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Posts posted by TheWill

  1. I mean - not to be a debby downer - but is Cordelia and Chrom supporting really a big deal? Their 'relationship' was superfluous and redundant considering past & future characters (Catria, Palla, Nyna, Faye, etc) and obviously they won't get together, The weapon system, the order system and the Avatar characters being alternatives were good information and do help make up for the lacklustre roster.

  2. 8 hours ago, Solaris998 said:

    Well most of us are expecting him to be one because all of the 'villain' characters so far have been GHB, none have been banner characters, and the Black Knight definitely qualifies as that. Not to mention I think most people (including myself) don't want to spend gods know how much trying to get him if he's a summoning banner.

    Eldigan and Reinhardt were on banners.

    The bolded is exactly why I think they would make him a banner unit, other than being a DC Armour user that'll become a staple for Armour Emblem teams. Black Knight is one of the series biggest villain characters, I think they were already lenient enough making Camus and Xander GHBs.

    Of course, it'd be completely understandable if they did make him a GHB or TT unit, but I wouldn't put my hopes up. No new GHBs were announced this month, so I think it's likely he's a TT or banner unit (my bets on the latter).

  3. I would genuinely be surprised if Black Knight is a GHB or TT reward, he seems much better as a banner candidate (and to be balanced around that). 

    Also, it seems more likely Nephenee was chosen for her popularity. Characters like Callil and Brom aren't popular. The other banner options are likely going to contain characters such as Mia, Ilyana, Marcia, Haar, Jill, Volke, etc.

  4. Hey all, two days ago I had around 20 orbs and pulled for Lyn and Julia. After that, I got on a huge high and later that night, I spent 20 dollars to try for Hector. Of course, I didn't get anything after the previous streak, but recently I've been a bit pressed on money and realised I should get better control of any bad habits. 

    I use Bluestacks, so anyone got any methods to block in-app purchases through this? I doubt I'd do it again, but I'd rather make sure just in case.

  5. So I got lucky to pull Bridal Lyn in about 20 orbs way back during that banner and I decided to spend a few orbs on red yesterday and on my second summon I got normal Lyn. Since I'm choosing her for the CYL, I'll soon be able to make a full Lyn team whenever she gets her next banner.

    My build for Bridal is currently: 

    • Weapon: Candlelight
    • Assist: Rehabilitate
    • Special: Swift-Fire Balm
    • A Skill: ?
    • B Skill: Dazzling Staff 3
    • C Skill: Hone Speed 3

    What's the best skill to give a cleric as their A skill? She doesn't have high enough HP to make use of the 'boost' passives, so I'm not really sure.

    Similarly, the regular Lyn I pulled is +Spd,-HP. This has potential, however the main build for her makes use of Brash Assault 3, which essentially disregards her speed. Are there any other fun builds I can do instead of Brash Assault to make use of her speed?

  6. 35 minutes ago, Tuvy2 said:

    The amount of people choosing extremely bland characters to win makes me very worried for this series and its fanbase. (Ike and Lyn) 

    Whilst I understand that you singled out Ike and Lyn due to the fact they're winning the poll, I'm curious as to how you view the other poll options. I would understand your perspective (although don't agree), however you voted for Chrom who is most definitely in the same 'generic' bracket as Lyn/Ike (heck, potentially even more so). If you voted for Camilla, Tharja or Hector I could see where you're coming from as the three have more identifiable archetypal backgrounds, but Chrom is the poster boy of bland in a rather colourful Awakening cast.

  7. 18 hours ago, KongDude said:

    I don't think popularity is factored with new banners and it's characters. If it were, we'd be getting Fates and Awakening banners forever. I expected Joshua or L'Arachel to be in but I'm super okay with these guys too! It's a bit weird that Seth seems the most underwhelming of the four to me right now...

    They've probably realised they can't keep pumping out all the popular characters or else there'll be nothing left for future banners. The only characters from Blazing Blade who scored notably in the CYL poll left in Blazing Sword is Dorcas and Canas.

    Amelia was likely chosen for popularity, there's no other real reason to include her. They're probably keeping characters like Joshua, Lute, L'Arachel and the like for future banners.

  8. With the release of the artbook, do have any idea what's going to happen for the characters that never had their official art released (ie. the ones used in their status profile)? 

    If I recall correctly, there's still Mathilda, Deen, Forscyth, Tatiana, Nomah and Mycen. May be missing some people, but yeah. Should I abandon all hope for their release or is there potential for another artbook down the line featuring the completed artworks? Or is it going to be like Fates where characters official art will never see the light of day?

  9. 36 minutes ago, Nobody said:

    Yeah, and I'm not forcing people to say Atlus, if they think Atlus made bad games, that's their opinion. TC was the one that found weird that people were nominating Atlus. I never said I found it weird that people weren't nominating Atlus.

    What I'm contesting is him finding weird that people are nominating Atlus more than Nintendo. Like, is it really that weird to think Atlus has a more consistent record than nintendo? I don't even understand what you're trying to say in this post tbh

    Sorry, what I was trying to say was the original topic at hand is pretty confusing and subjective. It wasn't really in relation to the topic you were discussing, just something that prompted me to put the threads initial topic discussion into question. I've only played Atlus's more 'successful' series (Persona, Dept. Heaven, Devil Survivor) and I've enjoyed most of them, so I'm not knowledgeable on the topic.

  10. 22 hours ago, Nobody said:

    What does any of that has to do with the quality of their games, which is the purpose of this topic?

    The title is asking for companies who have made quality games, the topic instead clarifies to list companies with a consistent track record and the subject material is already quite blurred since what makes something 'quality' is personal subjectivity. Are we using fan reception as a baseline for quality or are we looking at whether the game accomplishes what it sets out to do? 

    I think Tokyo Mirage session is a horrible game in relation to how it was initially advertised. As in, a game that bridges the gap between Fire Emblem and the Shin Megami Tensei series, which I think the first trailer prompt was borderline false advertising. The game itself however, is quite appealing to JRPG fans and from what I hear, a pretty successful game, which is furthered by the fact it's a Wii U exclusive. I suppose a better example would be Super Smash Bros. Brawl. As a fighting game, the games functional, but does have critical game flaws that made it a huge downgrade from its predecessor. Despite this, the game was actually intended to appeal much more to the casual crowd, which Brawl had definitely accomplished.

  11. Personally I don't think you'll ever find a company that has made only quality games, this becomes rather convoluted when you consider fan reception and game reviews, which can be vastly different. I think people should be looking at companies that have made primarily quality games, rather than only quality games.

    I'm a bit surprised people are saying Nintendo here. Whilst they have their occasional blockbuster game, they've made an array of mediocre to downright awful games, a trend they continue tot his day. I suppose they consistently create a good game every now and then (so technically, you could argue they count?), but they have a pretty big library of bad games. From the top of my head Metroid: Federation Force, Other M, Paper Mario: Sticker Star, 1-2 Switch, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon, Fire Emblem Fates: Revelation, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity, etc.

  12. 3 hours ago, B.Leu said:

    And the smile too ? :p
    No but seriously, you just can't tell me she doesn't look crazy on that shot, like, her expression wouldn't be out of place on a yandere, or hell, a certain character from Pokemon Sun and Moon.
    Also, like I said just above no other character have such aesthetics design or actions... then again, they don't have much of such moments, so take that as you will.

    Nah I agree that the look was a moment of bloodlust, but I think it's understandable given the circumstance.

  13. Claims that Mila is insane are borderline fallacious. We had very little characterisation from her and almost no dialogue.

    5 hours ago, B.Leu said:

    Seriously, there's a form of madness called being bipolar, if my english doesn't fail me.

    Bipolar (type II) is a mood disorder characterised by bouts of major depressive episodes and periods of inflated hypermania. It doesn't have anything to do with madness, insanity or any other borderline psychotic behaviour. 

    6 hours ago, Jotari said:

    There's a difference between reckless and killing you're servants/letting the guy you put in charge rape people indiscriminately. Given the reputation she has as the benevolent mother goddess I think it's safe to say such things are rather out of character for her.

    This was due to portraying the idealistic extremes of both Mila and Duma. That both of them were flawed.

    Also visual aesthetics in a characters design are not proof towards Mila's deprivation. Dilluted pupils, widening of eyes are used to portray shock, excitement and a wide variety of other emotions. 

  14. Eh, I'm on the fence. Personally the weapon triangle does add some uniqueness to the series. But compared to other SRPGs that often utilise the 'hitting from behind' mechanic (Final Fantasy Tactics, Disgaea), as people said outside of early game, the weapon triangle becomes much more negligible. I wouldn't mind if they explored with some more unique mechanics, but with the division from pair-up, I'm not sure.

  15. 2 hours ago, AzureSen said:

    I see the sentiment that Persona is a good example of self-inserts done right quite a bit, but I don't agree. Granted, Persona does on the surface give you more agency as a player than the Avatars do, but there's almost always a clear right answer in almost any situation in the Persona games, and you're often punished, if lightly, for not going down that path. Not to mention that Persona at times has the same problems with player worship that Awakening and Fates had, and the Persona protagonists do have an intended personality, if muted and understated, expressed primarily through body language and actions taken in story scenes.

    I pretty much agree with everything you've said except the 'clear' choice. I've had the opposite experience where I found it frustrating for the story to contain a variety of dialogue options that ultimately meant nothing. I suppose it's to help distinguish or add flair, differentiating yourself from other players choices, but it generally changes nothing. I suppose you're referring to the social link conversations in particular? Of which, the right/wrong answer was definitely an issue as you highlighted. I used Persona as an example due to not many other memorable experiences of using Avatar characters. It's the one I see as having most 'evolved', but still not perfect. Player worship has been almost universal trait recently and don't see it leaving much to my dismay. 

  16. Just now, Thane said:

    But the story itself left a lot to be desired, and rather than solving some of Gaiden's flaws, they grew worse the more they expanded upon them. That's not a particularly good sign.

    Yes, I agree. The inherent flaws behind Gaiden's story weren't addressed, most disastrously with Rudolph actions. The presentation helped band-aid the notability, but didn't address the flawed nature of the story. Honestly, I think their idea with Fates was on the right track in terms of hiring a renown writer. Prior the games release, the concept behind choosing between two countries could have resulted in an engaging storyline with endearing moments, however the execution was... as we know. Personally, I'd applaud them if they moved away from the redundant war plot and breathed new life into the franchise, but as they have yet to fully hit home an engaging war-themed game, I don't mind. I suppose Geneology is the closest in terms of providing an engaging story in a war-torn setting, however performs poorly in terms of presentation, pacing and requires vast expansion similar to Gaiden.

  17. Just now, Thane said:

    I don't think Echoes showed much of an improvement outside of the presentation at all, and Blazing Blade has my second least favorite story in the series. Fire Emblem Switch should expand upon what worked in Echoes' presentation, but it should most certainly try to blow a story like Blazing Blade out of the water, which should not be too difficult.

    With the presentation being a huge improvement from its predecessors, it's exactly why Echoes was a vast improvement from older Fire Emblems. Blazing Blade's story is quite standard, but I can see why people dislike it. Subjectivity aside, with recent showings of consistently bad stories, I think beating Blazing Blade is dubious, but hopeful at this point. With Awakening's poor plot resulting in IS hiring a manga artist that proceeded to make an even more contrived story with even worse presentation, I do hope they focus their efforts on the overarching plot.

  18. 3 minutes ago, Thane said:

    Good lord, if that's the quality of the story we should be expecting, then that'd definitely kill my hype. I've yet to give up hope on good Fire Emblem stories.

    Well considering the consistent decline of (original) story/characters, I doubt we'd get FE7 levels of "good"ness. Whilst Echoes showed a solid improvement, we'll have to see whether Switch follows in its footsteps or regress back to Awakening/Fates level.

    Edit: That isn't to say Echoes didn't have its fair share of issues. Sadly, it had some pretty glaring issues.

  19. Fire Emblem 7 should be the standard for the series. Not bad, but not great either. Anything around there should be fine (a bit better/a bit worse). The only ones that I'd list as notably worse would be 6, 11, 13 and 14 (only considering 4+ and not 5, haven't played).

    I feel like we've lost as an audience if we ever feel like we shouldn't expect anything form a games story.

  20. 43 minutes ago, Dandy Druid said:

    I see a couple of people mentioning an avatar like Kris, but if you look back at New Mystery, Kris' ass was kissed so much. It wasn't Marth & Co.'s achievements anymore- it was Kris' own achievements. And they were pretty blank slate as well in terms of personality.

    As one of the people complimenting Kris, I already mentioned this. 'Ass-kissing' has been a problem for all the avatars, including Mark.

    26 minutes ago, Lautsuu said:

    As someone who doesn't consider avatars to be self-inserts, and instead, their own characters,

    Honestly, this is the inherent flaw behind the avatar characters. The avatars are made incredibly generic so people can self-insert and immerse themselves into the world, however both Robin and Corrin despite being generic, make their own choices (the latter is a worse offender), taking away from the feeling of being an avatar for the player. Thus, all that leaves us with are flawed carbon copy characters with very little identity. I think Intelligence System needs to take hints from series like Persona to properly incorporate an avatar-based character and not just make a 'generic hero'.


    35 minutes ago, Purple Mage said:

    A Kris-like avatar would be nice. Just don't make a complete Mary Sue like Corn Man in Fates.

    I have to agree, I'm sick of S-Supports. Waifu Emblem takes the main focus away from the gameplay and makes people focus on the more anime parts.

    Kris was idealistic for me in the sense that he wasn't a pivotal aspect of the plot (although I understand that people felt he degraded Marth as a leader and thus, character) and instead had his own personal sub-plot related with Katarina & the assassins. I like the idea of an Avatar if he acutally fulfilled the role of a slate for players to reimagine themselves into the world for. Mark felt too irrelevant as even a character, Robin didn't re-enact the feeling of a blank-slate and instead came across as an incredibly generic and boring character and as you said with Corrin... let's just ignore that one. 

    Reconsidering the S-Rank supports, I wouldn't mind if they took an approach back in the GBA-generation, where S-Ranks effected only the endings and not forced incredibly contrived children missions or character relations. I would like S-ranks and 'waifu' emblem/children mechanics to become autonomous. In a sense, it's just adding a final (doesn't necessarily have to end in romantics) conversation of a forged bond, whilst the A-ranks continued as they were in Echoes. For example, Legault and Isadora from Fire Emblem 7 could be a good example of an S-rank conversation where the two characters are in love with each other, but know they're destined to never be together and later, you can see in the ending that they re-meet each other against one another in battle. Romantic, yet also bittersweet.

  22. Out of the characters I enjoy from Archanea/Fates, they're either never going to get in (Astram, Velouria, Kagerou, belong outside those games) or 'don't count' despite Archanea relations (Norne, Katarina, Echoes cast)

    So without further ado:

    • Shadow Dragon: Ogma, Linde, Katria
    • Awakening: Lon'qu
    • Fates: Felicia

    I'm expecting at max, only one more character for (other than Marth or Tiki) Shadow Dragons, who is likely Caeda, if even she gets a roster slot. Thus, I only see Felicia as a likely candidate. 

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