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Posts posted by TheWill

  1. 7 minutes ago, DefyingFates said:

    People only remember the most recent things. I've seen a lot of hate for Eirika for her new form.

    Yea even though I am voting for her still, I really hated her being on this banner instead of Cormag/Colm/Neimi/Gerick/etc (not because it's Eirika, but because they are repeating popular units this early in the games lifecycle? Come on IS...)

  2. 1 minute ago, Ice Dragon said:

    I can't say I'm not surprised at Ninian placing in the top 20 for females. Holy crap.

    Ninian always had a fan base. People just forgot she existed. Like Nino.


    1 hour ago, DefyingFates said:

    Sorry if this was answered before, but do you think the recent banner is why Eirika is in 3rd place and not second?

    I get some people are still upset about Eirik2, but come on: how wonderful would it be for her to get a Brave outfit alongside her brother? She'd also be the only pre-Fateswakening character besides Lyn to have more than one alt outfit! (At least don't let her lose to someone who already has three variations and hijacked a Hoshidan Banner...)

    I decided to support Eirika too, although was salty about alt. Hopefully most people who stopped voting for her because of the alt go back to supporting Eirika.

  3. 2 hours ago, Alexmender said:

    I would've been happier to see Tharja in 2nd place instead of Camilla.... I'm super happy that Celica is winning though!

    Anyways, I don't know if I should go back to Eirika or start voting for Azura. I really don't want to see Camilla Emblem.

    Eirika, please. I've gotten over the alternate version of her and always wanted Brave Eirika!

  4. 21 minutes ago, Alexmender said:

    If she has boosted BST then it won't be that different from a Brave unit (unless things get out of control in the next 6 months). The full skillset is already there so that's one half covered. 

    Boosted BST is the norm, though.

    Full skillset is the norm for one unit in each banner, too.

    I want an actual Brave Eirika, not a random one taking Marisa/Cormag/Franz/Colm/Cormag's spot.

  5. 26 minutes ago, Anacybele said:


    So you'd rather have more Eirikas than let other characters from SS get in the game? Wow. That's kind of selfish, you know. I'm not trying to offend you, but even I'm not asking for more Ikes or Fredericks (except in cases like CYL and seasonal, and even then, Frederick already got a seasonal, so I'm not going to ask for another one of those for him), because I know there are other characters from their games who have yet to even be in Heroes in any form.

    Lmao, I love Eirika and completely agree with you. What IS done was complete bullshit and if Eirika misses getting a Brave because people stopped voting for her due to having a second iteration (which is incredibly likely as that's what I am now doing), it's beyond stupid. There are so many characters that deserve to be in the game from Sacred Stones.

    I'm glad for Eirika fans who are happy, but if this happened for characters they didn't like (ie. a second Chrom to make up for his mediocre Heroes iteration), they'd either be upset, annoyed or not care. If a second Chrom takes someone like Sumia or Vaike's position in a future Shepherd banner, I'd be beyond pissed. The worst part is, this precedent it sets is just horrible.

     The only characters that should get second random iterations are the ones that got shafted (Caeda, Lucius, Lachesis).  

  6. 26 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

    I wouldn't mind giving Alfonse a vote since he was one of my most used units back when I was starting the game, but I also don't feel like voting for any Heroes OCs either. There are just too many characters from the main series I like more.

    All of the Heroes OCs are just too bland for me to vote for 'em. I can understand liking their design, but this Fjorm Book really needs to up the antics for both her and the main cast, since I want to like Heroes cast, but there's just no appeal right now.

  7. 5 hours ago, NSSKG151 said:

    I find it hilarious that people think that Tharja and Camilla will underperform this time because of things like them already having seasonal variants and how vocal their haters are online. 

    The most reasonable reason people believe they will underperform is that Lyn, Ike, Roy and (to a lesser degree) Lucina voters wouldn't migrate their votes to Tharja/Camilla, which is reasonable considering their fanbases likely don't intersect (Ike fans going towards the likes of Chrom/Ephraim/Alm are more likely, for example).

    With that said, I fully expect Camilla or Tharja to take one of the female spots. It'd be a dream come true if Celica overtook one of them, however.

  8. 5 hours ago, Rezanator said:

    Ephraim has received a significant amount of visibility compared to Marth. eg being in more banners, getting a refinable weapon, getting developer commentary, and being a decent unit.

    I  don't think these are substantial contributions towards Ephraim's popularity. I'd venture to say the polling audience, Ike fans (Ephraim falls under a similar category as Ike) and already having a very dedicated fanbase are more important influences.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

    The anime movement similarly does not render humans in a true-to-life manner, but in a different way. However, any good artist in the movement is at least internally consistent (within a time frame where improvements in skill are not drastic).

    'Anime' covers such a broad range of art styles, though. There are anime artstyles that adopt realistic human proportions. For example, Soeda Ippei.

    4 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

    If you compare Lachesis's Heroes art to the rest of Miwabe's art, I believe Miwabe succeeded in conveying an age range around 16-18 (mid to late high school). As I previously mentioned, you simply cannot compare two artists with different styles to each other without normalizing the comparison to account for the differences in styles (for example, from my perspective, Lachesis's Heroes art makes her look older than Lilina in her Heroes art).

    Well honestly, I can't possibly fathom how one could see Miwabe's rendition of Lachesis (and to a lesser degree, Est) as nothing more than a young girl. But that's the issue, I suppose, with this whole discussion and I'm not sure why you're perpetuating this discussion due to how subjective it is. Lachesis being young-looking is a commonplace opinion and whilst I'm glad you personally see the detail Miwabe articulates in his art to depict Lachesis/Est as older (in comparison to say, Delthea), to the average consumer these details just aren't prevalent enough to give the impression that these characters are older.

    15 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

    Anime is an art style that doesn't reflect real life as it is, but in an idealized form from the artist's perspective. Artists are allowed to determine for themselves what their baselines are for proportions, meaning their depiction of age may not match with the depiction of age from another artist. As mentioned previously, the characters of K-On! and the (high-school-aged) characters of Bakemonogatari are the same age (give or take 1 year), but have different baseline facial proportions and therefore look different ages when compared one-by-one and side-by-side without the context of other characters from the same source.

    Whilst I ultimately agree with what you're saying from a generalized perspective, you're ignoring how consumers interpret the artwork which is just as essential component as the techniques the artist used to convey a message (in this case, age). You bring up K-On!'s artstyle as reference, however I absolutely think K-On! fails at portraying an even believable notion that the characters are 18 years old. 

    27 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

    My personal opinion is that her art and personality match each other and it is her English voice that doesn't match (and I will admit that I have a bias against English voice acting). My theory is that the commonplace opinion assumes her voice and personality match and/or is inexperienced with art (big eyes don't suggest youth, bigger eyes suggest youth), which results in the belief that her art is the piece that's at fault.

    I absolutely disagree here, there's a massive disconnect between the Japanese rendition and the English rendition of Lachesis. Lachesis, at least from my understanding, is meant to be prideful, strong-willed and capable young, noble woman. Cristina Valenzuela was most definitely used to (and was a great choice for) help convey this portrayal. Her Japanese voice, on the other hand, seems to heavily focus on being the cute, little sister and almost sounds dependent. She's reminiscent to characters like Suguha from Sword Art Online. This may be a localization decision (as that trope was prevalent in Japan for awhile) to steer away from their depiction of Lachesis, to instead focus on her being an independent noble woman, but I for one am absolutely glad they went that route instead. 

    The problem with Lachesis's art isn't that the eyes are too big, it's the dissonance created between the character and artwork. Referring back to Soeda Ippei, it would be incredibly jarring if he done a character like Nino or Amelia in the same style that he has done Dorcas or Arden. Lachesis is most comparable to Eirika, however Miwabe's art is clearly more suited for the likes of characters such as Mist and Delthea. This fan artwork of Lachesis definitely seems more suited than both the Heroes & Cipher artist's rendition of Lachesis. 

  10. I agree with a large majority of your post, although two things I think you missed the ball completely are: 

    On 1/8/2018 at 11:10 AM, KoolioKenneth said:

    1. Lachesis - Cristina Valenzuela:
    This one is one of my least favorites, personally. While Valenzuela has had many good roles in the FE series, like Athena and Tatiana, her role as Lachesis is definitely not one of them. 

    Honestly, Valenzuela's one of the best voice actors to join the Fire Emblem line-up. I don't see any issues of her rendition of Lachesis, she does the more stronger characters quite well (Riven, Athena, Lachesis). On the other hand, at least from what I found with Tatiana, she didn't portray the demure nature of her as well as she does with the more confident counterparts. 

    On 1/8/2018 at 11:10 AM, KoolioKenneth said:

    8. Gwendolyn - Cherami Leigh:
    Gwendolyn sounds exactly like Caeda, and without any of the personality to go with it. This caused Gwendolyn to become generally forgettable, which should never be said for an FE character that made it into Heroes.

    I completely disagree with this. The issue is the exact opposite. Caeda's quotes were completely unremarkable, unlike Gwendolyn who oozes character. The latter has some of the best voiced 'special activation' lines in the entirety of Heroes. 

    2 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

    Heroes's Lachesis looks no younger than just about every one of Miwabe's girls on her Pixiv except Tenryuu and about as old as her Sonoda and Ayase (who are canonically 16 and 17) (though that's mostly because of Lachesis's puffy cheeks)

    If Lachesis's artist attempted to make her seem like someone in late adolescence (basically, a young woman), they absolutely failed. The artist choice was just... bad. I think the same for Lachesis' Cipher art, as well.

    I'm a bit confused as to why you have an issue with people who find the disconnect between Lachesis's art and her as a character, as it's a pretty commonplace opinion.

  11. 5 hours ago, kratoscar2008 said:

    Dont really have a preference.

    I love Kozaki characters and Hidari characters where lifeless in comparison to me. But if Hidari where to return i wouldnt mind that much. As for wether Kozaki is going to return or not i think it has a 50/50 chance given that both FE he worked on are best sellers. I think there is a big diference between the fanbase opinion and the general public opinion if character reception like Camilla is anything to go by so i can see Nintendo thinking Kozaki is one of the reasons of FE boon and decides they want him on board.

    Tough Satoshi Urushihara working on a FE would be ace for me since i love his beautiful females and his manly older men. But again i have no particular preference.

    I really don't think it's fair relating Awakening or Fates success to Kozaki. Now, that isn't to say he had no impact on the games success, but the 'casualisation', the marketing, the quality of life changes (UI/enemy movement/etc) and being on the 3DS are all much bigger factors to the games success.

    I may take back the blame I laid on Kozaki for the terrible class designs featured in Awakening/Fates, but compared to Senri Kita and Hidari I do think he's a huge downgrade. I'd put Kozaki on a similar level of appeal as Daisuke Izuka (who I do like). If anything, I think Kozaki is lucky to have been featured in Awakening & Fates, unlike say Echoes of Valentia, which I feel was lucky to have Hidari as the games artist. 

    I'd like Hidari to return for Geneaology (and by extension, Thracia if it gets a remake) echoes, with Wada Sachiko being the one who does Blazing and Binding Blade's Echo-variants. 

    As for Fire Emblem Switch, I think there's only two options I'd be happy with:

    • An entirely new artist
    • An artist who's only been featured in one game (Basically Hidari, Wada or Daisuke).
  12. Just now, Arcanite said:

    You can not want it to exist, but guess what? It does!

    Most armored units are kinda slow, and their speed would only be hardly sub par after a +7 buff in speed.... but I'd imagine ALL the units on this banner would have at least decent speed

    Even so, having that broken power on a mage is very satisfying. The brazen skills work really good player controlled, while on an enemy they might get one shot anyway

    Embrace the future!

    That sounds like a horrible future, lol.

    What's to say these skills aren't going to get powercrept out? It's just an endless cycle. 

  13. Honestly, I'd prefer if Bound Hero Battles (and by extension, Grand Hero Battles) were just permanent maps. Something akin to 'challenge' maps, released each month or so. It'd, at the very least, stop people from being upset about Bound Hero Battle repeats, whilst also being another new source income and challenge for newer players. I understand that they're not made available due to benefiting long-time players, however as someone who has done every BHB and GHB (and completed every difficulty), I feel new players should have the opportunity to do them because the maps are genuinely fun and challenging for newer players. 

  14. 57 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

    Having a CYL event now that the game has actually launched (and now that SoV has been released) would be interesting for sure. Would be interesting to see if really powerful units like Reinhardt will jump higher in CYL because of Heroes, if previously popular characters drop a little bit due to being subpar units, and where characters like Faye and Berkut who didn't exist when CYL first ran would end up.

    I didn't mention it, but that's definitely something I'm interested in seeing. I'd definitely be interested in seeing how much Reinhardt, Nino, Ninian and the Genealogy cast increase by. 

    I'm also interested to see whether there'll be a general Awakening preference or has the introduction of Heroes has evened the votes with exposure to the older generation casts.

  15. With another CYL event confirmed for the future (with the Farfetched Heroes being the latest CYL event), I'm wondering how they're going to do the next event. They could grab the next two male (Hector, Chrom) & females (Tharja, Camilla) and do special costumes of them, but personally I was thinking of them doing another CYL poll again in the future. Maybe for first anniversary or even further down the line. I was wondering what other people thought about this?

    If you're for it, what would you want them to do in the future to make it better - or just keep it the same?

    If you're against it, feel free to say why you don't think it's a good idea. 

    Me personally, apart from barring Lyn, Lucina, Roy and Ike (so they don't get more costumes), I'd like to see them split the CYL poll. For example, they could split it into different regions (so America and Japan can both submit who their most popular character is) or split it into continents (eg. one Archanea, one Valentia, one Jugdral, one Elibe, one Tellius, one Ylisse and one Fates character will be chosen to get a special variant). 

  16. Lissa...? Seriously?

    I don't mind the Awakening/Fates bias, but at least choose good characters. Seems like an easy skip if it's Robin and Tharja returning with Lissa.

    Although really, I don't think the character even matters at this point, it's more about the kit and skills. People are waiting for their blue or red tome cav to usurp Cecilia/Leo with their terrible stat distribution.

  17. 9 minutes ago, bethany81707 said:

    So... Delthea with one of her best nautres as a pity-breaker... what do?

    Also have a +Atk/-Spd Taitliu, putting me at now owning every single Genealogy character currently released. If I promote her and Lachesis, that's a 5* 40 conversation from all of them. I'm not sure if I'm going to do this.

    Spd too essential on a blade-tome. Just wait till you get another Tailtiu which shouldn't be too hard considering the 4* rates (I got a +spd one pulling on Fjorm banner). Unless you're fine with using more feathers in future.

  18. I don't mean to be rude, but I'm genuinely surprised this is an issue. Upon reading your post, I understand where you're coming from, however I felt like Echoes of Valentia's voice acting was the phenomenal and the humanisation it gave to the characters increased the script, likability and overall presentation of the game. I've played visual novels with full voice acting (in both Japanese and English) and I too don't let the characters finish what they're saying, but I've never found it an issue despite me cutting off some of what they're saying. The only thing I'd put against Valentia's voice acting is that now there's going to be a strict standard for future Fire Emblem games, where all will be compared to Echoes of Valentia. For example, in Heroes there were some characters I got quite the shock upon hearing their voices and how... unfitting the voice direction was for some of these characters.

    For example:

    • Nephenee is meant to be awkward and shy, yet her current voices would make me put her in a similar category to that of Effie, instead. 
    • Elincia being soft-spoken and reserved (although I know she develops), but her voice direction didn't portray this at all. Sounds unique enough, though.
    • Mia is probably the most egregious case. It's unique, but Lani Minella should be doing characters like Isadora, Reina or Sonia, not Mia. 
    • Ephraim. Pretty similar line as Effie. I do like the voice acting for his specials, though.
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