Musou games lack 'gameplay' in a very broad  sense (eg. if someone is looking for seamless combat that other action games tend to offer), taking purely combat experience into account. There are other areas of which Musou makes up for its gameplay in unique aspects no other games do, however I'm just trying to reiterate that it's not unreasonable for people to want a game for purely the roster. 

    Someone mentioned earlier that they would play Smash Bros even if they didn't recognise the roster, and whilst that's fair for them (and speaking as someone who loves Smash Bros 4 combat), I'd be hard-pressed giving the preferential treatment I give to it over other fighting games if not for the roster being comprised of gaming icons. 

  10. On 05/10/2017 at 8:41 AM, shadowofchaos said:

    Then all you care about is the surface.

    I'll just point you in the direction of @Jedi

    I'm not sure what point you're trying to make here?

    It's completely fine to 'only' care about the roster for a Musou game. In comparison to other action games that actually focus on integrated mechanics and seamless combat, Musou games pale in comparison. 

  11. On 02/10/2017 at 8:53 AM, thecrimsonflash said:

    you just taking it easy or is this what awaits me when I run out of stamina potions?

    You should be fine without stamina pots. I hit 100k yesterday and only used 2 TT pots the entire time. Given, this was perfect runs with Ike, Soren, a dancer and Reinhardt.

    For the last 15k, I used a SP/HM grinding team with Black Knight as my only bonus unit. 

    With the 2-time daily bonus you get, TT has become so generous. 

  12. 17 minutes ago, Reality said:

    I don't get why "playable roster" is the only thing that counts as representation- it's worth pointing out that the setup of the adventure mode map represented the NES legend of Zelda, and elements of games besides OOT/TP/SS were also in HW in the form of attack animations (moon for MM), weapons (Wind Waker for ... Wind Waker, Fire rod for LttP, the chain chomp gauntlents for Link's awakening), bosses (manhandla for the NES and oracle of seasons  ), and badge shop icons (Digging mits for Minish Cap, Deity's Mask for MM)

    Maybe these weren't representations of  the same "degree" as playable characters, but they were representations none the less.

    You don't become emotionally attached to weapons as you do characters. Thus, the latter is fundamentally more important. 

    With that said, stages, events and weapons do have some emotional connotations, just not as much.

  13. At the expense of sounding like a knob, Warrior games aren't the games you'd typically want for an engrossing story or engaging gameplay.

    Of course, there are going to be individual differences to this opinion, however the narratives of most cross-overs (have not played the main series, not sure if this is different for the main series) has been very lacklustre and compared to other action games like Bayonetta, Devil May Cry, Nier: Automata and Metal Gear Rising, Warriors games are almost mindless in comparison. All that Warriors has going for it, personally, is being mindless entertainment with characters I enjoy. If not for Lyn, Tiki and Celica, there would be absolutely zero characters I'd be interested in playing as, grinding and enjoying the usual mayhem of mowing down large groups of enemies.

    The lack of Ike, Roy, Ephraim, Hector, Eirika, Micaiah, whoever. It absolutely does make a huge difference, especially for Warrior games as they don't have strong gameplay and/or narratives to build upon. 

    I think the comparisons to Hyrule Warriors are honestly nonsense at this point. I get the logic that encompasses this thought process, since they both uphold a similar design philosophy in terms of their roster, however The Legend of Zelda is not a character-directed series. This is a crucial difference between Fire Emblem and Zelda. If you include Link, Zelda, Ganon and Impa, you already encompass an extremely large majority of Zelda games. 

    2 hours ago, wissenschaft said:

    No matter what roster they picked there would be people unhappy. 

    There would be a lot less unhappy people if they didn't exclude a large section of the Fire Emblem community.

  14. 2 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

    The problem with Wrathful Staff is not its availability but the fact that staff weapons are weak, staff users don't have access to the stronger offensive skills, and the vast majority of staff users don't have the stat spread to make use of an offensive build.

    Making Wrathful Staff more available will not help staff users become more relevant.

    I agree that staff users being weak is the main reason you don't see them, however making Wrathful Staff more available will allow for potential use. Right now, healers are delegated to purely Rehabilitate support in chain challenges or tempest trials. Wrathful Staff wouldn't make healers meta relevant, which is why I said that I used the incorrect term. It does, however, open options for them. I suppose a fear that Wrathful Staff would make healers overbearing due to a mix of utility and damage is the reason they won't make it more accessible, however I'm sure they'll continue to experiment which may open up pathways in the future. 

    6 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

    Armor March doesn't affect player-controlled enemy-phase armor teams, but it makes a huge difference for player-phase teams and AI-controlled teams.

    I see. I haven't had experience using Armour March as I don't have Amelia.  

  15. 1 minute ago, Ice Dragon said:

    I have no idea how Wrathful Staff could be considered a "more meta-relevant" skill than Firesweep Bow or Armor March. Firesweep Bow is arguably the most difficult weapon to deal with on an Arena defense team and is an amazing offense weapon in its own right, and Armor March is the very definition of the offensive armor team.

    The worth of a skill isn't determined by one person, but by the entire player base, that is to say, by the meta.

    Meta-relevant isn't the term I should have been using, my bad. The reason I highlighted Wrathful Staff being locked behind because healers are incredibly inefficient and Wrathful Staff is the only skill that could propel them forward to be relevant in the meta-game. Not, that it is a meta-relevant skill. I don't agree that it should be locked behind 5* base, but I understand their logic of keeping it behind there. 

    As for Armour March, I've yet to see it do much outside of player convenience. As armour teams are incredibly easy to bait and AI has absolutely no idea how to use armour march effectively. You may make the argument that it's a crucial element for players using armour emblem, however I don't use an 'offensive' variation of armour emblem, so can't comment on that topic. Armour teams are strong with or without armour march, whilst Wrathful Staff can make or break a healer.

  16. 3 hours ago, thecrimsonflash said:

    I don't quite think that katarina would be hurt from a 4* downgrade, but Faye and Amelia both have weapons or skills that I feel are justifiably 5* exclusive, faye's firesweep bow could lead to some op builds depending on the character, because it renders defense irrelevant and even I as a FTP player could not justify Amelia being downgraded to 4-5*, her skill set is just too good with armor march and a slaying axe if we are just going off SI, I've also heard something about her stats being insane in general  but I never could get her so I can't confirm and that's so disappointing because now I am going to have to wait for a focus that will never happen, I bet she will be on an earth boost banner with boey who I got twice at 5* while shooting for amelia btw.

    Well that devolved into boey salt real fast, fuck boey I hope he gets removed altogether.

    To be honest, there are just too many factors to effectively say whether a character should remain or not. I'm having a hard time seeing any justification for Amelia or Faye remaining five star base, whilst moving the likes of Genny or Luke who have much more meta-relevant skills (although it's also likely Wrathful Staff and Panic Ploy would be locked behind their 5* form). Units who are a part of Hero Fest shouldn't be downgraded personally, but I can see why people would want Genny to be downgraded. 

    In @SilvertheShadow's post, they were including characters who hold legendary weapons and/or were a main or important character of their respective games. Katarina's the main representative character for Fire Emblem 12, so there's room to justify her remaining 5*. In-game wise, she's essentially just a Tharja however (although arguably has a very, very slight edge due to being able to run Glacies). To be honest, I was with this line of thinking for awhile, however with how inflated the pool has become, there are some characters who are important or relatively notable to their game that are harming the 5* exclusive pool (eg. Jeorge, Roy, Lilina, Chrom, Camilla).

    It should be noted, with Mathilda being moved to 4* despite Cancel Affinity being an incredibly powerful (although niche) skill that effectively removes Brave Lyn's only weakness and a counter to gem weapons, honestly skills like Armour March, Fire Boost, Wind Boost and such don't have much reason to be locked behind 5*. Wrathful Staff I think would be much healthier if it was available at earlier ranks, to allow healers to become more relevant, however I do think it will stay locked behind Genny as a 5* base.

  17. 16 minutes ago, Azuni said:

    However, if you are f2p and patient, I don't see any hope of the above happening, and can only expect to get a few of the new 5* focus units, if any at all. "400 pulls" is not something most f2p would consider a viable reason to try to pull 11 of one 5* focus unit. Native 3-4* units then become far more appealing, especially for slowly merging up to attain an Arena score capable of staying in Tier 20. I speak from my own experience, with slowly building up a stash of Cecilias/Eliwoods to merge up. And I'm sure if I had not burned so many for SI fodder, I or any other f2p person could have acquired 11 copies of many other 3-4* units (the most notable one for me being Stahl, but many others have also reached a count of 10+ at some point).

    If you've been playing since launch and pulled for a couple characters, I'd be genuinely surprised if someone hasn't gotten almost every 3* and 4* base unit. I'm (almost) F2P and only missing 3 or 4* base unit, that being Jeorge.

    I feel like expanding that pool is necessary, although not essential right now. However, surely by the anniversary mark (preferably before), they'll have to expand the pool and demote units like Saber, Sanaki, Karel, Faye, Mist, etc. 

    I'd also like them to remove all 4* base units from the over-saturating the 5* base pool, but I'm not sure if they'll do that.

  18. 7 minutes ago, Zangetsu said:

    Minerva went against Tsubaki not Cordelia. But given the way Fate goes I guess it's easy to mix the 2 up these days.

    Huh, I actually mixed them up. Pretty laughable! Although to be fair, Minerva did accumulate more total votes than Cordelia on both rounds of the voting gauntlet - however it is also worth mentioning that this was probably due to the fact Cordelia was predicted to versus Camilla and people would've joined Camilla for the free feathers. 

    5 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

    Maybe. Who knows. Maybe we'll get another Lyn vs Lucina in the future, or maybe not. It all depends on who IS feels like putting in on the Gauntlet. 

    Honestly, the fight with Chrom and Ephraim was very close, the closest legit match ever. Nowadays, the Gauntlet gets complained at where the 3x multiplier ruins things and so on. Also, when it came down to the final match in those cases, veteran fans generally were extremely outmatched. So that's not to say that what you're saying is the complete truth. 

    Ultimately winning both the CYL poll and the voting gauntlet in-game shows a pretty consistent history for the outcome of this match though. I'm only mentioning this as, though your theory may be possible, I don't think it's plausible considering historical trends. 

    In retrospect however, it does actually seem like there's a substantial difference between the CYL poll and voting gauntlet results. So I would like to retract that claim.

    The original poll had:

    1. Lyn
    2. Lucina
    3. Ike
    4. Tharja
    5. Roy
    6. Hector
    7. Camilla
    8. Chrom

    The voting gauntlet first rounded suggested:

    1. Lyn
    2. Ike
    3. Lucina 
    4. Roy
    5. Hector
    6. Chrom
    7. Camilla
    8. Tharja

    I'm not sure if this variance is due to the 'comeback mechanic' or that the voting options was more controlled (voting between only eight characters vs. the entire Fire Emblem cast). 

  19. Just now, omegaxis1 said:


    Like I said, might. I didn't say it was guaranteed that Lucina would win if Lucina had been the only Awakening character there. Just saying the results might have been different. No one would know if that's true or not, because in the end, this is just a what if scenario.

    I agree it's impossible to say with certainty, however you can look at statistics and previous experiences to predict the likelihood of this occurring. In this case, the best frame of reference is the CYL poll. 

    Regardless, we've seen cases of characters who shouldn't have won their gauntlet matches (Chrom vs. Ephraim, Minerva vs. Cordelia, Priscilla vs. Lissa), where 'veteran' fans actually got those characters to win their respected matches. 

  20. Just now, omegaxis1 said:

    There are debates over that. Remember that there was also Chrom and Tharja in the mix. So Awakening fans would have been divided into 3. If Lucina was the only one there, the fight against Lyn might have been different. 

    I'm hard-pressed believing that the divide between Chrom, Tharja and Lucina had a significant impact in the match between Lucina and Lyn. The results of the voting gauntlet where highly correlated with the outcome of the CYL voting poll.

    In a similar vein, Lyn was competing for voters between Ike, Hector and Roy. Whilst Tharja is immensely popular, compared to the series staples it's pretty clear her and Camilla don't have a strong standing against the likes of Lyn, Lucina, Hector, Ike, Roy, etc. 

  21. 40 minutes ago, wissenschaft said:

    Well if you go by the opinion of veteran FE fans, you'd think the 3DS games were massive flops. I'll wait and see what the sell figures are.

    I mean, there are a substantial number of 'veteran FE fans'. I mean, it's thanks to the 'veterans' that Lyndis sat on Lucina's face during the gauntlet (who is the '3DS era' poster child). Ike would've done the same, too. 

    With that said, I hate labelling this divide even though it exists. I do think IS will keep moving forward in an attempt to please both sides, and if not, at least release a mix of games since the huge 'newer style' games definitely allow for them to have 'lesser' games such as the Gaiden remake. 

  22. Honestly, I'd be more inclined to believe this than the box art. The box-arts sprites, particularly for Tiki and Lyn, looked so incredibly amateur, I'm surprised even now they're real. With that said, this guys "evidence" is non-existent. The idea of aligning the newer and older generations of Fire Emblem would be nice, and of course gothic horror style I feel is in the realm of possibility since they tried portraying Fates for a more mature audience, this would be a believable alternative. The rest is very basic however.

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