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Posts posted by TheWill

  1. I am impartial to character creation & romancing (I think they can be done right, but Fire Emblem has yet to hit a proper stride where I can say it has been done well), however children characters would be almost a deal breaker with how this franchise has handled them. I'm sure children character can be done right, however I personally believe even with Geneaology as the closest for the series having done it correctly, even then the second generation suffered heavily in likability compared to the first. Some of the second generation characters were almost replicas of their parental figure (Aless, Julia, Larcei) that made me question why they even killed off the first generation and the remaining cast was just so weak with virtually zero character compared to the first generation where the characters had more intertwined narratives and motivations.

  2. 36 minutes ago, thecrimsonflash said:


    legendary dragons:

    Myrrh (Green Breath, Flier?)

    Medeus(Blue Breath)

    Degincia(Red Breath)

    Why not do for dragons what they did for dancers?

    I would like a dragon banner, tbh (although not like dancers because they were seasonal and variants of characters we already have in the game sans Shigure).

    I would like a dragon banner that includes any of the following options:

    • Myrrh
    • Bantu
    • Idunn
    • Ena or Kurth (Dheginsea would be too op, I feel)
    • Nils
  3. 6 hours ago, Othin said:

    Performing Arts and Trick or Defeat were all really solid in terms of mechanically distinct units. Performing Arts was all dancers with new weapon types while Trick or Defeat had three new weapon/movement type combinations, leaving Sakura as the only one out of the eight units on those banners not to have a new unit type. And even Sakura had a pretty novel weapon effect.

    Whilst the new mechanics are nice, I absolutely don't like unique mechanics being locked behind seasonal variants. I'd rather they scrapped seasonals all together and actually gave these unique mechanics to characters of lesser popularity so people can actually start caring about them. Giving the likes of Cath a mage-killer dagger, putting an armour mage Alvis and a Grimoire-like bow effect on Reina would've been fine, to be honest.

  4. 8 hours ago, Slumber said:

    Throwing Marth under the bus because 50% of the Lords in the franchise are modeled after him seems odd.

    I also find it funny that you say this when Roy and Leif are basically complete opposites, to the point where I'm starting to wonder if you've played their games or payed attention to their stories. Roy's deal is that he's incredibly well learned, optimistic and he's a great strategist that doesn't want to hurt people, even his enemies. He almost always makes the right decisions and knows the best ways to keep his vastly underpowered army strong against the titan army that is Bern. The few times where he doesn't have the answers, the answers basically come to him.

    Leif, meanwhile, is angry, emotional, and short-sighted when it comes to fulfilling his goals, which are mostly violent in nature. It leads to him making many critical errors in his game, which result in him being captured and his liberation force disbanding, several territories he liberates being taken again, and the death of one of his strategists. Thracia's an entire game about Leif overcoming his weaknesses and becoming a leader, and virtually nothing else. The game doesn't have some continent-ending conflict at the center, it's just Leif trying to liberated his corner of Thracia and avenge his grandfather. And, depending on if you want to use secondary material, he's also INCREDIBLY insecure that he's Seliph's cousin, since everyone sees Seliph as this messiah figure and Leif is basically just chopped liver.

    Marth obviously gets a pass in relation to the other lords due to being the original lord, however the rest remain weak and relatively uninteresting. 

    I'm in the middle of placing Thracia and it may be due to extremely poor translation, however I have yet to get that impression from Leif at all. He falls in the exact same line as the other three as a good-hearted, young - yet talented leaders. It doesn't help that the four almost have essentially the same, or similar backstories (with Roy's being the weakest). I have yet to see any form of anxiety in Leif's story arc, but again, I have yet to complete the game. 

  5. 4 minutes ago, Nanima said:

    I only got about 6000 feathers out of this gauntlet due to a combination of betting on the wrong horse every time (Catria -> Dorcas -> Sigurd) and CET timezone shenanigans murdering my rank every time. Really sick of being screwed over by the gauntlet system. 

    I really don't like gauntlets either, I feel like they're completely archaic by design and just not enjoyable. At the same time, I desperately need feathers. I seriously wish they'd replace this game mode with something else that actually uses friend units properly.

  6. 5 hours ago, Glaceon Mage said:

    Roy's one of the best lords in the franchise in terms of leadership ability.  See this thread for explanation because I don't feel like typing it out right now.

    No matter how good Roy's feats are, he's ultimately just so boring and bland that it's hard to care for him whatsoever. Him, Marth, Seliph and Leif show so little to distinguish themselves in a series that's so character centric. Honestly, even with Chrom, who at least has the commoner 'bro' theme going for him, he's just so unremarkable that he feels redundant and adds little to nothing. Maybe it's a part of a personal issue with me getting older and standards increasing or due to general writing standards having increased compared to more 'standard' stories (eg. 'basic' storylines like Marth's tale) being phased out, I'm not sure.

  7. 8 minutes ago, Hekselka said:

    >Sigurd vs Tharja

    Eugh. I honestly hoped that Faye would have won if only because Tharja has already won a gauntlet.

    It's fine, Sigurd legit beating Tharja will be the most satisfying thing to happen since gauntlet inception.

    If he loses, well get your salt shields. :shrug:

  8. 2 hours ago, Johann said:

    @ZeoI'd argue that Brave Lance for Effie isn't that great an option compared to either Berkut's Lance+ or Ridersbane+, what with the reforge bonuses they give.

    Also I generally agree with @mcsilas in that Cain's Def is pretty practical to hold onto (particularly for baiting units like Brave Ike and Hector), though of those two natures, the +Atk/-Def one is gonna be more useful. -Res is ideal, of course.

    I am under the impression that distant counter Effie builds are her best(?) with reforged Berkut's Lance or Ridersbane, however due to having innate Death Blow, Brave Lance+ is the least investment build she can adopt whilst still being a very effective alternative to sacking Hector. Build only costs 20k feathers and a Draug if Armour Emblem or Peri if not.

  9. 1 hour ago, OakTree said:

    Thanks for the information, I can now safely give Kozaki a bypass on the terrible class designs. Poor guy had to work with what he was given. With that said, Awakening suffered form a lot of mediocrity in character designs. Fates did reverse that however and characters became much more distinct and better designs. 

    I suppose I wouldn't mind Kozaki returning but I definitely don't want Kusakihara returning as the battle unit designer. Whilst he had a connection to Echoes of Valentia, from the Askiran armour to Awakening's toilet armour, they are huge disappointments. 

  10. 31 minutes ago, Sbuscoz said:

    You know that he was the character designer, not the one for classes, right? So those last three lines are nothing when talking about Kozaki, but even if he had dedsigned them, you know that Awakening happened 2000 years after SD, right? Maybe your clothes are inspired by the roman empire, but I can tell you that mine do not.

    About who is better, it comes to personal preference, while I like both of them as designers, I much prefer Kozaki's style.

    The Archanaean culture was more of a joke, however considering the downgrade to Kozaki's design atrocities... Since Fire Emblem 4's TCG, there's been a pretty consistent design thematic throughout the Fire Emblem franchise, however it only happens that Kozaki's games (Awakening, Fates, Heroes) where the design decisions take a complete heel turn definitely seems disconcerning. 

    As for the class and character design comment, I can't imagine they aren't interrelated. Is there any confirmed truth that Kozaki didn't design the classes? I'm not sure on the details, but I can imagine that the classes were modeled based on the playable characters and not vice versa (eg. the enemy fighters in Path of Radaince just using a recoloured Boyd model, I'd imagine Boyd was designed first in this example), so I can only speculate. If I'm wrong, then my bad regarding Kozaki and Awakening's nefarious class designs. As for the class designer, if they're completely unrelated, then they need to be fired A.S.A.P.


    15 hours ago, Lord_Grima said:

    If it is the same ratio as last time:


    • Eirika - My first 5*, and my best early game sword user. Otherwise we haven't gotten her in a banner in a while, and her in a banner might mean weapon upgrade


    I can't imagine they'll put anything less than a 5★ base because of how 'common' 3 and 4★ are.

    As for my guesses, the general trend I see from the first legendary hero banner is that units tended to . So my guesses are as follows: 


    • Laevatainn: I'm going to go on a wild guess that they'll introduce another new legendary hero, with Laevtainn being the new fire element. It's between Laevatainn, Loki, Bruno and Veronica. Out of all the characters, I guessed her because I doubt Veronica would be included before Bruno and having another blue legendary hero seems quite redundant, however is a possibility. Red is the least competitive. 
    • Elincia:  One of the best new red units, I think she's a great fit. 
    • Young Tiki: With the new manakete buffs, I think she's one of the best options. 


    • Fjorm: This one's confirmed. 
    • Summer Corrin: Amazing tome flier and a seasonal of a fan favourite female character.
    • Tana: Between her, Nephenee and Brave Lucina. I went with Tana due to Guidance shenanigans and being an overall amazing unit. 


    • Performing Azura: The best(?) dancer, although that title may potentially go to Inigo due to his ability to counter common meta threats. As Azura's an extremely popular character and she was the intended star of the banner, I think they'd go with her. Performing Inigo is the alternative, however.
    • Brave Ike: Mainly for Steady Breath fodder. 
    • Summer Tiki: To fill out the seasonal 'quota' and being good close defense fodder. I also think she's a pretty good unit


    • Bridal Lyn: As many others guessed, I think this one's a given. 
    • Takumi: Whilst not that meta-defining, opportunities to get Close Counter is hugely beneficial. 
    • Elise: Been topping the healers chart since the game started. No one has usurped her and likely no one will. She's pretty elusive, so her being here would be pretty nice. 
    13 hours ago, Hilda said:

    The next Fjorm banner will prolly include 3 new units that run earth fire and wind, prolly with a story update otherwise it would take too long for all Elements to be released lulz ._.

    I didn't consider this, this is definitely a plausible option.

    I'd prefer if they spaced Heroes-original units, personally however. 

  12. A large majority of characters I want are already in game. I'll split my desirables in two categories. Those in bold will be units I will use orbs to summon for. The ones who aren't bolded are highly desirable for me, however aren't units I will go out of my way to pull for. Units I italicized I think will have a chance of being demoted or a free unit.  


    • Norne: Out of the Shadow Dragon originals, she's the most likely to appear. 
    • Nagi: Disappointed Izuka hasn't returned as a main artist. The original characters he made for New Emblem/Shadow were some of the best and unique designs in the entire franchise.


    • Altenna: The only character that made the second generation worth it. My favourite character in Jugdral, she's a legend. 
    • Brigid: First generation has so many legendary characters, especially on the female side. Briggid takes the cake out of the remaining cast, however. 
    • Lara: She'll likely be the only non-seasonal dagger dancer. Hopefully stronger than Performing Olivia. 
    • Ethlyn
    • Lex
    • Chulainn
    • Beowulf


    • Idounn: Unit I'm most excited for, to be honest.
    • Wil: Always be reppin'  him over Rebecca. 
    • Leila: Likely a tempest trial unit. Give her the love she deserves. Needs expanding on eventual Blazing Sword remake. 
    • Sonia: Likely a Grand Hero Battle. Can't wait for Fimbulventr and Fire Emblem's resident Lust. 
    • Heath
    • Fiora
    • Oswin
    • Dieck


    • Cormag: One-man army on a Wyvern. 
    • Selena: Likely a Grand Hero Battle. Need a good cavaliar mage (that's not blue).
    • Gerick
    • Myrrh
    • Colm
    • Lyon: Again, GHB. 


    • Boyd: I imagine he'd be one of the 
    • Tibarn: They have to do the Kings justice, so probably won't see him for a loooong time even when beast units get eventually added. 
    • Leanne: Not sure whether her or Reyson would get added first. I imagine Reyson, but Leanne's pretty memorable as well. 
    • Jill
    • Ranulf
    • Lucia 


    • Phila


    • Charlotte
    • Keaton
    • Selkie
    • Velouria
  13. 5 minutes ago, C. Turtle said:

     - With six character banners being phased out (and more and more we're seeing three character banners), I'd be down with taking two characters off the Cipher companions banner to allow one to be a GHB (probably Shade since she starts as an enemy unit in SoV) and one to be a Tempest Trial reward.

    This is a good point. I forgot to take the 'three new units' being the new standard. Considering how they treated Rhajat and Ayra, I doubt we'll see more than 3 units again. I hope they don't continue this trend personally, though. 

  14. 3 hours ago, Zeo said:

    47k feathers and... I don't know what to do with them...

    • I could +2 Matt, but that's neutral Matt so it's just +1 to ATK, SPD, DEF and HP.
    • I could +1 Lukas and give him +HP/-SPD (Current one is +SPD/-ATK) but he's about to cap HM and he's doing fine as he is.
    • I could *5 Palla but... I never use Palla.
    • I could +1 Cain and turn him from +SPD/-ATK to +ATK/-DEF but... something is keeping me from doing that... not sure what.
    • I could give Gronnraven+ to Inigo, but he lacks TA3 so it feels incomplete to do that, plus dancer ring has been oddly useful.
    • I could +1 Lilina and make her +ATK/-HP (Currently +DEF/-HP) but she's so underwhelming as a unit it doesn't seem worth it.
    • I could +3 Marth (already +1) but I'm just dumping feathers at that point, not even using him and I think I'm going to postpone +10 Marth for +10 Matt.
    • I could *5 my +ATK/-RES Chrom. But I'm not sure what to do with him yet and I have *5's that not only need building, but can fulfill my needs so it's not his time yet.
    • I could *5 a Nowi to give my Y!Tiki (+ATK/-RES) Lightning Breath+, but I have no Fury to give her so she'd be incomplete.
    • I could *5 one of my Barsts (ATK/-DEF | +SPD/-RES | +SPD/-HP) but... I don't know what to do with him either.

    Then you have things like giving my Ogma or Bridelia LnD3, giving Lukas or BK QR3, giving Effie a Brave Lance+. And as far as *4'ing goes. I've got tons of Bonfire fodder and a few units that need it. Problem is nothing feels worth it right now. This is the kind of indecisiveness that leads to people having 100s of feathers.

    And so... I'm probably going to sit on them.

    I reckon LnD3 Bridelia or Effie with Brave Lance+ are best options. 

    Quadelia's pretty bonkers at +spd (if not, no rush then) and of course Effie's as good as always. Brave Lance+ is probably her best budget set. 

  15. 22 minutes ago, silveraura25 said:

    @SlipperySlippy I'd have Rutger, Sue, Thea and Lugh for Binding Blade banner. The Binding Blade banner after that: Echidna, Larum, Elffin and Gonzales.

    I can see this version of Binding Blade banner happening too (although maybe not Thea since she's pretty unpopular). Maybe it's unlikely Dieck and Rutger would share a banner (since same colour), but those two are more of the memorable ones for me personally. I would like Cath too since she appeared in that cross over game as a cameo (same with Ilyana) and has a relatively lengthy recruitment sequence that made her more memorable, but I think most people dislike her because she puts the chapter on a time limit and is the weakest(?) thief in the game.

    I do think Idounn fits being well onto a banner and deserves to be 5* base though. She has a cool dragon form, although maybe she could be a GHB. But I think Galle, Brunya and Murdock are better options for Binding Blade GHBs. 

  16. There are a few banners I'd like to see, placed in order of most desirable to least (but still) desirable:

    • Eight Legends Banner: Roland (Sword), Durban (Axe), Athos (Red Tome), Brammimond (Red Tome), Elimine (Blue Tome)
    • Sacred Stones Banner #2: L'Arachel (Staff), Myrrh (Green Breath), Cormag (Lance), Gerick (Sword)
    • Geneaology Banner #2: Lewyn (Green Tome), Quan (Spear), Ethlyn (Staff), . Didn't include Finn because he'll likely be on a Thracia banner. 
    • Beast Units Banner: Ranulf, Keaton, Selkie, Panne, Reyson/Leanne
    • Binding Blade Banner #1: Idounn (Red Breath), Rutger (Sword), Dieck (Sword), Lugh (Green Tome), Cath (Dagger)
    • Dawn Brigade Banner: Micaiah (Blue Tome), Edward (Sword), Leonardo (Bow), Nolan (Axe) 
    • Omnipotent Banner: Naga (Red Breath), Nagi (Red Breath), Mila (Green Breath), Altina (Sword), any Crusaders?

    Some other characters I'd like, but would be on undesirable banners include: 

    • Altenna: Will be on a second generation Geneology banner. Hate almost all second generation children, except her. Probs going to include giant powercreep with Shannan and Sety, though. 
    • Boyd: Will be on a second Greil Mercenaries banner, but the others I'd pull for (Ike & Mia) are already out. If he's with Gatrie, that'd be swell. Need more 4* base armours to bea dded. 
    2 hours ago, Poimagic said:

    I would like to see a Lyn's tale themed banner with Sain (Blue), Kent (Red), Nils (Green), Rath (Colorless), Erk (Blue), and Wallace (Green or Red). 

    I think Sain, Kent, Wil and Rath are all that's needed for a "Lyn Mode" banner and fit perfectly with Lyn being her original group & someone who has potentially significant ties with her. 

    Although, I imagine Pent, Canas, Louise and a toss-up between Nils, Rath, Guy, Oswin and Erk as the final member of the next Blazing Sword banner which is going to be ages away. 

  17. I most definitely wouldn't want Kozaki to return, he's overstayed his welcome and his art was such a downgrade from Senri Kita (and Hidari was such a huge upgrade) that it's remarkable he was able to stay for so long. I think the general notion that Kozaki is a better 'technical' artist is asinine with some of the worst character and class designs in the entire series (Knights, Cavaliars, War Clerics, Mages, Tricksters, pot head villagers, Nowi and gratuitous over use of impracticable garterbelts). He also fails to incorporate pre-existing series design aesthetics, with Shadow Dragon/Mystery of the Emblem being completely disregarded in terms of design, despite Ylisse/Valm being Archanea and Valentia in the future. I'm sure Nagi and Mila will be rolling in their graves at the rapid degeneration of Archanaean/Valentian culture and clothing. 

    The only times I enjoyed Kozaki's art is when he drew pre-existing characters (eg. his drawings of Ike, Eirika, Lyn and Marth), however as a main stay artist for the series, he would almost single-handedly kill any interest I have in an upcoming game if his designs are as bad as Awakening.  I digress that Fates was a huge step-up from Awakening, however the lack of character official art and general mediocrity compared to other games inspired by traditional Japanese culture, I can't help but see it as a missed opportunity. I digress, when a majority of the generic characters you're pitted against have a better design than a large portion of the playable cast, I feel like there's an inherent issue from that alone. 


    On 12/7/2017 at 10:37 AM, OakTree said:

    How about Pako? He's my favorite Type-Moon artist, his art is gorgeus and and he doesn't suffer from any sameface problem:


    Out of the pictures you linked, I only really like this picture. 

    The girls in the first picture look like something from Kyoto Animation which creates a strong disconnect with the Fire Emblem franchise alone. 

  18. 9 hours ago, Rezzy said:

    Maybe you get pity wins.

    When I get my deathless streak broken, I will win that match, but surrender to the next person and make a point to go for teams that have non Reinhardt/CYLyn leads.

    I do this too, except ironically... I use a Reinhardt/Brave Lyn defence team. Ow.

    I would stop, but I need the extra 500 feathers. 

    At least other players can appreciate the (now outclassed) Athena and whoever the Arena weekly extra is as they do nothing but get carried by the horses. 

  19. 54 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

    Huh. Looks like Fjorm is a limited banner unit.

    The text on the final screen on the trailer says she's only available during Legendary Hero summoning events.

    She'll appear next time at the end of December though

    Yeah if there's another 8% banner sometime in December (not really confirmed, but it is implied unless I'm taking it the wrong way?), I don't know if I should go hard on this one.

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