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Posts posted by TheWill

  1. 21 minutes ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

    These all look nice to me. If there is a surprise banner, great! If not, I'm actually kinda glad since more orbs can go towards the Legendary Banner. I'm most stoked about the free Kaze! Do I want him in the summoning pool? You bet (mostly for his dagger), but getting him works just as well. Unfortunately, I can't promote him until I'm done with Lucius.

    He really does need to be injected in the 3-4* pool.

    Frankly, not having a Killer Dagger in the normal summon pool genuinely annoys me. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Othin said:

    I'm a Thracia fan and I wasn't expecting more than 4 new characters to be added in the first Thracia banner: Leif, Nanna, Finn, and some other character. Obviously, I was hoping that fourth character would be Osian. It turned out to be Saias, which is perfectly reasonable in my book.

    Saias was not a banner unit. I understand why you're coupling the free units with the summonable units since they're all new units, but the issue of alts and "taking" roster slots from pre-existing characters is only in relation to summonable units. I feel that distinction is important. 

    1 hour ago, Othin said:

    I didn't say Reina will necessarily be added, but her odds of being added are at least as high as most units who ranked below 200, and we get units ranked below 200 all the time. Hell, the previous Fates banner had Siegbert and Shiro as the 5*s, whose CYL1 rankings were 369 and 250, respectively.

    The Children of Fates banner was very odd in general, I very much doubt we're going to get a banner like that unless they start reassessing how they release new units. I agree that within the 100-200 range, a character has the possibility to be chosen as the "dud" unit (for example, L'Arachel) and whilst Reina falls within that category, the character selection has such a huge variation that it's almost impossible to predict. In Hoshido alone, Reina's competing with quite a few other "dud" units (Orochi, Rinkah, Hayato) and if I had to guess... I really don't see them choosing Reina over Rinkah, at the very least. 

    I think it's fair that Reina and Knoll fans feel cheated. I'm not really a fan of either (although I don't dislike either and the recent attention ironically made me like them more), but I feel a Hinoka alt is pretty unnecessary (not nearly as much as Reinhardt/Olwen, however). She's most definitely more marketable than Reina, but it's not like Hinoka is a "seller" either...

  3. 21 hours ago, Othin said:

    There is absolutely no basis for that claim.

    Reina scored #197 on CYL2. Shigure scored #226, and we just got our second copy of him.

    Your posts regarding the topic of Reina being added are... pretty ridiculous.

    Not only is #197 a completely unremarkable position, but expecting Reina at this point of time is pretty nonsensical. Banners (generally) contain three new additions to the roster. Out of these additions, one unit ('the seller') is going to be an alt of an existing character. The second character, the other 5*, are the semi-popular units (ie. Kana, Morgan). And finally, we have the 'dud' unit (ie. Shigure, Tailtiu, Oscar, male Morgan), a relatively minor character with a small fanbase - if any. With the current trends of new units, Reina's only hope being added to the game is being chosen as that 'dud' unit. Now, taking into account that we've just had a Fates (Hoshido?) banner, we need to fast forward through now months and months of seasonals and banners that focus on other games (Tellius/Elibe/Archanea) or sub-themes (Fallen Heroes, Laguz)... and we're coming close to potentially even a year from now before we get another Fates banner. From there, we once again, reapply the recent banner trends... and what do you know? We get an alternate Camilla, a semi-popular unit like Ophelia and the dud unit is Benny. Great, no Reina. Again. If it is Reina, by some miracle, then replace the same issue with another lesser character like Benny or Nyx, etc. If you're a fan of relatively lesser popular characters like this, it's better to pack-it-up unless there's changes.

    Honestly, I think falsifying this idea of hope that Reina will be added is actually pretty toxic to fans who do want her in the game. Unless Intelligent System responds in kind to the recent backlash, Reina (and Knoll) are not happening. There's a reason we have Hinoka now, not Reina. 

  4. On 4/23/2018 at 8:53 PM, MisfitMiju said:

    those who are actual fans of reina have my condolences she'll come eventually though, and we can finally have the christmas ninjas now. 

    I don't mean to be rude, but can we please stop saying this? There is absolutely zero guarantee the lesser popular characters are going to be added and with the practice of three new units per banner, characters slots have become extremely competitive. Reina's chance to be added is over. What? Are we going to cycle through every other game before we finally get to another Fates banner again? Then, hope that Reina is the "dud" unit they choose (like Oscar/Tailtiu/Male Morgan)? 

    Imagine being a Thracia fan and looking forward to that games plethora of notable characters. Orsin, Lifis, Machyua, Eyvel, Sara, Lara and so on... Only to get a second Reinhardt and Olwen. The first, to cash-in on his surge of popularity. The latter, to seemingly justify having a Reinhardt alt.

    The reality is, it's not happening. The chances for a "lesser" character to be added are so astronomically low at this point. And, this will never change unless Intelligent Systems either: stops relying on alts to make money or they re-assess how they release banner units (eg. ditch the 3-units-per-banner). It's beyond a joke at this point and selling this false hope that "no matter who your favourite is, they'll be added one day! Don't give up hope!" is a pretty big eye-roll with the current state of affairs.

  5. On 4/14/2018 at 4:59 AM, Otts486 said:

    interesting so I guess it really is up in the air as to who the next designer could be as I doubt kozaki's returning cause he's already done the designs for 2 and half games. 


    Honestly, Kozaki would be beyond disappointing after Hidari of all people. 

    I'd prefer if they just took one of the popular artists from FEH at this rate. 

  6. 5 hours ago, Momentai~ said:


    I thought Anna would slow down but she is still keeping her lead. Every time we gain a node, Anna takes it right back while somehow also warding off Alfonse. It's crazy. I am hoping that they are using conquest lances to keep up this show of brute force. At this point I feel like most of team Sharena stopped participating. Maybe we will come together in the last few hours. We're just biding our time now. Yeah, that's it...

    I feel like the best way to encourage more consistent participation would be to give rewards at three times during each battle, with the biggest being the one at the end. They would also have to increase the stamina regen rate though. 

    This is happening to my Shareena team too, after it already happened to me when I was on team Anna. If I get a total of 2k feathers from two the rounds from this garbage, I'm going to be seething. 

    I understand that this is basically a beta run (and think it has great potential), but this whole experience has left a very bitter taste in my mouth.

  7. Just now, thecrimsonflash said:

    Young tiki has some of the best stat distribution for fortify dragons of all the manaketes, making picking a good attack angle nigh impossible with the right skills, Minerva has ward fliers, a skill that is probably better off left harder to get, and is a pretty solid axe flier, and they would sooner demote mist than elise.

    lucina only has general popularity, otherwise she is an average infantry sword.

    Ward fliers isn't optimal considering flier teams are almost universally player-phase. It may be good for units like Beruka/Subaki, but otherwise it won't make or break anything. As for the Young Tiki comment, I personally prefer Young Tiki as well, however the arguement is most definitely not clear-cut. A lot of people prefer Adult Tiki and even tier lists struggle to decide which of the two is better, with their positions often fluctuating. 

    Also popularity is a huge reason as to why units are 5* base...

    You didn't really agree or disagree with my post, so I'm going to need clarification. 

  8. 15 hours ago, Othin said:

    New 4-5*s: Lucina, Young Tiki, Leo, Linde, Minerva, Elise

    I think these are some pretty crazy changes, all things considered. Don't get me wrong, I'd be very happy if I could get a chance of getting my first Lucina or some more Tiki/Minerva merges, but I think this is asking way too much. At most, I think we should expect the 4-5*s to drop out of the 5* pool and if any 5* demotions, it'd be the lesser popular characters with skill inheritance that has been made more accessible already (Saber, Mist, Luke). 

    At least I just can't see Lucina (the Awakening fan favourite), Y.Tiki (essentially the series "mascot"), Minerva (one of Archanea's most popular characters) and Elise (best healer stat-distribution, also very popular) being demoted. 

  9. 18 minutes ago, Alkaid said:

    I'll certainly welcome it if that's the case. Just after all these FEH channels going by with people having the same expectations, I'm not going to get my hopes up that high. A lot of people seemed convinced the anniversary channel would drop something huge like one of the wanted pool reworks, but we saw how meh that ended up. Just because this is a similar runtime to the Book II/refinery/legendary banners reveal, I don't want to overhype that it'd be something that major.

    You're right, it's definitely wishful thinking... but, a summon pool revamp should be inevitable. That is, if they listen to the feedback that resurges every time people are mad at whatever the new flavour of the month is (too many alts, stagnant 3*s, pity breaker Peri's, etc). 

  10. My thoughts on the update: 

    • A rebalancing of the summon pool is absolutely necessary. First and foremost, units like Jakob, Peri, Kain, Abel and so on should be outright removed from the 5* pool. Demoting some units like Karel, Saber and Mist would be great too, but if they would rather buff them through refinery, then that is fine as well. 
    • An injection of new 3-4* units is highly needed, summoning has become a terrible chore. New 3-4 units should be added on a bi-yearly basis at least, unless they start reassessing how they release new units (eg. the typical gacha game will add 3-4* units with 5* ones. For example, adding Vaike and Miriel as increased 3-4* rate pulls alongside the previous Morgan's, with Vaike having fury and Miriel having blue tome-breaker would have turned a dud banner into a phenomenal one).
    • Laguz: Unlikely, but beast units will need to be addressed sooner or later. Preferably sooner. 
    • Hero Fest is probably. If I had to guess: Ayra, Micaiah, Myrrh and Innes.

    Some less likely inclusions: 

    • A new game mode. Rival Domains (and... I guess Blessed Gardens...?) were solid content, so not fussed whether they add another game mode. Preferably something to replace Voting Gauntlets would be nice. Need another "grind" event like Tempest Trials.  
    • CYL 2: Will be taking my free Ephraim or Celica, that's about it.
    • Customizable avatar/base: Not keen on this, but have nothing against it. Interested to see what they do.  




    • Injecting TT units into the summon pool as well. Except Black Knight & Masked Marth, the rest should be in the permanent summon pool. I'd infinitely be happier pulling a 3* Marisa (5* infantry pulse) or Arden (drive def) over the millionth Raigh.
  11. 4 hours ago, Thane said:

    I think the trailer for the next banner and the next batch of refinements are given. However, that doesn't take 18 minutes, and I don't think we'll hear much about CYL2, either. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if they discussed the future of beast units.

    I hope not, update goes live a few hours after the channel anyway, so we'll get to see 'em soon enough.

    The last FEH channel (or was it the one before?) also had refinements announced in the in-game news, but didn't cover any of it during the FEH Channel.

  12. I'd gladly drop Lucina if it mean getting Lyn/Hector/Ephraim who would actually have unique kits. But, dropping Lucina wouldn't guarantee that, so in the end I don't really care. I think she's better as a costume. People mention the lack of tipper as means to warrant Lucina's spot, but I think that's just... weak reasoning. Yes, the mechanics of the two characters are different because of Lucina's lack thereof, however Ganon and Roy are also egregious despite having much more differences than Lucina/Marth. They need to declone Lucina, costume her or remove her. Frankly, being a character clone with a mechanic taken away does not and will not ever warrant a position.

  13. Making this topic because I'm interested in the discussion. To get to the point: Does anyone actually care for trophies?

    When they first came out in Melee, I loved collecting trophies as a kid. They were probably my favourite new 'feature', but I had a lot of fun with the different missions and requirements to unlock them all. As the series continued however, my interest for them dwindled.

    I think this is partially due to the selection process of the trophies just felt iffy. A lot of items and stages became collectible trophies, whilst I preferred them as exclusively memorable or noteworthy characters of a series. I guess the way I saw them, were a means to reimagine older characters with newer, shiny graphics. Looking back at Wii U and 3DS trophy selection, look no further than the Fire Emblem trophies. Some of these trophies were nothing short of beautiful (A.Tiki's trophy on the 3DS), but the character selection for both games just felt so wrong. The Wii U version had a small amount of trophies in general with a select few Radiant Dawn characters being chosen and the 3DS version was even worse, only including exclusively characters almost exclusively from Awakening.

    For me, personally, I'd love to take a step back and use them as an opportunity to re-imagine old, popular characters from the NES to modern era. 


    • For the Zelda series, don't just do just the Breath of the Wild characters (Mipha, Daruk, Urbosa & Revali), but also do the likes of other memorable Zelda characters like: Marin, Malon, Ruto, Ravio, Skull Kid, Vaati and so on.  
    • For Fire Emblem, why not re-imagine the likes of characters across the whole series? It'd be great seeing the likes of Hector, Ephraim, Eirika, Micaiah and so on. Not just characters from Awakening/Fates/Shadow of Valentia.


  14. Honestly, as far as Fire Emblem representation goes, I'd prefer if they started from the ground up. I think Marth, Lyn and Ike should be guarantees: the former being the franchises first lord, and the other two being the most popular characters of their respective genders. From there, they can expand however they want (eg. Robin is a good choice as his mechanics do project many Fire Emblem mechanics, as well as Awakening representation which is inevitable). With that said, I fully expect all the Fire Emblem characters to return with them just adding the upcoming Switch one, add no one or add Celica. 

    Out of characters I'm gunning for... there aren't many left, to be honest. As far as characters go, Smash has most of the great inclusions, despite some eyebrow raisers (Kid Icarus/FE bias, Gen 1 over-saturated and so on). 

    I'd be excited for any of the following:

    • Starfy: Extremely unlikely. Series is dead.
    • Issac: Extremely unlikely, especially with his removal from even being an AT. Series is dead.
    • Lyn: Most popular Fire Emblem character in the West. Possible, but unlikely due to FE oversaturation and not being new. 
    • Decidueye: Alolan representative. Very possible. 
    • Saki Amamiya: Great N64 game, but the series is dead.
    • Ridley: I guess, possible? Sakurai doesn't want to scale him to size, though. So probably never going to happen if it hasn't at this point.

    A lot of other characters I just... don't see the appeal. King K Rool, Dixie, Chrom, Rex (although Pyrrha would be fine) and so on. But hey, if that makes others happy I'm completely fine with them as well.

  15. 20 minutes ago, Jedi said:

    I'll restate the Heroes bit for Roy in the first part, because thats kinda unchanged as is his Japanese fandom who voted him as their favorite character in all of FE6.

    Possibly. It's impossible to really break down numbers on things like CYL, but Roy could have a sizable fanbase (since lords typically score higher than side characters sans Awakening) but it's hard to say how much of his support is from Smash and how much is from his actual game even if you single out Japanese votes. The same applies to Ike, although I typically see more favourable opinions towards Ike & his story compared to Roy, not that that means anything substantial than a general observation.

  16. 1 minute ago, Jedi said:

    Heroes disagrees with your statement on Roy as well as him rampant fanbase that brought him back in Smash 4, along with pretty large Japanese fandom, will consede puff though.

    I'm kinda eh on Roy myself, but to say he isn't a popular character (I.E memorable to people) is not true, he's memorable to people for multitudes of reasons even if its his suckiness as a unit. 

    Sorry if my sentence was unclear, but we're speaking from the perspective of those characters within the realm of their series. As in, those characters prior to being in Smash. To the Fire Emblem fans, Roy is completely unremarkable and unmemorable. Sheik falls under the same category within the Zelda franchise.

    As for the popularity topic... Yes, Roy - and also Sheik - are "memorable" or popular due to Smash. They both have their respective fanbases, even more so Sheik due to her competitive edge. But the reality is, anyone can be popular when they're placed in Smash. As far as I'm concerned, Roy's popularity in Smash would be incredibly minuet compared to Lyn, Hector or even Ephraim. That's purely conjecture, but regardless the discussion wasn't about what the characters mean to Smash, but what they mean to their original franchise. 

  17. 5 hours ago, Florete said:

    I don't see Sheik being cut for Impa. Something like that has never happened and I don't see it happening now. Whatever the circumstances around Sheik's existence in the Zelda canon, she's an iconic character now, appearing in 3 (or 4, if you see it that way) Smash games and Hyrule Warriors.

    Whilst I don't see it happening as well, Sheik is hardly iconic to the Zelda series (if, at all). The only reason she should (and likely, will) stay is because of her previous appearances in Smash, which also apply to other characters like Roy and Jigglypuff who are hardly iconic or memorable characters in their respective series.

  18. 4 hours ago, Florete said:

    For your speculatory needs, this is the highest quality version of the silhouettes I've found:


    From left to right I see what I think is: Yoshi, Pit, Donkey Kong, Peach, Kirby, Marth(?), Mario, Link, ???, Sheik, Pikachu, Samus, Olimar(?), Zelda(?), Bowser, and the rest is indiscernible to me. The last human-shape figure could be Captain Falcon, though.

    I really wish they'd just give Shiek's kit to Impa and call it a day. She's become such a null factor to the Zelda franchise, whilst Impa has been a consistent character across a majoriy of Zelda games.

    They'd never remove Shiek('s kit) due to how popular she is competitively, but Hyrule Warriors done Impa justice.

  19. I mean, the delay, if anything would probably make it seem more legit. 

    You don't create a leak without going over each details with a fine-comb and create such a glaring contradiction. With how little we've seen of it, I wouldn't be surprised if a delay to 2019 happened. Similarly, the rest of the leak is so underwhelming (at least, for me) that it also gets brownie points for realistically setting up disappointment. 

    With that said, I take it with a grain of salt. Only leaks I believe right now are the ones for DMCV.

  20. 4 hours ago, NegativeExponents- said:

    Eh. Avoiding doubles will add to his survivability a lot more than res would. It’s better to take 30 damage than 21x2

    27 (and 30) is a horrible speed range to be in though and won't remotely stop doubles by anyone who well... wants to double. 

    Seems much more efficient to just aim for two-shot kills and mitigating the return hit between his two attacks. Play with his strengths, not try to patch up his weakness. 

  21. 27 minutes ago, Ae†her said:

    Was about to say his BST can't be that high.

    He looks kind of mediocre, but I think with +Spd nature he can be kind of decent by preventing doubles from partially fast units. I know I'm going to have to summon for him anyway because

    A) His artwork is godly

    B) His armor is godly

    C) His Sprite animation is godly

    D) He's got the Fire Boost, and I need it for arena.

    I dunno, I'd honestly guess speed is his dump stat, if not for the fact it's a super bane which hurts BST. Being a melee cavaliar, his weapon should proc almost universally (unless you're using him for baiting), so speed doesn't seem that important, unless I'm missing something.

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